Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Oooh that looks nice! Thanks!

Spicy and incese is definitely more what i’d expect to see. The one really good jack I had back in the day was like that. Idk about cinnamon lol but yeah. Definitely not fruity at all.


Yeah, all the JH I had on my November trip to Amsterdam this year was all terpeninol with different fruits and citrus, very disappointed :relaxed:

Pz :v:t2:


Out of likes again :cry: Yeah that sounds like the same thing I had in Oregon a couple years back. Sounds like all the Jack going around lately actually. Fruity/Citrus terpinolene. Makes me really miss that one from 20ish years ago. I have faith in finding some goodies in this Tree of Life and Mountain Temple though.


the lemon jack was pretty prevalent back in the day too. im guessing youre searching for the amnesia haze type one? lemon was always more energetic though, spicey more trippy and sedative or just all over the place. but given your love for TK trippy is probably calming to some degree for you?
@boatbum325 has a really nice sounding sweet and sour, he put a pack up in the st jude auction this year so his description is in the thread somewhere.


I dont know the Fuzz but I really liked Mountain Temple. But I didn’t get the sprite/Temple leaner. What I got was slow vegging, short and compact growth with little stretch. One of them the buds were absolutely massive compared to the plant size and lost some to rot. The other was smaller buds but a bit more resin coverage. They both has a funky fruit thing going on that was delicious. Favorite jars from that run.

Big Bud pheno

Smaller bud pheno only picture I can find :confused:

Edit: forgot to add, they were quick at 8 weeks ready to harvest.


Yeah that looks glorious! Can see the nl5haze in there for sure. Some appy too by the looks of it :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


No no no, I was just responding to what you said about if the Tree of Lifes don’t end up popping and what you were considering if they didn’t. I’d go with the MT’s first after that, but you’ll probably like The Fuzz more. Hopefully the ToL’s will sprout, though.

Mm. I dunno. Yeah, I guess. I’d rather find out for myself, though. It’s like the Rare Dankness stuff that I’ve grown, where there was just SO MUCH shit-talking going on that I avoided that gear for a while, but I finally went,”You know what? Fuck those logs. I’m curious and I’m gonna buy some seeds for myself and find out,” and it turned out that all of those people talking shit about RD were wrong. I’ve loved every RD thing I’ve grown so far.

They’re not “evening weed”!!! Haha. That’s just how you’re interpreting it. Unless, I guess, your definition of “evening weed” is different than mine. If it doesn’t make me wanna take a nap or fall asleep, it isn’t “nighttime” stuff. Just smoke some and find out for yourself.

This is just semantics, really. And I started typing this response like an hour ago, took a break and went in to water the plants and the last Zap showed male, so… Now I’m back and I’m a little irritated haha, totally lost my train of thought.

One of your FLC x NL5SS also showed male, but I didn’t look at the plant labels so I’m not sure how many of those I’m down to now. Three, I think. In any event, like usual, I did not actually end up with a 50/50 ratio or better haha. Down to eight fucking plants now from 19 seeds sprouted.


Haha, yeah. There is some really unique and awesome pearls to find in RD, but I’ve found so much herms too. I would be safe to say that RD have had the most herms of any breeders I ever run. That said, I just ran two Tangerine Somali, both super beautiful but they hermed. I popped some Moonshines Ghost Train and found a super stellar female which is cloned and are going to be a part of my future breeding projects.

To get to some conclusions about RDs gear is that it’s not maybe for people who want to run small amount of seeds and then move on to something else. It’s for those dedicated to hunt a pack or two for that special female to clone and keep for decades to come. RD #1 is still one of my favorite breeders for medical use.

Pz :v:t2:


Oooooh, gotcha! Hopefully the TOL’s pop. they should… I’ve had em in the fridge since you sent them to me. I’ll definitely do the mountain temples next regardless. Especially after seeing @Fitzera’s :heart_eyes:, among others. I’m on a daytime kick at the moment. By that time I should know more about the 91 and the D and will get started on The Fuzz ^^

I hear that. Herms are one thing I guess, but I hear what your saying. It’s why I wanted the Chem’s here. Partially to remind myself what I had in the past, partially to see what this talk of the :goat: is. Hard to go wrong with a lineage like that RD#1 tho :wink:

Hopefully I’ll do that over the next couple months here thanks to a super awesome person. And maybe you’ll see me over here eating crow and growing the cuts soon too :sweat_smile: I don’t mind admitting when I’m wrong.

Ugh, nooo! That’s a crazy male ratio :see_no_evil: 0.29% or something crazy you said? Nuts… I actually need that ratio for finding ssdd male(s) tho :joy: I’d send ya my zap pack if I knew weren’t already sitting on extras lol I hear ya on the taking a break from them for a bit… the last HAVE to be female, right!? Ugh

Hopefully the other LCH’s are girls :pray:
Actually hope everything else are girls!


Just wanted to clarify when I said the SFV x Wookie was more “sativa” I meant it was not night time or drowsy herb. It had no raciness, paranoia, and was not trippy. It wasn’t hyper-introspective or anything else either. Just a feel-good, uplifting, functional summertime herb. Felt like a great hybrid blend done right.

I don’t think any exotic sativa connoisseur would see a whole lot of “sativa”, but maybe lumbo?


I mean, I don’t wanna see you “eat crow” or anything haha, I just always hope that you and everybody else likes the weed they grow.

Yeah, it’s fine. If I can’t find at least a couple females from the two packs I already bought, it’s obviously just not meant to be. I’m not gonna force the issue haha…


I actually got some SFV OG a month or so back and it’s very much like you describe. Was significantly better than the batch I had in Oregon a couple years back that was literally mids. This batch is actually decent daytime herb. The TK is similarly daytime like that, but waay more rushy and racy at first and a stronger daytime effect. I find her very sociable and I can really focus on things. I consider her a sativa in that regard, and definitely not lumbo :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I do wonder on that possibility of NL5Haze being in there like the talk about the Chem’s. I’d sooner think Neville’s Haze or maybe even Silver Pearl though. Rather than straight-up C5, but who knows :thinking: :man_shrugging: Definitely has NL2 in it, that’s for sure.


I can’t wait to compare this TK to the SFV I have in jars. TK will go 11-12 weeks, depending how cold this winter is and how cold it makes the basement. I really like the SFV, still have her after 2 runs. She can get a little heavy with all day smoking. Anytime you’re interested. We could meet this spring and trade cuts.


Bleh, came in to the 3x3 with most of the fans crispy/yellow and fallen off :see_no_evil: Hopefully I can get her to the finish line without being too far off. Definitely gonna need another couple runs to get her figured out, but she’s coming along beautifully:
Swiss Thai Nevil 2 x Nevil’s Haze #21 x Mullumbimby Madness - Day 45

Definitely a predominantly sandalwood scent imo :thinking:

Neglected Triangle Kush in the corner Day 62

And that’s all I got for now, thanks for looking!


Seems pretty good for a neglected plant to me!

Looks like it’s about 85-90% NLD from here.


She’s smelling glorious but definitely not getting the light or love she should get. It’ll still be great tho :yum:

Yeah! Craziest sativa plant I’ve grown so far. Closest to her I’ve seen in person was the beast in the Lemon Cheese Haze(Franco’s Lemon Cheese #1 x C5SensiStar F3 #1) I grew out a few years back. I took those 12/12 from seed and one was 5ft while the rest went ~2ft. This STN2 girl is over 5ft after flipping a 12 inch clone and pinching her stems every few days during stretch. She’d probably do 15-20ft outdoors at the rate she grows :eyes: I’m gonna uppot a 4-6inch clone of her and stick it in the 4x4 and see how she does there :yum:


Despite the growth rate and whatnot, her flowers look like she’s gonna finish pretty quick :thinking:


So we’re doing this now? We’re moving from the Hershey Squirt thing to fucking with me about NLD/BLD? Haha.


Lol that hs1/hs33 is forever ruined for me now after that convo :joy:


Haha it was in reference to his comment about made up percentages more than anything. I do think you’re on to something though, and I think I remember Robert Connell Clarke or someone like that pushing that narrative a few years back. Don’t see it sticking in public discourse, but seems to make more sense than putting sativa in quotes to me.