Holy's Garden (Part 1)

:joy: you crack me up. You’d rather have the seeds rot then see someone grow them? Or you would expect to get some money for them? I don’t get it. DM incoming.




Like I said, the closest to Sour I’ve grown so far was headbanger x OPG, testers by Real Gorilla seeds. The OPG is orange pink grapefruit which really changed the looked but one of them had a good amount of Sour to it. I have a couple of those left so maybe when I do my Sour run I can hit it with another Sour to try and get back to that side of the genetics.

@LonelyOC I get what you’re saying but I have way too much seed stock as is to be trying to get those strains and recreate it.

I’ve considered grabbing Cali Connections Sour D to try and some of CSIs hybrids with the Headbanger and Sour D etc.

@HolyAngel yeah I have no faith in JOTI anymore. I do have a bunch of their Black collection that I’m still going to work through but they’re not at the top of my list.

The stretch pheno, not the missile. The missile is the one that is more tea like in aroma and is more relaxed in the high. I still enjoy it but it’s not the first jar I go for. The stretch one I go for all the time, it’s excellent. There’s a tiny bit of pine in it, citrus lemon/lime and a leathery hardwood note that I can’t totally place.

I only hit it with the chocolope and nhc5mango and wish I had used more pollen choices. I think the nhc5mango will take it in a different direction. The chocolope will too though. Im going to try pooping some of the chocolope ones, or find some seeds that come from the bracts on the main stem…im hoping those were self pollinated and might have what im looking for.
My next sativa run I’m also going to try some NH18xMMxChocolope and see what’s in those.

Ace got back to me and suggested going with Well Grown Seeds or waiting till fall and getting the full menu through Mandala. I’m not going to bother placing an order unless I can get more of those R+D GTxA5s.

I suppose I could try the Rez ECSD cut from primo clones but I prefer running seeds until I have a different location and set up.


I definitely will be popping the Sour Kush but from what I remember it was more kush as well and the OG18 was a better example.


Yeahhhh, I don’t really get it, either. I just feel like every time I mention something about some seeds I have, I get a DM from some random asshole who I’ve never interacted with at all on this site asking me if they can have them or if I’d be “willing to trade” for some bullshit that I’m not interested in.

I don’t want those seeds to rot, obviously. I mostly wrote that just so I don’t get stupid DM’s haha.


The impression I had when I read it was they probably wanted to hang on to the genetics for a future project… but maybe I’m reading in too much of my own motivations into it… :wink:



The sssdh - Heavy as shit, no day time smoke for me.

The others haven’t tried any yet sadly


Good luck with that. I’ve had idjits get pissed at me for not jumping on their begs… and then come back and ask again, lol!


I smoked some Dragon’s Flame Genetics Sour Diesel that was grown by someone I know (not sure what the name on the pack of seeds said) and it had just a hint of that Sour taste. It was pretty good weed. But that taste was def there, just to a small degree. Not sure which cut(s) DFG used.

I also have 2 packs of Mosca’s Diesel Moonshine, which uses Rez’s Sour Diesel cut x Old Time Moonshine. I’ve heard Rez’s cut is pretty legit.


Yeah, in the last three years Rez’s Sour Diesel has magically become “legit.” For the fifteen years prior, however, according to “everybody,” it was garbage.

I’m not fucking with you @VAhomegrown, but I do wonder, like… How is all of this stuff that supposedly sucked now all of a sudden “good”? And vice versa. I read one thing for years, now I’m reading the opposite…? I dunno, dude. I really do not know.

This is why I just plant seeds and let the dice roll where they may. Or whatever that saying is haha. “Let the cards fall as they will”? Something like that. If the weed’s good, sweet; if it’s not, I’ll just plant more seeds haha.


I think it’s become legit because comparatively speaking, you can’t find anything like it anymore. They weren’t perfect and they definitely were not stabilized at all, but there were two real keepers in the half pack that I ran. They would throw balls on the lowers, but pick them and keep running. I’ve had other strains that have done the same thing.

Believe me, it pains me to say it. I was no fanboy of him, at all.


Yeah this is what I remember too. Rez’s cut was always considered fake, waste of time compared to, I’m pretty sure, aj’s cut. Which I guess doesn’t exist anymore? Looking it up I see a few things now trying to say it’s a cross of sour d and that’s not true. Some older sites show it as it should be. But yeah no one really talks about it anymore. It’s chaco this, rezdog that. :thinking:


When did you score those seeds? Do you know when Joti sold his company and was no longer involved in breeding?

Their Purple Diesel is :fire:!!!


See, though? This is the problem: agendas. I honestly do not give a shit what happened with whom, between whom, whatever whatever. All I care about is if the weed is good and true. I don’t care if people like or don’t like whoever. Or at least leave it up to me to decide if I wanna buy seeds from a narc, rather than pretending that the weed sucks when it really doesn’t. And don’t act like the weed is good when it isn’t, just because you wanna pump up your friend’s fledgling seed/clone business (cough Skunktek cough).

There used to be a long-ass thread from Rez on icmag that documented his process for making “his” Sour Diesel. I read it like fifteen years ago, but it’s long gone. Or I can’t find it, anyway. I wish I could find it again, though, knowing what I know now.

All’s I know is people shit on things for a while, whether they’re good or not, just because they don’t “like” this person or that person and regardless of whether or not what they’re shitting on is actually bad or not. Doing shit like that is a disservice to the rest of us plebs who aren’t “in the know” and not down with these people and who are just trying to find good genetics. I’m not interested in gossip. Just tell me how the weed actually grows and smokes.

Be honest.


Looks like it was around 420 of 2021. Im not sure when he woke exactly :thinking:


Rez was absolutely toxic, and probably the worst narcissist I’ve ever seen post on a public forum. I still bought his seeds. I just don’t interface with people like that. It gets you nowhere. I will run their gear though.

I remember the seedbay server crashing when he had drops because of the number of people vying for his gear. Crazy times. It wasn’t until the new “flavor of the month” came out and he got popped that his fan base started jumping ship.

I really don’t even care about the origins of any strain. As a young man I romanticized about some magical property that a certain herb had because it grew next to the Rosetta stone, or some ridiculous story like that. Now I just want to know what the latest parents are as a reference in case someone asks that I may be sharing or trading with. To me, the name is an identifier, nothing more.

I just want to grow good smoke.


Good to know…if I’m going to order one pack you know I’m going to order others as well lol. Now I need to figure out which is cheaper in the long run after conversion…direct or via attitude.

Edit: Attitude doesn’t have the Sour D in stock…I guess that solves that.
Edit 2: ffs I was just on the site a few days ago on vacation and the packs were all $45…now they’re $60. Ugh I shoulda then and there. :man_facepalming:


Everything old is new again… haha.

Anyway, back to Holy.


So back to me. Somebody(s) might be mad/sad at this but, I’ve seen enough plants to make some choices.

From 11 Black River OG

to 4 Black River OG

The two I picked out, with Blue tags, are indeed a pair! :partying_face:
The taller one on the left is the boy. The slightly shorter one on the right seems to be a girl, and that yellow one looks like a girl. The yellow one still has a lemony stem rub that is twice as loud as the others.
And this one

That still has her fan leaves because I haven’t topped her for a clone yet, also looks like a girl and she has a piney/lemon stem rub that’s in between the blue’s and the yellow in loudness. The blue’s smell like OG/Bubba. Idk what the yellow’s lemony stem rub is coming from but I love it. Really loud!

I had some shorties that again smelled like NL1, and a couple that smelled like dirt :thinking: and then some tall kushy/tennis ball smelling one’s. A couple of each of those hermed and I wasn’t particularly interested in them anyways so they all got tossed.

So 3 girls and 1 boy it is. Hopefully all stable :pray:

That far left white fabric bag that looks bone dry because I hadn’t added water prior to the pic, is the first
Swiss Thai Nevil 2 x (Nevil’s Haze #21 x Mullumbimby Madness) to come up.
Swiss Thai Nevil 2 = Green Hornet’s 78Thai x Nevil’s Haze #21 (Reversed) #2 clone.
I got another one that’s come up but has helmet head so as soon as that’s off it’ll be planted. Other 8 are still in root riots waiting to come up.

Also, @JohnnyPotseed 2x of the 10x M29 have cracked open but haven’t stuck out any tap roots yet. it’s been 5 days of soaking so far. I put the smaller seed that cracked open into a root riot and into a heated dome as it looked a little farther along. I’ll give it another week on the rest and see what happens, but I think these might all be duds. Really strange as the beans look good but yeah, not really doing anything :confused:


Yep, that’s why I contacted you and anyone else that got the M29 beans. I had a couple tell me they didn’t get a good germ ratio, so I pulled em and sent replacement packs to any. I asked you to test em also and I did, too. I got 1 outta 5 to pop. So same ratio as you.(2 outta 10) They came as ‘untested’ and were listed as such. Not my beans, but I replaced all, because I did disburse em. lol