Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I just used a couple of these handheld battery-powered lanterns we have, stuck them right in the middle of the tent. And I also attached one of those clip-on book-reading lights onto the table in front of the tent, it was surprisingly bright. Turned them on and off manually (obviously) when the grow lights would ordinarily be on/off.

You just need some sort of light to keep shit from herming etc. That seemed to work, didn’t find a single seed.


^^^^^ desperate times, I would throw battery powered lights in there. :+1:


Agree with @minitiger. I’ve had no power for three days and I used a couple LED flashlights. It’s not ideal light but it will work. They put out some serious light. They are the size of a lighter and use one AA battery but they can light up my entire back yard. You’ll definitely burn through some batteries but it is a short term solution.

Incandescent bulbs have a terrible spectrum for growing plants, but I started my first seedlings under a desk lamp. Good luck man, I’d hate to see you lose your hard work.


Good idea, I have a bunch of those led lanterns (bell x Howell ) they are so bright it’s nuts! I use them for fishing, a couple of those would do it and 4 aaaa last about 18 hours on fresh batteries . Definitely help


They make led battery powered closet lights on a flip switch. Can get them online, or from a hardware store. That’s what I use for my emergency back up.


Yeah, my “goal” with the battery-powered lights during our power outage wasn’t to “grow” the plants; it was just to avoid having them freak out from sitting in the dark for three days. I was even more worried about, like, what would happen if they did sit in the dark for a few days and then all of a sudden the grow lights turned back on. Although I will say that that grow ended up with some of the best yields I’ve had in a few years. Moving forward, maybe I’ll turn off the lights at week eight of flower, light the tent with flashlights and let the temps get down to sixty degrees for three days every time now haha…

My girl actually put those in all of our closets a while back, didn’t even occur to me to use those during our power outage. But I’m gonna remember that for the next one haha!


I’m all out of likes already but definitely some good ideas!

I’m not too worried on herms running my own genetics here. The c5ss, Triforce 1, and TK will need a good once over or so as they have the possibility of throwing a late nanner or two if really really stressed, but I know my ssdd girl is solid and the TF4 should be too.


Your elec come on yet?

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No I’m still out. Neighbors across the street got power yesterday evening but my side and the 5 blocks behind me still got nothing. We’re on the list of areas getting worked on since midnight last night so maybe today :man_shrugging:


Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t3:


Man that is insanity, so sorry man. Like 4+ days out wow. I’m definitely going to get some of those battery powered LED’s because that could easily happen here. And a small generator for at least the refrigerator. You feel like in 2023 no ones going to have a week long outage but its clear our power system is weak. That’s a wake up call for me :frowning_face:

In better news, I got some SSDD f2 bx1 living & awaiting sex test before up-potting. You’ll notice they are all missing 1 leaf :laughing:


Good idea. When we saw that that storm was coming in last winter, I was like,”Oooh! That’ll be fun! We’ll just hunker down and let’s cook some amazing meals!” So that Thursday we went to the grocery store and spent like $250 on all these, like, sausages and meats and cheeses and shit, didn’t even occur to me that a power outage was a possibility. Lost power the next night and had to toss everything three days later, didn’t even get to cook any of it haha…


Wait it was winter, couldn’t you just of put it all outside?! Oh right, winter isn’t actually cold for some people haha.

You still without power, @HolyAngel ?


Yessir, still no power here :pensive:


Nah, dude, it was cold as shit, we definitely coulda done that, but LADWP kept saying that the power would be back on in “twelve hours.” Every twelve hours, they’d tell us that haha, so we just left everything in the fridge, assuming that what LADWP was telling us was accurate. Until it was too late haha.

Probably the same thing that holy’s hearing from his power company right now…


:100:% same thing I’ve been hearing. Crews all over my area. Could be anytime now or another couple days :man_shrugging:


That’s crazy


Yeah, dude, that’s so fucking irritating. We lost power at like 1am Friday night/Saturday morning while we were sleeping. By Monday morning, I was like,”Fuck this, I’m driving down to the closest LADWP ‘bill paying office’ thing just so I can scream at somebody,” haha. So that’s what I did.

Our power was back on like four hours later. I don’t think it had anything to do with me yelling at somebody, but it was back on. Just sayin’…. haha.


Thanks for that @CosmoNut I can’t wait.

I also have another of Johnny’s Bloody Monster :japanese_ogre: n motion as well.

OG has been Good to Me !

Have a great grow Bro