Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Getting to where I just seed them all and pop the ones from the best tasters. But you do get a sense of what will be good. Even better when you know the traits of your strain and the phenos that live in it.


36hrs in and 4 out of 5 have cracked!

I soaked em in a cup for 24hrs and then poked them and they all sank so I moved them into rootriots in a heated tray without the dome. ~12hrs after that is when they cracked, just the start of some tails. The 5th one looks like it might crack soon, hopefully by tonight but we’ll see. Gotta get some solo cups ready soon.


Hay there love this thread
:+1: great work @HolyAngel

Interesting genetics as well


Aw, thank you!
I’m trying to keep it interesting, and fairly informative too but sometimes I get caught up in the moment :sweat_smile:


My cracked also but they couldn’t break out of the hull that’s where they need a a little help.get the tweezers out and pull them apart if you don’t see any progress


Ok gotcha, I’ve had to do that with most of the seeds I’ve popped lately so will keep an eye on em for that. Thank you!


Oh man, I think these are the hardest seeds I’ve come across so far. You were not kidding at all. They NEED scuffed imo for best hatching. No way I’m getting to the rest of the seeds without scuffing them up first. I have 4 out of 5 out of the shells and just waiting on growth to get going, hoping they make it. First two weeks always the hardest but hopefully be good :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


25 days in…I think I got some pollination




Alright, 4 days into soaking these 5x Goji OG F3’s

Sadly I did not listen and did not scuff these up first :sweat: So I lost one seed, it darkened up but never popped, grew mold and died. Verified by accidental squishing while trying to manually pop it :sweat::sweat:

Of the 4 left, I removed at least one half of all the seeds casings as of two days ago without any damage to the inner seed itself. Those seed casings are definitely the hardest I’ve come across, I can’t crush the seed shell halves between my fingers at all. Most just disintegrate completely. I don’t mean this(hard shells) in a bad way as I consider this a good thing. It means the seeds can handle some torment and likely still be totally viable. Just yeah, need to scuff em up a bit if you want as many to germinate as possible. I will definitely be doing so on any future ones I go to pop.

Anyways, 3 Goji’s have sprouted up out of the pods and their tap roots are growing down, already over an inch long in less than 24hrs. One of the seedlings(bottom left) already looks like it might have some purple in it and we don’t even have cotyledons out yet. The 4th one(bottom right) hasn’t really done anything in 24hrs. Still only has maybe 1/8 of an inch of root coming out of the seed itself so thinking it might die off here but going to give it the benefit of the doubt. 3/5 ain’t bad imo, 4/5 would be better… If I had scuffed them I’d likely have all 5 up right now but live and you learn I guess.

Still not out of the woods yet though. First two weeks always the riskiest. Going to grow these out to maturity and then make an assessment before taking clones.


They’re some tough ones hopefully you get a couple good plants out those . Hell I’m not even sure scuffing them will help but they definitely need help.

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Right. I’m thinking primarily the edges to weaken the hinge so they can open easier. The main part of the shell doesn’t need it.

I could also be high :sweat_smile:


I would try that all the ones I lost couldn’t crack all the way around the edge of the two halves.


5 days in and we’re getting there…

Male NL5HSS #1 clone and the 3 Goji’s are up with first set of real leaves coming in.
Two of these definitely have some purple on the underside of the leaves, excited to see what they’re going to turn out like. The other one is just green all over.
The 4th bean is still in the rootriot in the other tent, but I don’t think it’s going to do anything. Not seen any real growth on the tap root in two days now.

I realized after the fact that the Happy Frog soil is likely too hot so I re-transplanted the 3 Goji’s into new cups with the Base Soil Mix:
2gal peat moss
2gal EWC
2gal perlite
~1/2 cup prilled dolomite lime

And I sprinkled some Azos powder directly on the taproot in the rootriot and just under where the rr sits in the pot/cup. That Azos stuff makes a BIG difference. Seems to make the plant skip the pissed-off/sad stage after transplant or any other stress. They’re always standing up with new growth coming in within a couple hours of application. Haven’t noticed much with the Mykos/WP but I also haven’t gotten much of a chance to use it yet, 'm sure it’s beneficial regardless.

Hitting up xtreme-gardening for their free sample kit (just pay shipping) is totally worth it! :wink:

The NL5HSS girls are throwing a ton of big thick hairs all over. Reminds me of some mexican sativa’s :rofl: Hopefully they plump up real fat here. Think I’m gonna be set on seeds for sure. Will try and get pics tonight for start of Week 5 in there. Think these are gonna be 10-12 weekers…


Day 28 - Just before Week 5
We are anywhere from 4 to 10 days from last pollination and already some of the calyx’s are seed-sized, there’s also a bunch of them :heart_eyes:

NL5HSS = (Northern Lights #5 x Haze) x Sensi Star - Authentic Genetics
FLC = Franco’s Lemon Cheese - Greenhouse Seeds

NL5HSS #4 - Emo Girl

She’s definitely starting to eat herself here. Might be slightly overwatered too. I just top dressed about an inch of the Amended Soil Mix into her pot and watered again so hopefully that’ll slow down here. Her pot was a little low on soil compared to the other two. Looking good otherwise with a ton of seed sites.

