🤯 Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

Glad to hear your grams had an amazingly long life. Im sorry your sis is in a bad way but you get to be there for her that’s nice. Condoulences and bummer about the in-laws not able to be gotten hold of. Good vibes brother.


Mornin’ Pige…sorry about your gran…that’s a heck of a life she lived. Wow.


Condolences @Pigeonman

she’s got all the answers now. I hope she had a good journey.


She really did and thank you!

Today is here 102nd Birthday and to be honest I think she wanted to ride this to cross her version of the :rainbow: bridge.



You have my sympathy and condolences for your loss. Sending positive thoughts and good vibes your way.


condolences to you and your family!


Thanks again folks for all your kindness! :blush:

Today marked the day the Queen Mother Sativa came down leaving the UK Cheese now as the lone plant coming down later in October.

Even though I cropped most of the QM there’s still a good amount on the left-overs for hash. Next step is to make freezer space to trim and freeze everything still on all the plants before things start to “go off”.

Here’s the pile in the bin.

Really nice top cola on this one. :ok_hand:

All Deathfanned:

As per usual this year I hand trimmed the top cola.

Now hanging to dry after washing before going into the upgraded 2x2 drying tent. I’ll show that later tonight. :smiley:

Nice :gem: 's on these ones too!

Cheers folks, now its time for an earned nap!



Beautiful plants hope you have a nice nap.:sleeping:


Yoooooo! That Queen Mother looks NICE! :star_struck:
Amazing outdoor this year @Pigeonman :clap:
I grew some Reina Madre x Oldtimer’s Haze from Beanhoarder before that had my brain traversing the axis mundi :crazy_face: lol


Beautiful harvest @Pigeonman Well deserved rest


I’m very curious to hear about the smoke from Queen Mother.
Colorado Sativas said that’s one of his favorite strains


Thanks @420noob , @Oldtimerunderground & @Wizdom !

Well the HOUSE SMELLS GREAT! :rofl:


Here is the Queen Mother Sativa in the drying tent.

A big hiccup I’ve been having is due to this wonderful addition a few months back:

I’ve done what I can with the tubing, but condensation build-up is inevitible and I had hoped the way I had things going made the droplets backflow into the humidifier… But sadly it was mostly doing this but there was always a hidden pool of water in the drip tray under everything so it wouldn’t even evaporate to increase the RH% as it was supposed to.

So getting angry and productive cleaning up a mess for the 3rd time I’ve done this:

This will catch any drippings and…

…channel it right to the front in easy line of sight of the tent for me to empty out into the houseplants in the same room!

At the base of the tent is a hurricane fan aimed at the ground so airflow pulls down the center and back-up the 4 walls of the tent.

It’s held up 1" from the ground by an inverted mug holder from the Dollarstore.

Above the humidifier supply tube is a 6" fan aimed at the array which disperses the humidity right away so there’s no “wet spots”… (:rofl: :tulip:)

The black round thing attached to the plywood is a disco-motor I use with drying racks for indoor grows. There’s way to much bulk to use them with the outdoors.

Venting out at all times is an AC Infinity 6" Raxial duct-boosting fan at it’s lowest setting blowing into a different room.

Now after all that tweaking work it’s all closed up and time for:

You can probably tell from that 1st pic that there’s a good amount of flower from this massive plant. I had a few tiny nugs set aside drying on a towel so the missus and I decided to sample it an hour ago and…

The stuff was still slightly damp and STILL it’s making out heads both race and focus, tasted like a spicy green pepper with mushrooms with the feeling of this song running through you full force:

But all at the same time we’ve been 100% on point with what we want to and try to do feeling all like:

with a dash of:

Alright off to make lunch y’all!



Good God. That is an awful lot of work just to dry some weed. Hope it gives you :fire: Weed.


Jerry rigged the only true way to keep it simple. Love the setup @Pigeonman


I look at the pics and I expect to see domino’s fall and ping pong ball bounce and slide down a tube. :rofl:


Outta likes.

Holy shitfucksticks WOW! That is some serious drying business! d8JBdDJ


Nice Macgyver moves there @Pigeonman! Is that a heat mat at the bottom of your drying tent? Or is that from it doubling as germination tent? Looks like you got it sorted.:+1::ok_hand:

Those big rack dryers do those work better for you or more of a space issue? They are huge 2’ diameter 5’ tall? See you put whole branches


Thabks folks! @420noob yes it is as this was an overflow tent last year. It technically still is as i have one of my Ts1000s aside on standby.


Love it makes my setup look perfectly sane :grin:

Happy to hear Queen Mother is a winner. Looks like next season is going to include her :sunglasses: