Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2’s, and a lone TK in the bottom right, coming right along…

That bottom middle one with the thin leaves definitely has my eye :thinking: just something about it. I’m hoping there’s at least one stable male in these if nothing else but I got high hopes for females too because they’re all looking mighty fine! :muscle: I’m actually surprised I’m not seeing any double serrations on these from all the columbian in haze but that’s no biggie. Hopefully means more of the thai is coming out but could be the NL too. Might show up later as well. Not worried about it regardless, just a note.

TriForce #1 is stacking nicely at day 30


Never ever seen that fat leafs in anything nevilles/mango/c5. Those are possibly very selected towards NL side of things and that’s not the good side of nevilles work unfortunately. :thinking:

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah the fat leaf one’s definitely leaning towards NL. I’m not scared, I love me some NL5Haze :yum:
We’ll see how they stack up to the NorthStar’s(C5/SensiStar x A5/NL5) soon enough. There’s at least the 2-3 thinner leaf one’s that I’m holding out hope for being nice haze leaners I want to work with. We’ll see. Worst case there’s always other packs to run :wink:


Yeah, hold tight in the nld leaners. From my experience those are the best smoke hand down. On some of nevilles work, the tips will get double serrated when they become a it bigger.

Pz :v:t2:


Hey bud. Thought you might like to check this girl out.
It’s off one of your SSDD girls crossed to 2 boys from Loudog’s (OG Chem x Casey Jones).

I’ve got another that’s in the back of the room. I’ll try to get a couple of pics of her when I water next time.

I’m really liking what I see so far. Hopefully they turn out to be something decent.

Have a great evening and Happy 420!! @HolyAngel


Ooh she’s beautiful! :heart_eyes: Can see the SSDD in there for sure and still the loudog too. I know you sent me some of those beans. I still have them in the seed fridge in the hopes to run them here at some point. I hope they turn out great! I always love seeing your grows and was literally just thinking about what you were growing these days lol. Thanks for stopping by with her!


Thanks bud! I love keeping an eye on what you have going on too. You’re the first person I check on when I get on here.

I took a little break for about month. Finally started back up and decided to run some of the seeds that I made.

I’ve got a few c99 bx1 x (oger99 x C Plus) and some Gojigum x (oger99 x C Plus) going right now.

The Gojigum from @monkeyman turned out to be fire. I had 3 plants and 2 phenos and all of them were really good. Hopefully the crosses I made when them will turn out to be pretty good. I’ve got plenty of seeds off of them. Let me know if you want me to send you some.

Have a wonderful 420!! @HolyAngel


I was gonna reply but I was waaay to baked :sweat_smile:
Thanks for keeping an eye over here! I hope you had a fantastic 420 ! And anyone else that stops by here too! Now that you mention it, I thought I saw you had taken a break and must’ve just forgotten about it. I’m glad to hear you started back up again. It’s always nice to be able look through your own work :wink: Those oger99 crosses sound like absolute :fire::fire::fire:

That’s awesome you found some bangers in @monkeyman’s work! He’s been MIA with IRL stuff for the last year or so and hasn’t even been growing. Those Bogglegum crosses were the last thing he made before he had to stop. I’m sure he’ll be back eventually though.

Will definitely keep those beans in mind. I have sooo many seeds to get to lol


Flower Day 53

Only a few more days left for this SSDD F2 #1 girl

Daytime pain meds requires I pull this girl at no more than ~5% amber or else she starts to get dreamy.

I might let this SSDD F2 #2 girl go a bit longer though :thinking:

I’m actually kinda disappointed with her structure compared to my keeper, but she smells great. Less butter/rubber and more berry. No funky/skunky bs :heart:


Simply wow!


They are beautiful plants @HolyAngel
An amazing series of grows thats for sure.

Now with you working on SSDD f3, is the f2 now cast in stone… and people can work with it as desired?

Its a legacy question I guess, as you continue to Pursue Specific phenos available with SSDD

I’m asking because I love what your doing and what you’ve done for so many !

To an amazing Harvest for you @HolyAngel


Seems like they have a good amount of frost at least! I know for me I really love that signature warm rubber / butter / whatever smell more than the BB muffin smell. I actually like the structure of that #2 other than the calyx-leaf ratio which doesn’t seem bad for SSDD either. I haven’t found a good calyx-leaf ratio female in SSDD yet. Looks promising to me, interested to see how they cure out!



The SSDD F2’s, that my #1 and #2 girls came from, were originally made by Sebring here from an F1 pack. There might still be some F2’s out there for trade. I do have some left but can’t spare any until I can find a male to pair with the #1 girl. Planning to find him this fall/winter.

The SSDD F2 BX1’s you got from me are different. Those are my SSDD F2 #1 girl pictured above, crossed to @Rocket’s Starlite(A5Haze S1 x 89 NL5) to improve the structure, yield, and daytime effects. Then a nice male of that cross was found and crossed back to my SSDD F2 #1 girl to make the SSDD F2 BX1.
I’ve taken a break from working on those any further. Anyone who has them have always been free to do whatever they want with them :slight_smile: I’d imagine F2’ing those BX1’s would lead to some really interesting plants. I was going to make a BX2 with the line but I haven’t come across a male I like yet in the couple packs worth I ran so far. Maybe one day.

So I decided to switch gears. Was going to make more F2’s to look at for a male but 3 packs of F1’s later and I didn’t find anything I wanted to use :sweat_smile: :pensive: So I just went back to looking through Sebring’s F2’s for what I need. Still looking there.


Oh yeah dude! Frost is :white_check_mark: Especially on the #1 girl, there’s some spots that are literally just * white * with frost. Can’t even see the bracht’s underneath :heart_eyes:

I also love the warm sour butter/rubber smell! I always pick my girl before the blueberry muffin smell comes in but that’s there too for sure. I consider those two smells together in one plant, what SSDD is supposed to be, and what I’ve been selecting for this whole time as those are the things Bodhi talks about with this line. Those scents, and the wizard hat. Not a peep about any skunky, funky, smelling plants so I’ve been avoiding those at all costs. That being said, selecting for just the sour butter and blueberry muffin traits has caused me to toss 99% of the SSDD plants I’ve ran so far :sweat_smile:

The #2 imo looks like most of the SSDD girls I’ve seen people pull out. Wizard hat type pheno. I’ve seen this flower structure in the F2 BX1’s as well. She’s not bad in any way, I just think she could be better lol. Could definitely have a better calyx-leaf ratio but its not horrible. Trim will for sure take longer but she’s more frosty overall so that’s a plus for hash making. I’m still planning to use her for the Fem F3’s.


Very cool man. I made some TK F3s but didn’t get to see a finished sensi plant. Looks great.



Did you get them as F2’s or? Any idea what the outcross was?


Yeah they came to me as F2s but I don’t know much more than that.

I also crossed it to another kush but that’s a different story :joy: did I send you some of those?


Ah for sure, sometimes it do be like that lol

No I don’t believe so :thinking: I got the panama crosses I still need to get to but thats it.


They haven’t arrived? If you don’t get them in a reasonable amount of time let me know and I’ll resend.

Get, or get to…oh I think I see now.


Oh i meant I have the panama crosses but haven’t started them yet ^^