🤯 Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

I had two of those bastards get into my 4x8 dark room a few years back , it was so hard to find and eradicate them, then I find babies! No joke little stink bugs galore. The smell in there was gross ! I ended up taking every plant out hosing and shaking the F Out of them and then systematically putting them back while scouring every inch before. That was a weird one for sure.


That sounds like a bunch of fun.lol. Alright well she’s outside not coming in except to dry after chop. So just keep an eye on them ok.


This “Plant-Dad” is mostly a happy father this Father’s Day!


All the plant cages are the same size, and have been put into the soil at equal levels in order for me to see the growth rates of each plant. This is why i’m a little bummed with 2 out of the 9 which you’ll figure out fast enough with looking through today’s photo’s.

Florida Ditch Weed 1:

Texada Timewarp 1:

Manitoba Poison 1: (note below)

Buddha’s Cane S1:

Queen Mother Sativa: (:exploding_head:)

Florida Ditch Weed 2:

Manitoba Poison 2: (note below)

Texada Timewarp 2:

UK Cheese: (:exploding_head:)

Y’all probrably figured out by this point that the mostly happy is in due to the 2x Manitoba Poison plants… which by comparison to the rest are beyond piss-poor. The one I grew out last year was also weird as fuck but did reveg and exploded in new growth which is what I had hoped for these two.

Gonna do a poll after this post with y’all’s opinion for my next move. :man_shrugging:

Otherwise, happy Father’s Day and have an equally fantastic Sunday!

:metal: :grin: :+1:

Manitoba Poisons: “The New Plan”
  • Leave them both and see what happens?
  • Cull in-ground and see what happens with fabric-pot?
  • Cull fabric-pot and see what happens in-ground?
  • Cull BOTH and start 2x new photoperiod plants?
  • Cull BOTH and start 2x new autoflowering plants?
  • Cull BOTH and start 1x new autoflowering and 1x new photoperiod plants?

0 voters


I didn’t see an option for cull one and start an auto…

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Are you limited to 9 plants
Would leave one and plant an auto like @blowdout2269 said!


I like the Buddha’s Cane
Are the 3 leaves from revegging?

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cull both for sure. nothing to think abt there

take some clones (possibly main tops?) of your bigger plants

stick selections in vacated spots


When does your outdoor photo flip happen normally, i.e. how long of a veg would a photo get at this point in summer, outdoors? Where I am, plants start flipping in mid to late July, so I would do autos. But if you have until the beginning of August or later and the plants might get 6+ *weeks to grow, a photoperiod strain might make more sense.


All right it’s been a day and all y’all are thinking the same thing I am:

So as far as the Manitoba Poison plants go…

I’ll be starting a few more things today; 2 replacement autoflower plants and the next indoor project which is another STS reversal!

The outdoor replacements = RocBud “Freebie Mix”; so it’s a :game_die: roll from @pharmerfil.

The STS reversal project = Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope S1 from @Tugthepup. (TBC on my indoor thread. :wink: )

Regarding the wee ones already in soil:

Golden Tiger S1: really tiny, maybe a runt and just started to lift upwards.
Cap Junky S1: about 4cm tall and the cotyledons are twisted due to the membrane debacle.

I’m not stopping them anytime soon as we’re in the “let’s see how this goes” territory.

:grin: :+1:


Culling both and replacing them with two autos would have been my second choice.

I’m just more familiar with killing autos than actually growing them! HA!


Rocbud stuff is fire! Those should be killer imho everything is looking great @Pigeonman


More Lupins and humming bird sage please. :sunglasses:
Your gardens are incredible, cannabis plants look awesome, your threads make me happy every time I roll thru.

Happy Summer Solstice. :smiley:



Have a great longest day of the year. :sunglasses:


@Pigeonman went to the botanical gardens today that I’ve been going to for 50 years…

They have a dinosaur invasion going on, Jurassic Botanical Gardens!

Have a great day my friend. :sunglasses:


Beautiful! Do you know what the peach colored stacked trumpet is called? Or the white and red stringy iris looking flower. Amazing.


Looks just like your backyard. @Pigeonman :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Ginger Lilly and Spider Lilly.


My outdoor plants

the first plant is a sweet berry lope haze ( chucked genetics) second plant is a black African haze that went auto on me with I’m fine with lol. Nice lemony smell on her. Third plant is an Oaxacan cross that I acquired from a trip to Mexico in February. Fourth plant is an afghany special f2 ( kc brains) . Fifth plant is a cross I made of Williams wonder x Afghan skunk and the last plant is an early Iranian