Holy's Garden (Part 1)

It’s like the first page in cannabis evolution and ethnobotany by rob clarke and mark merlin


At what stage of the plants life do we judge the leaf width? I guess that’s the only confusing part to me.


Maybe at plant maturity when genders differentiate?


Leaf width will change across a plants life. Solar intensity, leaf temperature, and water availability playing the significant roles in shaping these morphological changes. Judging leaf width across the entirety of a season or grow seems the best way.

Also, with regards to the topic of NLD and BLD in general, I think it would be more technically correct to use the word leaflet instead of leaf when discussing these things. Cannabis has complex leaves and complex leaves have leaflets. I believe this has been documented prior to the Clarke and Merlin publication, I’ll have to double check my resources but I believe it was either McPartland or Hillig and Mahlberg who first coined these phrases and ideas regarding leaf morphology and cannabinoid content as identifying markers for grouping types within cannabis. Many blessings and much love


Out of likes but I agree. I don’t really rely on the nld/bld terminology at all.

I usually refer to the leaflets as blades but definitely ^^


Also in Marijuana Botany. I haven’t read that book in years, but I guess I did retain at least one little nugget of information from it… haha.


No pics this morning but need to mark this stuff down.

I trimmed most the suckers off the Chem-D(there was a lot) and the few off the chem4 today, at day 9 of flower in the 4x4.

Had to add more yoyos to the ssdd girl, day 29.

Bubba is in full flower mode now at day 23.

The C5SensiStar girl is looking a bit weird 9 days into flower, like she was flowering but then decided to grow a bit and then flower again. Joy of rootbound before flipping, but she should pull out of it soon :thinking: unsure how big she’s gonna get. Probably not much but we’ll see.


is this the same mother used on ssdd f2bx1 you made some time ago?

beautiful seeds congratz


It sure is! Would you like some?


You’re about to open the floodgates with a statement like that!


Random SSDD F2 #1 Flower from my smokin jar today, seeded with BROG#2.
Was chopped at day 78.


Oh yes, that would definitely be amazing
I haven’t opened your f2bx1 yet

It would be interesting to open both and compare them side by side

Plus i received the kush4 x ssdd to increase the collection


Guessing Bubba Kush likes her root space :thinking:
Found a bunch of balls at day 25 of flower on her in 1/2gal pot.
Think there’s gonna be some SSDD F2 #1 x Bubba Kush fems :see_no_evil:
I tossed that bubba out of the flower tent. Sprayed everything down with water.
Tossed the Chem D in flower too. jdgaf.

Day 64 in the 3x3 and STILL, the chem91

and the Chem #4

Do NOT, in any way shape or form, smell like gas/diesel/fuel/etc. to my nose.
It’s most definitely a chemical-y and spicy scent to my nose. Almost incense-y. The spicy part is the same scent I’ve found in some nl5haze lines :man_shrugging:

idk where this talk of the chem’s smell like gas comes from :thinking:
Growing with maxibloom, basically lucas formula, over here and nada. Maybe it needs jacks or dirt to come out?

Or maybe the quote was “tastes like gas” :thinking:
or maybe by ‘gas’ he just meant, good weed…

For the record, they’re in the same 1/2 gal pots the Bubba was and they didn’t throw nanners or balls :unamused:


Bummer on the balls!
Yeah I havent had much weed that smells straight up like gasoline. The closest ive gotten is a smell I associate with fresh pellet hops that is kind of a hint of gas behind all that hoppy goodness.


@ramblinrose yeah bit harder to come by. I’ve definitely come across diesel smells tho. Moreso back in the day than anything “modern”, but the gas smell seems to be more prevalent :thinking:

I never got gas or diesel out of the pure chem’s when I had them back in the day though either. I got into an argument over it with WeTokeChronic in the OG Kush thread a couple years ago, but growing these out now, I’m doubling up on standing by my words. There’s not a drop of either of those scents in these two plants for me. So either I’m completely nose blind to it, which is a good possibility as I don’t ever smell that generic “weed” smell either, or it’s a nutrient issue… or possibly we’re not growing the same plants :thinking: but I’m pretty sure they’re the real deal from the looks and structure and all that. Came direct from FarmerJoe too :man_shrugging:

@nube I think you were saying you were getting gas or similar out of the chem’s at this many days?
What are you growing in exactly?


Chem D has no "gas or diesel " either


I believe there may be some missing history regarding Haze… at least from what I recall reading long ago.

Although haze is now regarded as a single strain, it was released over multiple years with different crosses that each had distinctly different high’s… The Haze Brothers first released haze as an inbred Mexican landrace which was very up and energetic. The next year they mixed it with Columbian, and it had a different effect with more body. Finally, they mixed in their Thai strain and that cross was known for being tiring and druggy in effect. Who has what, and where? That I couldn’t say. As for Jack, I haven’t had a really good sativa Jack since 1994… it was light green and spindly and would tweak you out :joy: I think that breeders have chosen the more commercially viable jack phenos to work with… less spindly and sativa like and more of the skunk/NL visual characteristics which end up having a more indica style stone than a sativa high.

I would love to run that chem 91 one day… I want to try reversing her and hitting the TK, Bubba, Old family Purple, and LAPK… if anyone has pollen I would love to trade for some! I have STS ingredients in anticipation of someday having a cut, and would happily share that if anyone who held her wanted to reverse her and share the pollen if they don’t want to share the cut.


:100:% fact imo. My last good jack experience was pre-2005 and sounds similar. It was light green and gold. Not very dense, very much a sativa type flower and she hit like it too. I would say it was a bit euphoric but would also get ya going.

I can share her out to you but it’ll be after the holidays due to shipping issues. That definitely sounds like a great plan tho! I’d love to make a TK/91 cross too lol.

The bubba is on its last run for me after the balls and nanners :rage: gonna flip one more and sack at least 1/3rd of my yield to lollipop her and see what happens. Any more balls/nanners and she goes into the compost pile. I’ll find something better later.


I am confused. I have had Katsu’s bubba herm on me every single grow but never once have I had a Berger’s bubba herm :thinking: unless it happened and I totally missed seeing them :thinking: I am curious as to why your bubba went they on you? Did you stress it somehow? I am bummed to see that, it may not be the strongest strain but I love the Bubba taste and happy “up” (to me) high


Yeah, I was going to ask if that’s something Bubba is known for. Now I’m nervous about my next run haha…