🤯 Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

Nice grow @Reznfingeez33 … that Afghani special is a beaut!


Thanks Pete yes she’s a beautiful plant. I’m excited to see how she will finish out and change in appearance. So exciting.

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Is the chicken wire at the base of the plants for gophers? Moles?

Thank you for the pictures. Your plants look great!

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Hey th as now mota . Yes, it’s to keep all the critters out birds chipmunks a lot of times they make holes around my plants and I find the cutting pieces of chicken wire helps. I just stack them on top of one another and build like some kind of a Normandie, a d day type of thing I don’t know that’s what I think of in my mind, but I’m going against these pests .Lol


Lmao I do the same thing! They have destroyed multiple fig plants, roses, grapes, ice plants well pretty much everything at one point or another. The stacked chicken wire works well growmie!


I like it plus it still allows them to dry out nicely :+1::seedling:

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The :sun_with_face: is shining hard today and some 4 hours of garden puttering later I’m finally taking a break from outside and posting this update with an :coffee: and :pizza:.

:smiley: :+1:

In the front yard I’ve got these planters with tomatos and Datura Metal to keep the neighbours garbage in their own yard. :rofl: .

Don’t park here.” , aka: the wildflower curb pollinator garden.

It’s looks great with the Sugar Maple in the background.

Geraniums surround the base of the sugar maple tree.

I just trimmed the espalier apple tree.

Which is COVERED in :apple: 's.

The extra Dinosaur Kale is going to become and edible edge-row on the other side of the driveway :rofl: .


Butterfly bush.

Creeping Jenny baskets in full flower.

I trimmed the Mugwort in front of the porch.

More Geraniums with Morning Glory crawling out of the barrel over the “Go Away” Gnome.

Brugmansia’s on the porch, which is now a cat sanctuary :heart_eyes_cat: .

Moving to the backyard, here’s our White Grape which made it over winter.

We’re going to train it up first and then outwards along our “fence”.

I had to trim this Mugwort as well because it was soaking up the sun from the grapes.

The Hibiscus’ are full of buds and should explode with :hibiscus: soon.

The Water Lily is sending up a second round of shoots. Hoping for a lot of flowers in August.

Finally they had umbrella’s on sale at Rona so we used our gift-card to get some shade for us next to the Rose Hedge. :ok_hand:

Out in the backyard’s grove; first is our PawPaw trees.

Ruby Red Grapefruit winter fruit is getting bigger…

…and on the other side is the summer fruit coming in after the spring flowers.

The Makrut Lime tree is getting stronger again. It’s main branch died off this winter so this will be the new main stem.

The Rose Arbour is next level WTF in the best way!

I need to prop-up the Goji Berry before these flowers fully open up.

Our 30+ year old White Grapefruit; I bought a new pot but so far only did the “lazy” up-pot until I feel like dealing with it for real.

The Calamondin Orange is doing it’s thing.

The Hops is going ape-shit! The small tree next to it is a White Mulberry.

OH YEAH!!! there’s Cannabis out here too… :rofl:

Florida Ditch Weed Plant 1:

Texada Timewarp Plant 1:

Manitoba Poison Plant 1; not culled yet.

Buddha’s Cane S1:

Queen Mother Sativa:

The Rodade and Moneymaker Tomatos.

Some soil leftovers in the bin sitting between my 2x Hazelnuts.

Cucumbers for pickling.

The side of the Rose Arbour, the white tea roses are insane with the reds to follow.

I need to stake the Cherry Tree, but also pick the cherries! :rofl:

Back to the :broccoli: with the UK Cheese:

Texada Timewarp Plant 2:

Manitoba Poison Plant 2: (gonna get culled like the other one when the autos are ready)

Florida Ditch Weed Plant 2:

Butternut Squash; which will be trained up our gazebo.

Tay/Raspberries Teepee.

The pond, aka: “The Critter’s Local Pub”.

I gotta make the “boat shelter” which is planned out of the wood that was supposed to be for a chicken coop. The bylaw got fucked so now the boats get a winter spot. I also need to fix the dinghy as it was free for a reason. :rofl: :motor_boat:

We’re gonna have a decent berry crop again this year. Here are both White and Red Currants.

Pink Gooseberries:

Red Currants:

Dinosaur Kale + Collard Greens + Raspberries (in the back). The mass of green on the far left is Lemon Balm. It’s a “weed” now everywhere in my yard :rofl: :+1:

The other side of the Raspberries from the last image.

All along our property line are wild grapes. This year there’s a lot of them.

The smaller watering hole.

Tayberries from another patch of self-maintaining berries.

“PEEK-a-BOO” from under the rose arbour! :rofl:

Over in a corner we have a fantastic patch of Swamp Milkweed that gets covered in :butterfly: 's.

Walking back inside I got 2 visitors. One of our local Pidgey and “Hunter-Cat” because that’s what he does.

In this image you can see “Hunter-Cat” stalking his natural prey: Cat treats.

YES, yes, yes he got a small pile of those before I went back in.

All the best folks and have a fantastic rest of your day!!!
:grin: :v:


Just beautiful bro!
Hunter cat doesn’t seem like he enjoys the picture your taking of him! :rofl:


Amazing! Full-blown botanical garden.

What are you talking about with the boats, bylaws and chickens? Are you going to make a chicken coop?

Too bad we’re not your neighbors, our daughter would happily pick that cherry tree for you :joy:

Thanks for the photo tour, spent a good 10 minutes looking at those.


Cool looking Cat. Your not so bad yourself. :sunglasses:


Very nice garden…everywhere!


Lol yeah. He’s skiddish as heck so i was happy he let me take these photos!

There was a 4 year, 4 wars project regarding city chickens but they voted against moving forward with the city wide project of allowing egg laying hens.

So all my hoarded wood is now going to making a sinple boat shelter.



Thanks @CanuckistanPete & everyone!



Sheets of water coming straight down with :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: that really upset the doggo so she was held close overnight.

:dog2: :heart:

@NorthNorthNugs , how’s your roof?!


I was awake at 3am and the lightning was so close it lit up my apartment.


It was just above our roof due to the Buffers park cliffs!

Thankfully it was all straight down rain so from the windows I see no damage but I still gotta go outside for a walk-around. :+1:


Yeah man it was intense and yet my balcony is still dry and covered in an inch of dust and grime.


That storm system was nasty. We got hit hard with 60 mph winds and thunderstorms. Hope everyones plants made it through unscathed!


:rofl: :helicopter: :face_vomiting:


It’s so disgusting. It really is. And we get the cigarette butts on it more often than I care to say. And I found a bloody Kleenex on the railing last week.

Praise Jesus it was a Kleenex.

