šŸ¤Æ Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

Frankenstein has definitely been a good one versus septoria and PM and bud rot. Out of the 8 in my yard though @SHSC-1 s Coastal Blueberry has been the most invincible. ABC is pretty bulletproof too.


Me right now vs the Buddhas Cane S1 pathogens:

I think the combination of repeat H0Cl fogging over the past few weeks, defoliation, more H0Cl fogging, after rain leaf blowing and followed by another fogging of H0Cl is making things work out in my favour!!!

:boxing_glove: :exploding_head:

It rained pretty hard from about 10pm-8am so I pulled out the tools of the trade and went to down like it was laundry day in the Victorian Era.

Buddhas Cane S1 stacked as fuck and stinks of fruit and gleam in the full sun.

View with :sun_with_face: behind me.

View with :sun_with_face: silhouetting the nuggies.

Queen Mother Sativa; freshly plucked of itā€™s yellow and brown leaves (mostly) and still some time to go but the flowers are building in size and trichs. :ok_hand:

View with :sun_with_face: behind me.

View with :sun_with_face: silhouetting the nuggies.

UK Cheese; doing what it wants. I didnā€™t get to this plant yet for plucking the brown/yellow leaves.

View with :sun_with_face: behind me.

View with :sun_with_face: silhouetting the nuggies.

With the upcoming forecast looks like Iā€™ll need to chop the Buddhaā€™s Cane S1 by Sunday or i may just fuck myself right over. From the looks and smell of things itā€™s gonna be a fuck-tonne of goodness at this point anyways and the Florida Ditch Weed: Green Pheno will be dry enough for Grove Bags to make the space needed in the drying tent.

So far this has been a most excellent CropTober and I hope the same for yā€™all!
Thanks for stopping on by!

:metal: :blush: :+1:


I donā€™t know what this means. You took your corset down to the stream for a rinse and dried it on a warm boulder?

Everything looks fabulous by the way.


Coming to a calander near you, chastity belt photos.


The missus took shots of me this am going fogging nuts :rofl:

:grin: :fog:


Looks like Paradise to me. :pray:


Field of dreamsā€¦love that pic


not just for you! like i said you can see the love and care he put into his garden! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Iā€™ve been lacking sleep so Iā€™ve been forced to deal with my own thoughts alone which ainā€™t fun but sometimes is!

Such as the roster for 2024ā€™s Summer Season which so far looks like:


UK Cheese: A ā€œPigeonmanā€™s Backyard Classicā€

Florida Ditch Weed: Pink Eye of the Tiger Cut: I LOVED this plant and just saw the first :fish: :bone: coming out of the rockwool from 1 of the ā€œway to manyā€ cuts taken late in flower! So itā€™s in a speedcup with :crossed_fingers: I got something to work with! This repeat will be contingent on the clone taking and being able to make cuts.

Queen Mother Sativa: Iā€™ve not really done much to this years plant other than give it :fish: :poop: every week and itā€™s a 10 foot :christmas_tree: in a 25 gallon fabric pot! Clearly it likes it here with no pathogen issues to show and i plan on running it again once but plan on top feeding it in addition to what I did this year to really see how itā€™ll go!

NEW to the Yard:

Mighty Mite: @Oldtimerunderground knows my outdoor woes with similar geography and hooked me up with a BC classic cultivar thatā€™ll be ready mid August! :rofl: :+1:

Bohdi Seeds ā€œDeep Line Alchemy 13ā€: just ordered from @Great_lakes_Genetics , a combo of Kandahar Black x 88G13HP so the mold resistance is key for why I wanna run this outdoors with obvious additional motivation to take cuts in veg. :ok_hand:

Frankenstein S1: @JohnnyPotseed 's monster will take on the shit that 43.6532Ā° N, 79.3832Ā° W dealsā€¦ AND WILL WIN! :metal:

Iā€™ve got 9x spots available in the yard, and right now itā€™s already at 6 so Iā€™ve got 3 more options to discover and plenty of time to make the decision!

One cultivar Iā€™m :waffle:'ing over is @SHSC-1 's Coastal Blueberry as suggested by @CanuckistanPete . Iā€™m kicking myself as I just did an order with GLG but as mentioned before I still have plenty of time to get seeds before Iā€™d start vegging indoors for the trees outdoors.

I do hope the weather stablizes but Iā€™m sure thatā€™s just a pipe-dream in the 2000ā€™s! :rofl: / :sob:

Have a wonderful Saturday folks! Iā€™m going to go outside now and assess the good or bad with the Buddhas Cane S1 pathogen battle.


@JohnnyPotseed 's FRANKENSTEIN is now added to the ā€œNEW to the Yardā€ section!


Thatā€™s a great photo!


Outta likes, brother! So I robbed the emoji like-bank for ya! lol
:heart: :heart: :heart:
Sounds like youā€™re going to have a fun line up.


Beautiful stuff! I had to catch up a bit but looking great. Presumably you are out taking down Buddhaā€™s Cane as I type this.

Very interested how the Queen Mother smokes, I have some seeds from Colorado Sativas. That may make my roster next season as well!

This is going in my run next season as well - I feel like I need something bulletproof following my bud rot infestation. At least now Iā€™m all-abord the HOCl choo-choo train. Iā€™ll get me a fogger, although itā€™ll be impossible for me to best your fogging pic :rofl:

SHSC has two on my must-run list, that Coastal BB as well as the Shiskaberry repro. Bumped itself even further up with that comment :sunglasses:

Happy Harvests! Congratulations on a great season @Pigeonman, in spite of the weather and PM!



@FieldEffect do you mean these?!

:exploding_head: :heart_eyes:


I think @ColeLennon might have the link for a cheaper one. ScamAzon is trying get us! Lol.


Just watch which one you buyā€¦theres two different grates on themā€¦



Iā€™ve read the 2nd one is difficult to get the leaves into the blades.


From using the 1st one i can attest to seeing how that would be the case. I do a ā€œswirlingā€ motion at different angles to the straight vents and it works charmingly!

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Iā€™m happy with itā€¦but could definitely see the other model having issues.

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Iā€™m very glad! It took me one plant to get a good feel for it. I hope the same for you!

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I looked into replacement blades cause the ones they give you look pretty cheap. They donā€™t seem easy to procureā€¦but I think a large Olfa blade with holes drilled in the appropriate location would do the trick. Whenever I get around to trying that, if it works Iā€™ll send you some.


Thanks so much @CanuckistanPete !

Yeah this is what I could find so drilling out an olfa seems like a much more cost effective idea if safe.

and here


And another option!