Holy's Garden (Part 1)


I did have a power outage a week or so back. The lights went out earlier than normal and I had to adjust the timer so maybe the light didn’t come in at exactly the same time it always does. but that is all I have for stress outside of the defoliation I did. None of my other genetics cared about that though. :thinking:


Did a lot of roots die from the outage? Because that would make any cultivar a hermie. But if it was just the lights, it’s the breeder.

Pz :v:t2:


No, lights went off a couple hours early due to the outtage, timer stopped counting. I set timer back to start at ~9pm like normal. Might’ve been a couple seconds off from the 9pm it was set to before but that’s all I got. Didn’t have any light when it wasn’t supposed to or anything either.


Alright, so in other news. Plant pics :heart_eyes:

Triangle Kush - Day 58

TriForce #1 - Day 36

TriForce #4 - Day 27

#4 clone 2 - Day 1

Maple Leaf x Mazar-I-Shariff Clone 2 - Day 1

And not much longer to go on this other SSDD F2 #2 girl, day 58 here too


Yeah, I was a little freaked out about the plants when we lost power for basically three “on/off” cycles a while back (technically two-and-a-half), but nothing hermed, haven’t found a single seed yet and I feel confident that I won’t.

If the genetics are stable, the genetics are stable. And if they aren’t stable… Don’t get a power outage haha.


Yeah, the traits that give the hermie symptom is polygenic, which means the you’ll see the trait in a range of different conditions. This means that it’s hard to keep it out of lines but it’s not impossible to dodge it. You just need to be consistent with using parents which doesn’t have this trait. Once it gets into your line there are not any quick fixes to get it out. Probably it’s better to start all over.

Pz :v:t2:


Yep I agree. It’s why I usually toss any and everything that throws anything other than female flowers by week 4 without mercy. Whole packs of plants 3-4 weeks into flower have gone directly into my compost pile… Gonna give this girl one more chance but I won’t be surprised if she does it again… probably wasting my time the more I think about it :thinking:


im the same way if it herms it goes. to many things can go wrong to baby sit a confused plant and worry all the time. to many strains out there to explore!


My plants stay in a 5 x 10 tent that is completely open. Hours are 8am-8pm. The sun is up before that, sets after that. Up until recently i had 2 other tents in there, also open. For quite some time thye were 18 hours while big tent was 12.

I have not seen a nanner or hermie…bunch o bullshit bro science about all that.

My ole Rey beans didnt herm, but didnt grow anything good either


Some very bottom of the plant samples from my recently harvested SSDD F2 #1 girl.
I think this is the best run yet :drooling_face:

They got accidently dropped on the floor a few times from sticking to my fingers repeatedly prior the pics being taken :see_no_evil: so please don’t mind the hairs :sweat_smile:

And random TK shot at 60 days. Trying to keep her intact here amidst flowering plants half her age on the same feed so she’s a little rough looking. I like this purple fade though.


Do you think you could take a better picture? I can’t see the bud through all the trichs.


Beautiful work



Damn! Respect! Wonderful work🙏🏻

Pz :v:t2:


Hooweee… Have you ever pressed that one? Or made hash out of it or anything? I’m not a fan of that stuff myself, seems easier to roll a joint haha, just curious.


Woah that’s cool! Never had mine go that color, and I usually get lots of color. Almost looks like a sunburn to me, maybe not nutrients. Regardless, that’s going to be some amazing smoke!

I’ve pressed that one, and got back a respectable 25% return. Ain’t too shabby! But I hated to press because the flowers are so beautiful. I only took her once and it was closer to 70 days. I wish I would have tried taking her early like Holy likes it. One of my friends in particular was the biggest fan of that bud. Definitely a great cut!


Thats a fantastic looking Bud @HolyAngel
“Encrusted” fits perfectly
cue the tarzan yell for that nugget


Heh right? I haven’t pressed her at all. She’s my pain meds so I savour every flower :yum:

! Good point on the sunburn! She’s getting right at 1000ppfd according to this iphone8 that reads at least 100 ppfd less than whatever iphone jet has lol. I’ve been bleaching her offspring, the Triforce #1 at ~850ppfd.


Supa Dank Supa Dank Supa Danky :100: :fire:


I’ve pressed mine. It still wipes out my pain in the butt. I don’t combust stuff anymore, it’s all bud in a Solo, and the squish is a different high. The only way I can think to describe it is it’s brighter, everything just seems brighter, and in a very pleasing way… I’m doing it right now, lol! Doesn’t make me smarter though, lol!


Oh yeah I bet! but if I pressed it, it’d be gone at least twice as fast it does now :sweat_smile: