Holy's Garden (Part 1)

nope i get the same feeling. looks nicer better yield and grows 2 weeks faster!


Oh, I’ve seen/heard of this but not actually tried it myself really. Maybe once(not with TK) and the graft didn’t take :thinking: It’s definitely something to try! I’d probably graft her to my SSDD girl if I was going to do it as she has the most prolific rooting capability of the plants I keep.


Day 46 for SSDD’s and TK

Probably 10 or so more days left on these SSDD F2 girls, I like day ~57 for functionality


TK still has another ~27 days to go. Gonna try and take her down at 73 this time instead of 77.

TF1 is at day 24 and stacking

I also defoliated the MapleLeaf/Mazar-I-Shariff girls but you can’t really tell :sweat_smile:

In other news, I only ended up getting just 6 of those Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2’s going. 7th one(#2) damped off :cry: Temps were just a bit too low when I was starting these and the other pack. Things are on track now though so I may try those other 5 beans I have left soon. Anyways:

Barely a week into veg at most. Bottom cup is a TK hopefully destined for reversal :pray:
And that’s it! Thanks for checking :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, I haven’t grafted anything either, though I plan to fool around with some grafting soon. But I have broken branches like, 99% off and had them heal, and I know other people have grafted successfully. Seems like a “risk free” chance to have her be less bitchy for you.


Day #57 from flip or first flowers set?


Day 57 from flip. Like 49/50 from first flower set. Anything past 60 days from flip and the ssdd starts getting more lethargic and lazy. I need to be able to work on this stuff so I have to pick it a little early. Still usually have a good 5-10% amber tho.


Same here, don’t need lazy weed. Wanna get it at exactly that time. I’m going to pop the seeds on 5/20, so just starting to get my game-plan together thanks H.A. :+1:


The bx1 beans can run a few days longer and are less lazy in general thanks to the A5Haze outcross.


I straight split one of my autos right down the main stem while doing some "“Low"ST” and didn’t realize it for like two days until an entire stem started wilting REALLY bad. Half-assedly wrapped it with some of my training wire BAM, completely recovered. Not to mention came back to be one of my bigger plants. Grafting is totally possible


Have you guys seen these cloning balls? Wonder if they would work on TK?

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I like to use Teflon tape when I break things. Cut it with scissors and wrap it around the stem “snuggish”, lick and stick the end. No adhesive, cheap, pretty much benign. And you can twirl it up to make string too.

An important note, 1” Teflon tape. 1/2” might not be stable enough.


I’m sure they technically would work, but probably way bigger than necessary. As long as the pieces of plant are held together with something, it’ll probably grow back.


Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2’s coming along nicely @Fitzera

Definitely 2-3 really thin leaf plants and the others are a bit thicker :fire:

Flower tent smells glorious!

Like sour butter and blueberry muffins :wink: :drooling_face:
TK and both SSDD F2 girls are at day 49. TriForce #1 in the front left is at 27 days and the one in back is at 20 days. TriForce #4 and both MLM girls are at day 18.

Triangle Kush - Day 49

Despite her looks, she’s still got another ~24 days to go for trichomes to change. Going to try and take her at day 73 as that’s when StrayFox says the sweet spot is. Still haven’t gone to 84 like Caleb says. 77 was really nice though.

SSDD F2 #1 - Day 49

~8 more days to go on this one.

SSDD F2 #2 - Day 49

I like this one but… I’m like 99% positive she is just not quite as good as my #1 girl. Still really really damn close though! Closest I’ve seen from all the SSDD’s I’ve ran. Things still on track for Fem F3’s.


You got a great looking line up happening .
Excited to see how your triforce likes the island life.

Which reminds me I better touch base and get her started sprouting them.


Everything looks sweet :yum:

Interesting the difference between SSDD #1 & #2. #1 is way different looking from any I’ve grown. I’ll be eager to hear her effects :slight_smile:


Right!? The #2 to me looks like what the girls I’ve seen you and others pull out of these SSDD’s. Little more airy flower structure.

The #1 girl is a nice combo of the parents but I think is mostly chem in structure. She’s dense and nodule-y. I haven’t seen another just like her yet but I did pull out a pure sour butter girl in the F1s (#4) that is very much like my f2 #1 girl but the #4 really liked to foxtail.

Everything outside of structure between the #1 and #2 are really damn similar. I almost can’t smell them apart. The #2 is a little lighter scent and a little sweeter. I’m hoping the effects will be the same between the two.


I’m hoping #2 will give something different, and better than what we’re used too, you like to stay busy, right? lol!

My keeper will foxtail, especially when it’s warmer, or I run her a little long. I honestly prefer them for the vape… just a pinch :yum:


Hopefully not too different. I don’t wanna have to keep two girls around lol. The same effects would be preferred as it should lock things in for the fem F3s and I’ll toss her when I’m done. Better could be nice though. If she’s hands down better than the #1 then I’ll toss the #1 after making F3s. I’m trying to stay away from the dreamy sleepy side though. I still want the green crack up effects. My goal is every bean = sour butter/blueberry muffin daytime pain meds. Maybe only sleepy if taken to 70+. :pray:


If she doesn’t have the effects I’m after then it’s toss the #2, no fem f3s, and going to be fall/winter before I find a male at the soonest :cry: hopefully that doesn’t happen :pray:

