🤯 Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

nope. Pure organic Bladderwrack powder from nutrition/health food shops. :slight_smile: :v:

No brand name, no packaged pills or anything like that.

I grind up all the herbs, then use a pill maker to fill them.


I have flax, chia, and various other stuff too, I did vow to @Mithridate i was getting back to great health this year, this oughta make a great addition to my workouts !


Lemongrass juice and one drop of Sriracha on a lacey pacific oyster :pinched_fingers:


I don’t like the chia because they get stuck in my teeth. But we’ve got a bag of it too.


ouch, that’s no bueno :grimacing: what were you juicing that caused that?


prob trenbolone test enanthate and dbol… oh not that kinda juicing my bad :stuck_out_tongue:

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No pics but the outside is doing well for the weather and the ladies planted outside last weekend are pissed with the sudden change of scenery but then again they always are.

I expect shit to look “meh” for the next few weeks as the plants do their action underground before the above ground actions really kicks in!!!





dang, I would have never guessed! :100: :clap:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

TONNES of plants in ground but this will be the first time with Cannabis!

Thanks! :blush:


Definitely would’ve never guessed especially with the the name of your indoor thread.lmao it kinda made it sound like you recently but the bullet and started growing indoors! I know the Dr. Stranglobe ref. But still could read like you were outdoor only and finally decided to grow Indoors. At least that’s how’s my deranged mond took it the first time I read it.

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More updates later in the week!

I’ve been running an international film labs conference here in Toronto with my team of 7 amazing folks hosting 150+ international artists and technicians working in analogue mediums.

I’ve averaged 18-30km on my feet per day with each day being 2 hours comutting + 12-14hrs puttering around 8 locations across the city…

I have the week off after this though so I plan to apologize to my garden with extra TLC and will take pics and post!

Miss you OG FAM!



Woke up at 5:45 and couldn’t fall back asleep so instead I just made an espresso and planted my tomatos. :rofl:


Out of -Likes- @Pigeonman Enjoy that Coffee and your Tomats love you already


You should cross them and make To-spresso.


It’s “Suddenly Summer” so the some plants are super happy and other really pissed off.

Here are the fabric pots; 20-30gallon sizes.

Queen Mother = Happy.

Buddha’s Cane S1 = Dealing.

Manitoba Poison 1 = Finally reveging & pissed off.

Texada Timewarp 1 = Dealing.

Florida Ditch Weed 1 = Very Happy. (kinda expected this with the fuck-off level heat.)

And the in ground plants. Y’all will notice that the pairs got one in fabric and one in ground, and since I’ve grown UK Cheese in fabric pots for two summers now outdoors I put it in ground to see how it goes. :+1:

Florida Ditch Weed 2 = Happy!

Manitoba Poison 2 = Sorta reveging but it’s REALLY pissed off.

Texada Timewarp 2 = Dealing.

UK Cheese = Dealing.

Group shot of the row.

I watered everything at 7am today as it was already too fucking hot when the sun came out when I had just finished mowing the lawn by 9am…

The Lupins love the shit out of this yo-yo weather for whatever reason:

I also early-am planted the some Tomatos and Dinosaur Kale (left, green pots) next to the already planted Collard Greens (right, black pots).

Far 5x = Rodade, close 5x = Money Maker.

This is in my driveway. The neighbour is a twiddiot so when I found these planters on the curb I grabbed them and lined the drive so when his lawn becomes a mess like you see here (or with garbage from his tenants) the crap doesn’t blow onto our property!

Bonus: the soil in them is all the held over soil used for my indoor fall/winter growing.

:grin: :+1:

Most are Datura Metal which will be amazing with the blooms they create followed by spikey seed balls. Additionally there are Tomatos because i grew too many seeds again. :rofl:

Internet shot of the Datura type in these pots.


It’s gonna be even hotter later and the weather has been such that I’m having to top-off our ponds daily in the evenings… everything is coming to our yard for a drink!!!

Have a great day folks and thanks for stopping on by!




Most plants that flower this early can take whatever you throw at 'em!


Beautiful pics brother.


Super jealous of your outdoor space @Pigeonman looks wonderful…