Holy's Garden (Part 1)

That’s interesting. I was just getting ready to sit down and finally write the smoke report for Bodhi’s Hashplant D. Broken-up nugs of that one are all garlic/armpit initially (reminds me of B’s Clusterfunk, actually, which is… what? The JB Chem? Or something? I can’t remember), although that’s quickly followed up with total “garbage/dirty trash can” smells. Unbroken nugs smell like the flavor of chocolate-covered cherries and coffee, though. Make of that what you will haha.

@HolyAngel The thing about all of these cuts, TK, Chem, OG etc being directly related is that the smoke on all of them are pretty different. I’ve never blazed straight TK before, but the couple hybrids I’ve grown didn’t smoke anything at all like any Chem or OG I’ve ever blazed. And Chem doesn’t smoke like any OG that I’ve blazed (that I can remember, anyway haha). And certainly no Chem or OG has ever smoked the way Sour Diesel does.

So… Plant structure-wise, they may all grow similarly, but the highs are pretty different from one another.

I’ve been (very slowly haha) reading that OG thread on thcfarmer that greenhighlander posted a link to a couple days ago. It’s kind of interesting, once you get past the horrible writing haha, but it might be worth looking into. Symbioite420 or however you spell his name (ndnguy’s cousin, IIRC) actually addresses that whole “all of the cuts listed in the poll are S1’s” thing pretty early on in the thread.

The pictures, though, are illuminating. Lots of trifoliates, lanky, gap-y etc etc. They do harp a LOT on that Better Than Yours OG, which is kind of ridiculous haha. I remember seeing that one around years ago and was like,”That’s a stupid name and I don’t want any of that one just because the name is stupid.” Kind of interesting (not really) that nobody ever talks about Better Than Yours OG anymore. I guess it wasn’t actually “Better” than a lot of the other cuts haha…



Hey there gents. Sorry for crashing. Anyone have triangle wanna trade a rooted cut or anything pm me. sorry for thread heisting. I need a TK cut and looking for Orange terpy stuff but thats neither here nor there. Either way thanks and be safe fellers.





no doubt bud can i pm you?

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I dm’d you. I don’t take much in, but I am willing to share


That’s not uncommon. Even in a single pack of beans I’ve seen that variation.

TK’s S1’s knowingly throw SFV and Ghost phenotypes that look and smoke very much like them. My TriForce line can throw OG pheno’s too. That TriForce#4 high was very much like the best OG’s I’ve ever had. With an added sour note in the flavor.

I would agree here but it’s literally been 2 decades since last I had any pure Chem so I won’t know for sure until after the New Year. 91 comes down on the 1st :yum:

The 4 and the D grow pretty differently to this 91. Can see the relation between the 91 and the 4 but the 4 is more bushy and leaning towards a christmas tree structure… Like NL5Haze :yum: The D is even more bushy than the 4 is and wide. Much more Afghan in appearance to my eye. Nothing like TK or 91 at all. Some of the leaf morphology is clearly related but otherwise, nothing.

I already read that whole thread and been over it a few times :wink:


Hey! Long time no see! Same old over here! Hope things are well there!

I think @schmarmpit ran the Gushers?

I won’t mess with MMS. Dude is a hack imo and makes his living using other’s genetics instead of his own. Like Melvanetic’s Buckeye Purple he ripped off her and renamed. And I already ranted on that TK BX in the TK thread but, dude made his own TK crosses. One with a supposed “laos landrace” plant (heavy doubt) and another with his star pupil :nauseated_face: and STILL he fckn chose to use a Black Triangle F1 from bodhi to do the backcross instead of his own gear. A cross Bodhi could make at anytime. Like, the fuck… I won’t support anyone like that. He might as well buddy up with copycat while he’s at it. Can tack on Sunshine Dream Genetics there too. Not only using the name (yes I know its a Dead thing and bodhi ripped the name for his strain) but dude is also using the SSDD genetics from Bodhi to breed with. So you KNOW it’s not just “because of The Dead”. These guys need to get some originality.

Anyways :sweat_smile:

That’s awesome!! Hope it works out how you want! I’ll try and take a peek over there when I can. Glad to see Herojuana take care of ya on the TK. I’m all out for the next couple months as I’m trying to build a stable of her myself. Need two moms of her at all times it seems :sweat_smile: unless can get one really big mom :thinking:


Hm. Interesting. Ghost is one of the few OG’s I’ve never blazed, but SFV is definitely the “edgiest” of all of the ones that I have. I never thought about it, but I can see similarities to SFV and the Black Triangles and Nikah that I grew, at least as far as the smoke is concerned.

Hate that comeup! Haha.

Yeah, sure, with seeds I just expect there to be a decent amount of variation. That’s what I like about seeds haha. But with these clones you’re looking through… I mean, obviously they were all started from seed, but still…

I dunno. I do think that the majority of the OG’s are just renamed/“rebranded” stuff. Which isn’t to say that they’re not awesome, just that there’s really not a whole lot of difference in the way a lot of them smoke. There are differences, but not much haha.

Really? All 270 or whatever pages? Haha. I’m only on like page 12 now, just because I can only take so much misspelling and lack of proper punctuation before I lose my shit and have to get off of that (or any) thread haha.


Yeah as I was going over it since it was linked here I realized that I had read it a year or two back. At least by the time I got the TK. Read the whole thread front to back and liked some posts. Ive scoured the Internet for OG and TK info among other things :joy:


Same here, I instantly recognized it . There’s a ton of valuable info lost, but there’s gems out there if you are really willing to put in the time/frustration searching.


You definitely have me wanting to explore some S1s but there’s no way I’m paying over 30$ per seed + shipping from CSI. Half tempted to attempt a reversal at some point even though I know I’ll probably fail to get any out of it. It’s a matter of principle for me haha.

I know you were dealing with that power outage during your last attempt but have you tried again since?


I haven’t tried again since but I’ve been trying to work on it. Busy trying to get multiple moms of her going and then try. Have a buddy that might be trying soon too. Plain old sts doesn’t seem to the way to go with her.


Have you listened to the 707 seedbank Potcast episode?
I trust Shabud, he’s thorough. He also believes OG and Chem91 are related.

I’ve been smoking TK and 91 for the past week. I’m favoring the 91 personally but boy do they smoke similar


GMO to me is BO/gym sock with a bit of pine/fuel funk… i think the Chem D was more garlicky frankly, or just more rancid and less like a fart that lingers too long… if they named the GMO BX’s burgers because they got cheeseburger from them thats pretty accurate in my opinion, but definitely dont get any Chem D in them at all. The GMO outcrosses seem to bring out the garlic again - like real garlic not whatever GMO.
thought it was an interesting intersection of both convos on the chem smells and a variety completely losing its “terps” within a few generations.


I did listen to that 707 shabud episode! Was pretty good but was kinda hoping for more info at the same time :sweat_smile: do I remember hearing there will be a part 2? Might be getting that confused.

I know the shantibaba potcast episode was damn near worthless sadly.


Lol the Shantibaba episode was exactly what I expected from him.

Breeders syndicate has a 2 part interview with Shabud, still waiting on part 2 I think. Alot of repeated info from the potcast interview


i understand what youre saying. Im not too hip on breeders as my life is a whirlwind and I imagine now ill have much more time to deep dive life. lol. I just feel great spiritually and physically now that im sober. Ill only use that use that word once. Ever. Hehe! Anyways im not too hip on the TK. Like I said the Triangle is a sweet pair with the Gelato. The genetics used I mean were solid, smells and tastes worderfully classic and has that mean nose burn “pool water” grass me and Ma Dukes calls it. :laughing

Mr. Hero was kind enough to put me on his list and that shit really means the world to me because thats always been the spirit of Marijuana culture and this site. I have so much to be thankful for this year. All I can say is that what I have genetic wise as long as I still have it the original owner still has it. I take it with any set conditions and abide by them as well out of respect and anonimity. never had any issues. everyones been awesome. as well as you.

TK wise all I have is Black Triangle X Heri’s I got through my guy here. I still have a bunch of Bodhi gear to finally get to as well. its time to go through those SSDD seeds ive been sleeping on for a few years. I have some magic dude, ill make sure I check in with you as well. anything you ever see on my thread that you may be interested in youre more than welcome. I appreciate all the love bro. Yes dude im in a perfect position. my uncle works at a plastics place. im going to have flood tables made out of white antibacterial medical board. Im happy. It’s been a long time coming. I will talk to you soon. be safe bud. thanks for the info sorry for the book.

Gushers (TK41)



Damn she pretty though. Odd on the smell.

I present to you my piece if trash Chem91. I wouldn’t normally share this with anyone but…science, am I right? This is like 65 days lol. I got this from a growmie that got me Lemon G. Not sure his source but I’ll ask.

But this has major fuel/gas smells. And it’s also throwing nanners. Just a couple on the whole plant, down low. No pollen from them from what I can tell. Clearly unhappy with my setup. Sorry for that turd. Here’s a hidden bud, offered as a palette cleanser.

Looking like I have a couple more weeks yet.


Hmm… I just hit day 60 here and for sure, unless I’m completely noseblind to it, I’m not getting ANY fuel/gas/diesel at all. If I squeeze a bud it’s a rubbery smell?

The structure of the plant looks the same tho. Here’s some pics of mine, currently being engulfed by the Swiss Thai Nevil 2 girl