Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Yep this pheno was dry not really dense

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DUDE! I just got those and was getting ready to pm you after catching up here!
Thank you very much!! :fire: :fire: :fire:


Thank God! I was gonna freak out! Those are super SUPER special and rare, I gave you half of what I had left so if they were lost I’d cry . No worries at all, my pleasure!


Oh awesome! I’ll be sure to take super good care of them :heart:


Meant to post these earlier today but was slammed at work.
Bubba Kush - 25 days dried - All the same flower from different angles :yum:


Chem91 - Day 59

Chem #4 - Day 59

Not a drop of Diesel, Fuel, Gas, ChemFuel(RC Cars), nada. They both smell like NL5Haze to me :man_shrugging:


Oh, I can’t say I’ve seen this sentence before :thinking:

Would explain why she looks like Triangle’s literal sister tho…


Interesting, I grew tons of NL5xHaze and never once got chem terps. My chem 4 used to smell like BO funk, while NL5 x Haze was either sweet and flowery or hazey… neither of which did I ever get from any of the chems :thinking:
But the chem4 I grew was really stretchy and nearly white, and looked a lot like your first chem pic but more obese and less triangular, unlike the pics you post which look like normal buds… I have wondered about your chem4’s legitimacy… and if it is the same cut I knew… Mine looked like this:


Hey dude. How’s it going? I was just looking back at your thread. Nice to see you. I have a cut of Gushers going. It’s TK41 Triangle x Gelato 41. I was looking at MMS. He just dropped a Triangle Bc. I have been looking for TK. I just don’t know enough about it to say to randomly buy one. Anyways very nice to see you. Please tell me you still have that .a milk cross up top going. Lol.

I’m getting my stable in order dude. I’m about to run 2 rooms of tables. Small rooms. Lol. Like 25 plants each. I’m very excited.


There’s a wide range in the nl5haze. My F3 from MelFrank is Incense, rotten fruit and musty basement. I haven’t seen sweet and flowery in years but some definitely preferred those. I could see a BO Funk maybe, but to me, at 8.5 weeks into flower, this Chem4 is complex and incense-y with some chemical notes :thinking: Really reminds me of the NorthStar’s which are C5Haze/SensiStar x A5Haze s1/89’NL5

And I still question the legitimacy of your Triangle Kush :thinking: :sweat_smile: but I’m pretty positive this Chem4 cut I’m running is the real deal. Trying to go back and check my notes but these Chem cuts came from either FarmerJoe or All-Stars. I’ll find out and get back to you on that, but yeah. I’ve done a bunch of comparison’s and she looks and smells right. She really doesn’t look far off from your pic there. She’s whiter in person for sure, and definitely more so than the 91 is. Lights are off now in the flower tent so no more shots of the 59 day girl until tonight, but here’s some clones of them in veg.


like thin this leaf out for flower
and you should get your leaf

idk. I’ll take more pics of the girl in flower later tonight


The Chem D, Chem91, and Chem#4 came from FarmerJoe. Was looking at all-stars for some other things at the time, hence the confusion lol.


One detail I remember about chem4… I think from Bodhi potcast episode is that it cures out kinda golden / brown. He hoped some of his crosses would improve that. So that could be something to keep an eye on to see if FJ’s cut is the same. Longer flowering - 12 weeks or so.

Your chems look awesome - I hope I can get my 91 to look anywhere close to that this go around!


I see… I was referring to the actual original nl5x haze and you were referring to filial offspring with the same name. Its all good… the originals aren’t available any more so all we can do is move forward with what we get from the breeders choices. I am sure our Triangles are the same… Aside from being a kush-fiend and collector of all things Kush, I have grown FJ’s full lineup and there ain’t nothing else like her (Triangle) in his list… unless he accidentally sent me a cut of Loompas headband which is a dead-ringer for the triangle… but he doesn’t have that cut so I am pretty sure he sent the right one :wink: But yeah, the Chem 4 still sounds off… she was known for her strong garlicky BO stench :man_shrugging: Who knows. :joy:


I had offered, and my library is lways open to good people like you, to send you a cut of my TK to run next to yours to test your postulation :smiley: But I think we just have different growing methods which produce distinct observable differences in our plants growth patterns…and we both have the same cut

As an example of divergent growth patterns, check out my Crippy vs Schmarmpit’s pic 2-3 posts below mine. They look so different! The Bank of Stank - #1607 by herojuana.tom


That definitely looks like chem4 in the veg tent… the later s1’s didn’t have that spindly stretchiness to them :+1:


@herojuana.tom I think you are thinking about Chem D.
Chem D is known for the Garlic Funk, but Chem 4 is know for a strong pine stench to the degree that some have thought she wasn’t even a Chem.

@HolyAngel On another not that Chem, diesel and kush being the same thing. They are really not. They are in the same family but that is more due to the fact that it got it’s origins from Afghans. When you pop these landraces, you’ll be surprised of how much phenos you find that take the general shape of many of our current cultivars.

Pz :v:t2:


:thinking: Chem4 is my all-time favorite of the chem cuts, nd I grew her for a few years… I only recall a pine stench from stem rubs, not from the actual chem4 buds themselves-- those were always standard BO funkiness under a og-kushy pinesol lemony funk when I grew it. And then when Dark Heart nursery got HLVD and had to raze their reserves and start anew with seeds was when a different chem4 began circulating. IDK… I have lots of distinct memories, but so do others.


Ok, ok just send me a cut of Chem 4 and I’ll put this to rest for you guys…. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Got me drooling over here all this talk of Chem funk!


Yeah this was my thought. Just now flowering the Chem D so won’t know for sure myself for another couple months…


Yeah i’d agree too after seeing that one on top of the TK’s. You and @Vagabond_Windy seem to both have similar grow environments or something :thinking:

idk man. Growing the 91 and the TK side-by-side, I am 99% positive the Chem91 and the TK are directly, 100% related. Sisters or aunt/niece type situation at the farthest. I’ve grown plants from a single pack that didn’t look as similar as the 91 does to the TK. Stem rub is very similar too. If the TK is OG Kush’s sister like ALL the stories say, and 91 is related to TK… profit? :man_shrugging: Original Diesel IS the Chem91, or it’s supposed to be anyways. But this Chem91 breeds like she’s an S1 herself… Likely of the REAL Original Diesel, aka, ~C5 x CSK1.

The later diesel’s and sour’s are crosses of the 91 or whatever the first Original Diesel was. I’m not positive it’s this skunkva 91 cut despite all the talk.