NL5HSS #5 - Best Girl

Just a ton of hairs on the tops of these lower branches. Should get a bunch of seeds though. Definitely interested on what the non-seeded flower is going to look like :thinking:


Amended soil is a bit hot but she seems to be doing fine overall. Definitely the frosty one of the 3.


Things are moving right along here… Looks like plenty of seeds in the works.

I’m now pretty positive the Emo Girl is a Sensi Star leaner. She has wider leaves and less blades than the others had which we already knew, but she’s got a really fruity smell along with something else comin on, I can’t quite place it, but none of it are things NL/NLHaze are known for. And now the buds look to be coming in more like golf balls instead of the spiraling, arm-length cola type stuff NL/NLHaze is known for. She’s also still fading pretty hard. Down two fan leaves so far and more are looking on the way, guessing she might wanna finish around 8 weeks, which would also mean Sensi Star leaner. NL5Haze is usually 10 weeks.

The Best Girl is starting to have that spiral bud look that usually means arm-length type cola’s. She’s got nice thin bladed leaves for the buds, haze style, and she’s got a definite musky+citrusy+something-I-can’t-place-yet smell comin on. Stem rub is VERY close to my male, spicy+asian seasoning type smell :drooling_face: Still green af and trucking along.

FLC is getting frosty, definite musky cheesy smell on her and that hazey look, I really hope it’s gonna be :fire: Especially the F1’s from her should be damn good with my haze leaning male. Eventually I WILL have a photo Northern Cheese Haze :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I took pics I was gonna post but they apparently came out blurry and garbage so I’ll get some more tonight and post again. Nothing too exciting but it’s nice to look at :wink:


Tried to do this at least kinda right :sweat_smile: The tent in the background is ~38 inches wide.




Not sure on the #4 issues, I have these and other plants in the same exact soil from the same exact batch and bin, without any issues. These 3 are on the same watering schedule too, which is just plain ph’d 6.3-6.5 tap water(~150ppm). I did have a watering or two recently at 6.8 or so, maybe 7 but that’s it. The others are showing minor calcium issues or so but not leaf nomming and issues the #4 is showing. I think it’s either genetic and there isn’t actually any problems, or some type of root issue. Not sure. Could just be super picky :thinking:





Goji OG F3 #1/2/3

Started brewing up some Compost Tea for the 3 girls as of last night. One of these Xtreme-Gardening packets. Going to dose 1-2 cups in each pot and see how it goes. Hoping that’ll help with any calcium or potassium issues. Also going to dose it on the mom/dad cuts and the NCHxSB that I’m tempted to just chop down as it hasn’t grown at all in over a week. Not sure what’s going on with it.


Ended up top dressing some Kelp Meal, Dolomite Lime, and a bit of Azomite on the 3 girls and started watering it in last night. Starting to definitely see potassium and calcium/mag deficiences on all 3, maybe some nitrogen too. We’re in week 6 now just waiting for seeds to finish so trying to make sure they have everything they need. Only the emo girl #4, is still fading fast.

In other news…

Up-potted my male(The left one). Not sure how long I’m gonna keep him around for. I think at least until I can pop some F2’s and find a better one to use.

Cut 3 clones off my Best Girl #5 mom(The right one) and have them going in the clone-king under a t8 aquarium light. Will grab some pics of that tonight. They’re standing straight up so should be good. Just 2.5gals of tap water, 0.5ml bleach, 1ml superthrive, ph 5.5.

The NCHxSB in the back is finally starting to grow again now that she’s had that Compost Tea, after like 1-2 weeks of literally nothing. She’s at 51 days and I am super tempted to just chop her down and use the space for more Goji’ F3’s. Going to be a quarter off her at the rate she’s going and that’s not even worth my time watering. Not having much luck with auto’s in soil. I can’t seem to get them to even 1.5ft. Need to switch to hydro style growing I think.

3 goji’s are growing, I would say slowly but it just seems to be the standard growth rate out of this soil. Think I’m possibly watering incorrectly but still working on it. Need to pop a few more beans of these.


So here’s the 36 site clone king with 3x NL5HSS #5 girls in it. Need to get an actual lid for it…

This one seems to work fine for the most part. It’s in a little greenhouse tent thing so I just spray the entire inside of the lid with water twice a day and no issues yet.

Seems to hold about 2.5 gallons of water to reach the bottom of the sprayer tubes.

3 little cuts :heart_eyes: Might get to keep one of these to flower out or might have to wait for the next round. Will see.

And then full tent shot to see the damage. Hoping its fixed now with the added top dressing amendments.

Been at least two weeks since pollination, this is day 38. Figure another 2-4 weeks before the seeds will be ready so trying to make sure they stay fed.


Wow, looks great. Hopefully you get a ton of viable seeds!!!

I have a Clone King as well, and due to the heat this summer, couldn’t keep the reservoir cold enough, and lets just say *fatality LOL. Have you had any issues with the emitters clogging up? I’ve only ran it a few times, but ended up purchasing additional because I noticed huge gaps in the water spray.

:v: :peace_symbol: :v: