Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Damn, so all 3 pheno’s finish pretty fast. Most plants I grow are in the 10-12 week range.


Oh man! Now I’m really excited to hear more! My kinda gal


Oh yeah! Really makes me excited for what you find in the srog f2’s too! You get a loud AF male over there and send me pollen please :pray: I’ll send you beans back :wink:


That’s a guarantee bro! I’m pretty excited to really dig into them too


Black River OG #2 - Male

Black River OG #3 - Female


So glad you found a couple of the Black River OGs that you really like. When I first made these I felt that there was something special to be found. :fire:


Oh yeah, thank you very much for these! They’re special Indeed!! :sunglasses: I’ve always thought you had a great eye for selection :wink: Just from what I’m seeing and smelling so far, I’m very happy with the #3 girl for sure! If she hits the other boxes like she does the absolutely loud af smell, she’ll be sticking around my garden for a long time to come :blush: And provided the #2 male handle’s the reveg just fine, I’ll have a nice boy to keep around again and use for the foreseeable future too :pray: He’s already putting in work, and I got much more planned if he makes it through the last of the stress tests. This girl has been solid as far as I can tell too. Whatever beans I make off this dude, you’re always welcome to half, just say the word :slight_smile:


Love the serrations and size of that guy! and the broad yet tight structures of the girl, I can see the potential there alone . Very cool!


I tend to seek those broad overlapping leaves quite often especially if they have double serrations. To me it almost surely means dank and powerful in the cultivars I hunt it in. Really hopeful this is the case. You are going to make me place an order for these from your documention alone at this point and they aren’t even flowered out yet! Awesome


She’s built mostly like Bubba but lil somethin extra. She’s a little bushier but not by much.

And maybe those acorn flowers too :thinking: Idk yet, but they’re stacking beautifully :heart_eyes:


shes gonna be a yielded too i can tell. one of those 2.5 foot 2 zip plants that would cash you out back early 2000s lol 80 in a basement under 6 1k watts


Winnipeg doesn’t sleep or what?..lol.
Morning @204medismoke and @HolyAngel


Good morning guys :sun_with_face:

Yeah she could yield very well! Supposedly they only go 8 weeks and we’re already at day 30, so I’m not expecting too much more. No c5 level yields but should still be pretty good :blush:


Very awesome! Love it ! Good morning bros


What’s left of my BROG #2 male, attempting reveg, so far so good :crossed_fingers::pray:

Please excuse the tent, need to clean it up after all the pollen and whatnot but trying to make as little disturbance as possible for now. He’s already making more seeds than I originally planned from pollen floating in the air :sweat_smile:


Did u collect a bunch? I’m grabbing a pack asap and wanna play with them and the SROG and really deep dive, you sold me.


Btw I completely forgot about those malawi I promised you but I sent them this morning


I’ve got a gram or so left to use. Sending some out to a buddy to use too. I’m sure this isn’t the best male to be found in there but he’s at least decent so I’m happy to have him. I’d love one that smelled just like the #3 girl though. Bright AF Citrus, pixie stick, sugar and citric acid… Lookin at her this morning and I am pretty positive she’s gonna put out those ‘Acorn’ style flowers too :drooling_face: Sadly I don’t have any more packs of these Black Rivers so someone else will have to find the matching boy. Maybe he’ll be in those Salmon River F2’s :wink:

I totally forgot about those Malawi! That explains why I’ve felt like I was supposed to be watching the mail lately but I haven’t been able to remember why :sweat_smile: Hopefully those are what I’m after. The only two plants I got from that Malawi F2 pack I ran from Upstate both leaned heavily to the Kush so they’re no longer with us :cry:


These are probably the best true malawi expression beans I’ve seen. Only grew them out in 1 gallons, and took em too early but holy hell ! Stuff is strong and probably has the longest legs of anything I’ve seen . Hope you find what u are looking for in there . And I’ll definitely be digging in once I can grab some , I’m 100% bound and determined.


The Panama/malawi was a 5x stretcher