Holy's Garden (Part 1)

That SSDD F2 #1 girl is insane! Looks like a tree after a 3" black ice storm. Niiiiiice!! :ice_cube:


it`s looking so amazing @HolyAngel ! :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


Alright, all I got today are some veg shots.

Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2’s - Day ~25 of veg

None are showing preflowers yet.
Most have a woody type stem rub. It’s not but also kinda is, like the woodyness found in NL2 and TK :face_with_monocle:
I still like the bottom middle and bottom right plants the most of these. The top left one has a stem rub that almost smells like sour diesel though. Some kind of gas or chem in the stem rub which is not very common ime. I don’t know if that means it leans to NL or one of the hazes :thinking: Top left one also reminds me the most of my own nl5haze/sensistar line from Mel Frank.

Comparing seed plant to seed plant, the leaf morphology looks really similar. Which they should, it’s all C5Haze… I wanna cull some things here but its been so long idk what to select for anymore lol so will just wait, may flower them all. Would love if that top left and/or middle bottom plants are stable males :heart:


Why do every time I get a great idea, you have already been there done that


I can probably spare ya a few beans from the very few I have left when I send you that other, if you didn’t get any when I gave them out/sent a bunch to sebring, a couple years back? I only used one haze leaning male to continue the line so there can be some dr grinspoon level, long flowering, plants in there like this:

But also some fat bats that finish in under 12 weeks like this:


No did not get them and was unaware of the cross, thanks bro!


So the Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2’s must’ve heard me talking about them yesterday as 3 of them showed gender this morning. Two i’m positive on and the male i’m 85% sure is indeed a male but need a few more days to be 100% but so far it’s looking like exactly what I wanted :heart_eyes:

Bottom middle is still the favorite. I took clones of the two girls. Really hope the Male turns out male as he looks soo much like my original :pray:

In other news, Idk if its this ProGrow640 or the CO2 bag or both but this TK looks to be finishing like two weeks early :eyes: I have degraded trichomes on the tops as well whole bracht-leaf’s covered in ambers. She’s only on day 64

SSDD F2 #2 is getting there… Also day 64 and still not ready yet.

I took a sample branch yesterday at 63 as trichome wise she looks about how I like taking the #1, no amber and mostly cloudy. Gonna try and leave the rest until day 70 or 77. Need some more nighttime type herb. Yield looks to be very good on this girl but the flower structure isn’t my favorite. See how she smokes in a few days…

TriForce #1 at day 43 @Weedison

Only another two weeks or so to, somewhere in the 56-63 day range.

TriForce #4 is only at day 34 but getting fat already

She went 72 days last time so we’ll see how she does this run.

Thanks for looking!


looking really nice in here, strange how TK finishing early huh?

Hows the 640 been treating you?


How does that triforce #1 compare in height to the other triforce


Everything looking great but I especially like the look of that Triforce #1. I still think it looks more appealing than the TK cut.


Yeah definitely a bit strange! The 640 has been rocking everything in here tho! Love it! :muscle:

#1 and #4 both will stretch almost as much as the TK. Like 3.5x. The other one’s I ran only did 3x-ish. If you crush the stems between the nodes every couple days it keeps the node spacing smaller. It’s how I flipped all these at a foot or more and still have them finishing around 3ft tall instead of 4ft+.

Thanks! I love this girl but I personally don’t think she’s quite as good as the TK is. She’s quite a bit more leafy and she’s not quite as potent, but I love her flavor and high regardless. And those flowers :heart_eyes: She does have improved structure and vigor over the TK but not too much. She’s my prime candidate for making my weird TK BX1’s soon if I can get this other TK clone to reverse :pray:


Gotcha I don’t mind the stretch being ready for it I was more curious in how that one stretched comparing it to the ones I got going now


Ah for sure! Yeah they should all be pretty similar :thinking: 3-3.5x. I haven’t seen any be shorter but I also haven’t ran more than a packs worth so far.


I’ve been staying up on crushing the stems every few days because otherwise you’ll get 6+ inch internode spacing and nobody needs that :joy:

After a while though, there isn’t any more crushing to be done as the stem is too beefy. Gotta go lower or work on new ones.


These ones are almost 3 weeks in for me, It seems they are all stretching at the same rate but one was pretty short in veg compared to the others. I raised it a few inches when I flipped the lights and they’re all roughly the same height now. But these are day 20, I looked at pictures on day 20 for my older triforce and realized how much more they’re still going to grow.


Hmm shorty could just be like mom. Slow af to do anything in veg but takes right off come flower time. That’s interesting.


My kushventures have begun.

5 TK s1
4 ghost s1
Only 2/12 Tahoe
5 Wedding Cake s1

Only the Tahoe is reg and I was expecting to get some males, but with these numbers I either have to pop some pre98xkatsu or prep the STS kit.
I also want to thank @Swe-can for the donation of the Tahoe to me. Much love my friend :pray:t2: I’m sorry I screwed it up :grimacing:

Then I got some orange stuff to hunt so I got some Orange Grove, Killer Orange and Tangerine Somali also.

Pz :v:t2:


Ooh awesome! Love @Swe-can ! He’s sent me a few things i need to hurry up and look at :sweat_smile:

That should be a neat run tho! Especially the Ghost s1’s vs the TK s1’s :thinking:

Best of luck getting em going. I’ll try and keep an eye on them if you’re posting them here.


Very dope lineup going! When I asked origins og tk a couple years ago what other strains he’s smoked that were most similar to tk wedding cake was one of them.


Yeah, I’ve saved a couple of your TK pics to compare phenos to. You have tbh inspired me to go the Kush route, started to look after viable seeds after I was browsing this very thread. Know it sounds cheesy but thank you :pray:t2:

@Weedison thank you for the kind words. O niceh, it seems that my research might have payed off with buying the WC.

Pz :v:t2: