Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Ah for sure ^^ Just letting ya know the progress and incase anyone else comes across em. Hopefully between all of us we can still get a good cut to go around :sweat_smile:


I already sent replacement packs and told em to toss the M29 lol Like I did…
I don’t have the time or inclination to bother with non-performers!


Is it just me or are the meristems on those plants freakishly thick?


yeah they’re definitely a little on the thick side for being so young. The blue girl was hollow still pretty close to the top where I took the clone. the other two weren’t.


@Dcastle That picture has been floating around the internet for 10+ years, I first seen it as Liberty Haze in 2013. Why are you lying? Who are you?


Just naturally? I thought it might be because you were watering with a bunch of silica. They look like zucchinis or something haha… But that’s cool! Nothin’ wrong with some super-thick meristems! Haha…


Yeah au naturel. I haven’t dosed any silica at all. As soon as they could take food I started them on the gypsum/maxibloom. Last couple weeks have been 4-2-1 with megacrop 2part, basically same thing as jacks. Neither list silica as an ingredient :thinking:

The bubba kush has a similarly thick stem so I’m guessing they got it from her.

I also did some research and it seems ‘lemon’ is mentioned quite a bit in regards to the Blue Magoo bx’s. The salmon river og that makes up half of the black river og is pre98 bubba x blue heron #111 aka Blue Magoo BX1. That salmon river og line has the double serrations too. So everything I picked might be leaning towards salmon river og and not the sugar black rose that was the black domina(nl1) and critical mass(herm).


:sob: :sob: :sob:


Well since the M29’s are a bust and the Swiss Thai Nevil 2’s are looking to be the same way(I might get 2), I started soaking a pack of Malawi this morning that I got a few years back. Since I keep talking about how I miss that one in Oregon, maybe I can find something similar in these :crossed_fingers: I did some digging in my messages and it looks like these are repro’s from Ace stock. If not, there’s still the Malawi Gold pack from Tejas’. Two of the Malawi beans already popped a tap root in ~12hrs :eyes:


There’s a command controller for HLG besides trolmaster?


Ah, no I was referring to the GrowLightScience products.

HLG doesn’t have anything last I checked.


damn arent those malawi gold like 100 day flowering period ? you got the patience for that ? haha


These are ACE’s Malawi so should only go 12-14 weeks or so, guess that could still be ~100 days, but I’m not scared
If it all works out I should have some soaring sativa flower come my birthday in February :joy:

3 of them have already popped and been put into root riots. Some of the quickest beans I’ve seen in a bit. In other news, I may only get one Swiss Thai Nevil 2. Maybe it’ll be a phenomenal male :crossed_fingers:


having a good sativa smoke for birthday sounds like a good plan! :smiley:


Did some research and it looks like these Malawi, this pack was labeled ‘B’, came from @Upstate via diggy. Some of the quickest beans to pop I’ve ever seen. Did you have info on them Upstate? While I peruse everything you’ve ever posted about Malawi in the meantime :sweat_smile:


It’s not like Holy won’t have planted eight other things (and flowered multiple clones, as well) in between now and then.

I’m not criticizing; I’m envious haha…


Sorry to hear about the M29 and the Swiss Thai Nevil. But fantastic news about the Malawi!

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah something like that, thanks to the perpetual table.

Should have a bubba kush, a skunk tangerine, and a couple OG kush going in there soon, along with the 3 black river og girls that I just up potted into 1/4 gallon nursery bags. The rest have been in those for awhile so I’ll get them up potted to 1/2 gallon nursery bags soon. Maybe flip next week :thinking:

Still gonna be like a month or so before I can get the TK and bandaid haze clones in there :cry: the bubba and black rivers should be done by the time the Swiss Thai and/or Malawi go in there. I may run those from clone too instead of seed plants depending how they grow.


no kidding he runs thru beans like i run thru toilet paper! (i eat alot of fast food)


Not too hard when whole packs herm in veg or 3 weeks into flower :sweat_smile: I prefer they show it in veg so I don’t have to bother up potting. My stable stuff is stable though. Doesn’t matter what I do to them.