Holy's Garden (Part 1)

happy new year @HolyAngel and the rest of the gang! sending best wishes for 2024! :slight_smile:

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Happy New Year bro! :partying_face:

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Here’s some blurry shots of the Swiss Thai Nevil 2 - Day 61

And more blurry shots, this time of the Chem #4 - Day 78


Pics from the 4x4

SSDD F2 #1 - Day 45

Still lookin rough but what can you do. Yield looks nice this run. May need to keep doing that defoliation thing on her in the future :thinking:

Chem #4 - Day 25

Really like this plant, hoping for no balls this time. She might be one I’d actually deal with it on but not sure yet.

C5SensiStar F3 #5 - Day 25

Here’s my pics of her @Vagabond_Windy she’s just stacking away now:

Chem91 - Day 21

Triangle Kush - Day 21

Both here: 91 on the left, TK on the right:

Bubba Kush - Matt Berger cut - Day 12

Bleh. Been keeping an eye on her this run. Already tossed the mom. Have 1 clone left and father in law has her but she’s on her last run here if she doesn’t shape tf up real quick.

Swiss Thai Nevil 2 x NH21/MM - Day 12

Been crushing literally every single internode spacing she has every-other day since I know she likes to go fckn crazy.
So far so good just need to remember to stay on top of it :pray:

Thanks for looking :sunglasses:


If you’ve already mentioned this, I apologize for forgetting haha, but what’s the deal with that Swiss Thai/Nevil’s Haze/Mullumbimby cross? Where’d it come from? And what’s “Swiss Thai”? I’ve been meaning to ask, but waited until I just couldn’t wait any longer haha.


Out of likes again but the stn2 is from Ojd @ConnoisseurGenetics. He got the originals directly from Nevil before he passed.

Swiss Thai Nevil is a cross Nevil made of Green Hornets 1982 ‘Swiss’ Thai (beans found in Thai sticks that were imported into Switzerland (where green hornet lives) in 1982) and Nevil’s own ‘Nevil’s Haze #21’ cut that he reversed and hit the Swiss Thai with. So it’s basically a fem cross of 82 thai stick x nevils haze.

The NH#21 was found in a 50 bean run from original 1997 NH stock Nevil had given Shanti just before he got locked up. That’s actually an amusing, and telling, story in itself. Nevil asked Shanti for those beans when he got to Australia. So shanti sent him a bunch. He grew them out and knew immediately they weren’t his original stock. He had to call out shanti and complain for shanti to actually send him back his original beans :eyes: From those originals, a few different cuts were found and worked with. The #21 cut is supposed to be the most cerebral/trippy/haze like. There’s a #36 that leans more towards NL5. a #18, #19 that if I remember right lean towards the 36 but not as good, and maybe one other one that’s like the 21 but not as good :thinking: 21 and 36 supposed to be the best ones.

Anyways, Nevil picked two clones from this seed line to work with. Swiss Thai Nevil #1 and Swiss Thai Nevil #2. My plant here is from the #2 clone that is the better yielding one of the two. The first one is more grinspoon looking.

Nevil made the NH#21 x Mullumbimby Madness cross too and found a few different plants to use. MM is basically a 69Haze or haze precursor. Nevil was positive the MM and his HazeA/HazeC shared a parent somewhere in their lineage.

I don’t remember if nevil made the stn2xnh21/mm or if ojd did :thinking: I know the F2 male I have is from ojd’s selection but I wanna say the girl is Nevil’s directly. You remember anything @Rocket ?


Ah, okay, thanks. I’ve heard both good and bad things about that Mullumbimby Madness, got a few hybrids of that one myself, but I’m not sure when I’m gonna plant any. Never heard about that Swiss Thai before (obviously), but it does sound intriguing. And I’ve definitely heard of Nevil’s Haze haha.


Both the SwissX and 21MM are from OJD’s reproduction. OJD got those lines from Nevil’s friend, which is the same person that sent me those OJD’s repro’s.

To be clear, those lines didn’t come from D. They came from S. Just in case there’s some confusion.


Very nice! Thank you sir! :heart:


Which defoliating thing, :slight_smile: ? I used to do a 21/45 day thing of any fans with about an inch long petiole. I would get as much as if I didn’t, unless I had a bunch of crammed in plants. It definitely helped then.

I saw a Tom Hill technique, pistil whipping, where you take anything that’s not going to amount to any thing, but leave their fans.

I think it works pretty well for my SSDD. Last run she put out just over 11 zips in a 2 gallon airpot… monumental for the crawl!

Yours does look nice and heavy is why I’m asking. Not too shabby on the rest either :smile:


So the NL5 is the more indica/couchlock than the other NL’s?


I has the opposite impression based on reading. NL5 more stimulating vs. NL2 heavier.


@HorseBadorites Around day 21 I basically took off the first 4-5 nodes on every branch coming from the main stem. Everything that wouldn’t turn into a decent ~1inch diameter bud if you had left her untouched. I normally just leave her and do nothing because even the “larf” is worth smoking. Absolutely caked in trichomes. But I needed to lower the humidity so figured give it a shot. Looks like it paid off. I could definitely do a better job running her. She’s rootbound af in a 1/4 gallon fabric pot.

@Tappy definitely not! NL5 is fairly sativa-ish. NL1 is the couchlock narcotic indica. NL2 is a kush. :wink:


Love your threads Holy… beautiful stuff


I’m all out of likes again but thank you very much! :relaxed:


Thank you for clarification.

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always has the knowledge and info to back up his runs which makes following along even more neat. most of us just see hype sexed with hype i wanna grow!! holy goes for those landrace old school hippy weed :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve run into this also. I think there is some validity to the moon cycle theory.

If you popped these around the new year or just before; that would have been a bad time in the moon cycle. You want the swelling energy that builds up to the full moon that occurs 7-10 days prior to the full moon.

There’s prob a spell that you’re supposed to chant as well :magic_wand:


Yeah I’ve been thinking the same thing for a year or two now :thinking:

I do try and start soaking in the lead up to the full moon.
Never on a new moon.
It seems like around new years is just a bad time regardless of what the moon is doing :thinking:


Was thinking about pouring a bath, seeing your post reminded me; gonna hold off till the 17th now.

But, maybe I should experiment w some chucked seeds now, just to see. This being the lead up to the new moon, is about the worst case timing I think.