Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I was told plant when the moon is waxing, don’t plant on a waning moon. But that was an elderly woman that used to get/read the Farmer’s Almanac decades ago. (Granny)


The moon phase stuff is bullshit in case anyone was wondering.


I think there’s an extra variable not being accounted for. Definitely had dismal rates trying to start beans leading up the new moon. Had dismal rates at certain times of the year. Better rates leading up to the full moon. It’s all arbritary data tho for sure. I have no stats nor can account for much besides random chance… Still makes me think there’s something to it tho :thinking:


I think moon phases would only matter if one was planting seeds outdoors directly into the ground, the way people did for millennia. Indoors (or outdoors) in pots of soil or coco or whatever, I don’t think moon phases matter at all.

I just planted four seeds last night at 6:45pm, which apparently was a “bad” time to do that haha. Let’s see if they sprout. I hope they do… haha.


I mean, ancient cultures planted seeds according to the phases of the moon for thousands and thousands of years. They had centuries-worth of data haha, it’s not like they were just doing that because they were superstitious. They did it because they got better results.

Again, though, indoors in pots, there’s no fucking way it matters. The whole idea of planting according to phases of the moon is because of the gravitational pull of, like, water and soil and, uh… whatever haha. Which, again, would only seem to matter if you were planting seeds directly into the ground.


How so certain? Do you think the influences of the moon cannot penetrate our houses? I bet your lady friends might think otherwise:)


When it comes to planting the newish weed seeds we do indoors , after paying attention to it for many many years , I agree . It does not matter.

But as someone who has lived and worked on a biodynamic farm , I have to strongly disagree in regards to other seeds and things.


You do know I’m super farmer, right? There is no data to support superstitions.


I remember exactly who you are lol Some who lives in only black and white while most of the world is actually other colors.

That doesn’t change what I said. Oh and for the record there is tons of data on biodynamic farming. But of course you already know that and choose to ignore it.

I am also not trying to get into an argument in Holy’s thread.

I agree with you , the moons phase does not matter when it comes to popping weed seeds indoors.


I grew this 16lb squash with the phases of the moon… No, I just used regenerative farming. While this huge squash is falsifying your ideas, go look up some data for me.


There are many unknowns in this life which should possibly be more closely explored, we only stop learning once we believe any specific conclusion


The way I see it is that any fresh seeds are likely to sprout any old time of year, cause they are fresh and vibrant and itching to grow. But when you have old or potentially less viable seed, then every little thing that might help could be useful and the moon is one of those things, imo. I don’t see why indoors or outdoors would matter in this regard. The moons pull goes deeper than wooden boxes on the surface. It’s not superstition, its science and the impact of the moon upon living bodies of water. No offense to all you that dont think such things are real:)


dude, that is total broscience



Definitely sums it up.


Day 14

if you zoom in you can see all the bulging spots from where i’ve crushed the stems.
Still trying to stay on it daily.

Also, I think something has pollinated my Triangle Kush :unamused:

Hoping its the NH21/MM F2 pollen that’s been floating around… I checked over the bubba and don’t see anything. Chem4 looks good but didn’t get a close up look. Pretty much only two that should be doing it.
We’ll see later tonight :axe::axe:
She’s lookin great tho!


Awwww, man…I didn’t realize how often stuff like this happens, until it happened to me…lol. It’s crazy how pollen can get around! I have a new respect for it and the people who work with it.


Right! Stuff gets around! Hoping it’s the nh21 pollen. I honestly need to make that cross anyways. TKNH21MM sounds amazing. Plan to hit the two chems too. Will be taking down the stn2 branches soon that I already pollinated with him :fire:

I want to try reversing my SSDD onto the TK and/or the 91 at some point this year :thinking: hoping it’ll work better than my TK reversal attempt. I plan to retry that too. And reverse the nh21/mm male. See what I can get to and when.

All said and dried, I’m honestly fairly disappointed with the bubba.

If this Matt Berger bubba kush cut aka orgnkid green pheno Aka original bubba kush aka pre93 is the best bubba cut out there, I think I’m done looking at bubba. My SSDD F2 #1 stomps on that Berger cut. It’s not chocolate kushy tastiness, but it’s got its own unique tasty flavor. it’s noticeably more potent than bubba is, and it actually relieves my pain. To me, the bubba is just a decent kush plant. Not that potent, doesn’t make me tired/sleepy/relaxed, doesn’t touch any of my pain. It’s beautiful and pretty sturdy, a nice plant to grow and I love the selection, minus the herm tendency, but the smoke doesn’t reach the hype at all. Im hoping what you got going is better. I’ve heard a lot about there being better plants in bubba crosses and s1s than the cuts themselves.


Bubba Kush off my list


Interesting. I have always sort of held Bubba in fairly high regard as I have very fond memories of it from the early 2000’s era. The Chocolaty Kushy smell as well as the Hells Angels Tuna Cans that were all the rage for while around here. Its funny I remember thinking at the time that I was sick of all the Kushs… that all everyone wanted and I found them very heavy. But looking at whats popular these days, I feel like it was a pretty good time in the black market to be a consumer.

You make me want to try SSDD…