Holy's Garden (Part 1)

The TK S1 phenos are still uniform, but the stem rubs are all different, ranging from Chem sweetness to burry earth. Culled a little one so I’m down to 4 TK S1. The best plant this far is a Ghost S1 pheno which are the only kush that are branching by itself. They all got topped, going to update with some pics later today :+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Ah, yeah… TK doesn’t branch well without assistance. That’s why I topped all my TriForce, to find ones that look like her. She also has a stem rub that smells like wood. Maybe a little citrus right up front but overall, wood. It’s not loud either, no chem, no acrid, nothing… Lookin forward to the pics! :slight_smile:


Thanks for the Background on the Chubby Leaf @HolyAngel. Really appreciate that data update.
She sure surprised a few of us, busting out the big leaves as such


Not a lot new to report but got some pics!

C5/SensiStar F3 #5 - Day 46

EC is at ~3.0 and she’s getting that green back but also starting her magenta fade. Still trying to keep up the momentum. This might be the best run of her yet, we’ll see! She’s a bit tough to get right.

Can see why I keep her around though, right? :wink:
Makes me wonder what her x TK would look like :face_with_monocle:

I also have some TriForce #4 pics - Day 63

Another week or so to go :yum:


TriForce looks amazing.


It’s pretty good :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
The #4 is basically a Sour OG


That’s nuts doesn’t even look like it, more like an OG cross. Keep at it on your TK project, like I said before you’re closer than anyone I’ve seen with TK in seed form. That’s going to be tricky to lock down cause of how recessive the TK is but I think you are on to something there with the NL#2. I’ve heard others describing how close it is to the OG’s and we all know where those come from.


Damn bro…those colors! :eyes::star_struck::sparkles:


triforce 4 is major bag appeal i know its not what your looking for per say but man that looks like a keeper in many rooms LOL


Yeah she’s definitely what most would have selected as the keeper from the first round I ran. She’s just not Triangle.


Very nice work :fist_left:


All lookin killer!!! The TriForce was loved so much I barely got to try it lol got two phenos growing very different in early flower now I’m excited to see them finish. Insanely nice vigor


Moar C5SensiStar F3 #5 pics - Day 48

I love this plant :heart: Just like the NorthStar line she made, you could smoke on TK or 91 all day long and take one hit of the flower off this plant and it’s like you weren’t smoking anything at all before. I hope this Bandaid Haze IX3.0 ‘Church’ cut can do the same.

She sure looks the part with the triched out stems and leaves already


Aw sadness! lol Definitely interested in your thoughts on all the phenos you pull out of those beans. Whenever you get to it, no rush ^^

That’s what we like to hear! :muscle:

Thanks bro! Definitely appreciate it :slight_smile:


So that C5SensiStar F3 #5 is a cut you’ve kept around? You’re getting me real interested in trying some more haze type stuff. None of these elite cuts I’ve tried are really in that vein at all. I don’t have any Northstar beans of yours. What might you run first from this short list of “hazey” strains I’m holding? I’m leaning towards trying Lefty’s Everyday Haze.

Nirvana - Amnesia Haze
LeftHand Seeds - Everyday Haze (Panama Haze BX)
Doc D Seeds - Sour Diesel x A5 Haze/Thai BX
Authentic Genetics - Original Haze

Everything is looking outstanding, Holy!


Oh yeah bro, I found her here in this thread…

damn, almost exactly 3 years ago now! I haven’t ran her in ~2 years, since I made the NorthStar line with her and Rocket’s Starlite. Back before I switched over to solution grade gypsum. Just been letting my father in law hold her so that’s why no one’s seen nor heard of her in a long while.

:cry: If I wasn’t damn near out myself I’d send you some asap. I’m gonna try and pop the last that I have soon here in order to make F2’s and crosses with the male. BHIX3.0 x NorthStar sounds nice :slight_smile:

hmm I’d probably run lefty’s Everyday Haze first. It’s likely not going to be like this but should still be stellar. Panama x Panama/Malawi, how can you go wrong? I have some of those and just haven’t gotten to them yet.

Doc’s Sour D x A5Thai might be it too. Likely closest to what I’m working with effects wise assuming you find some a5thai leaners. I’m just not sure honestly as I’m not familiar with his a5thai bx yet.

I know the nirvana amnesia, and it’s good, but it’s a totally different flavor and effect from what I’m working with here. 3rd or 4th pick for sure on that. I know @newb2.0 just ran out a couple NorthStar girls so can attest to my work there but he also ran an OHaze or two with them and should have samples of those tested any day now. Maybe wait and see what he says on those compared to the NorthStar and TK and such since he’s just had all of them.


Beautiful. Thanks for the insight, as always!


One of the first cuts I was ever gifted was a hunted SS pheno over 20 years ago by a friend of a friend going through high #s. Didn’t know at the time what a special pheno I was given being so novice. I know paradise always was secretive about the genetics but have you ever heard any speculation on what it is? Surely an Afghani cross right?


Aw nice! Sad it’s gone now tho right? I’m not sure on what it is really. It’s one I actually have not spent any time really thinking about as there just isn’t really any info on it that I’ve ever come across. Some type of Afghani leaning hybrid for sure. The somewhat cerebral effects, long cola’s, and metallic flavors make me think it’s some kind of haze cross. Been a looong time since I’ve seen or ran pure SensiStar…

My C5SS F3 #5 girl here only slightly resembles Paradise Seed’s SensiStar structurally, but that’s as much SensiStar as she gets.

Paradise Seeds SensiStar - ~20+ years ago

C5SensiStar F3 #5 - run from ~2 years ago

Her sister(#4) had the metallic flavor though and hit like a freight train. I didn’t keep her around as I preferred the Haze effects in this #5 but I did make beans with her.


I’ve got some old ass SS beans here (18-19 years) I should try and pop. Such a great medicinal strain. When we were running HUGE numbers outside we always did 4-5 Sensi Star for our headstash, stuff has no ceiling, tastes great, looks good in a bag ! What more could you ask from a strain that old. Very nice @HolyAngel