Holy's Garden (Part 1)

If you got seeds from my ssdd girl, like the f2 bx1 or otherwise, it’s gonna be better looking through those than looking through one of bodhi’s ssdd f1 packs or f2s. More potency, better structure, better yield, and more percentage of plants resembling what bodhi talks about in ssdd than you’ll find in the f1s themselves. I’m slowly trying to spread her herself around too. Just don’t wanna lose her. Already almost did twice.

That being said, if she didn’t help my pain like she does, or if I didn’t have any pain to begin-with, I wouldn’t keep her either.


I was never a huge fan of Bubba until the last batch I got, which had to have been twelve or thirteen years ago, maybe longer. And even that batch didn’t make me a huge fan haha, but it was very good.

Still… Yeah… Fuck it. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. It’s definitely never been on my”OMG, I GOTTA GROW THAT!” list.


I can help with that! :raising_hand_man:t2:


If I had never had anything as good as bubba, it’s fantastic! and I could see where some of the hype is coming from. Having had things much better than the bubba… I’m not impressed :sweat_smile: It’s good for sure. Not saying it’s bad. Just. Yeah, not much of a fan. I’d rather smoke the SSDD or the TK or the Chem’s, etc. Wish I held onto my TriForce #4 :cry:


Hey H.A. if you ever get a cut to @imstinky in the future lemme know, he’s a local… so I could get one from him :+1: I’m down with keeping her going too, or I’d try my very best at least :100:

Have you tried growing the Pre98, I talked to a few people who enjoyed that cut, I assume different than the Berger cut?


For sure can do guys :+1:

I have not grown out nor tried the Pre98 cut myself that I’m aware of. Might’ve gotten it in a bag back in the day but can’t say for sure. The Pre98 I’ve seen posted over the last couple years here and other places, like the one @BirD has, is for sure different than the Berger cut I have from FJ. I wouldn’t mind trying it as I really do think that’s the one that bodhi used despite whatever talk and/or posts have been made. Just seen enough SSDD’s and growing this Berger cut to lead to me to think so… it may not be THAT Pre98 cut, but i am 99.99% sure it wasn’t this Berger cut. That Pre98 cut is just the closest bubba I’ve seen to a bunch of the plants coming out of the SSDD’s.


Hi, I just wanted to share a pic with you of the M29 plant I got, it’s confirmed a female(STS time) and she’s overtaking my small micro garden with her fat leafs. She’s only topped once and reacted very good to it. Looking forward to play with this one in the future if she passes my herm torture :laughing:

Pz :v:t2:


Plants don’t lie people do
I would say it’s the mother to ssdd


Oh nice dude! I’m still kinda sad none of those made it over here lol I love the leaves on that one! :face_with_monocle: got some double serrations in there :eyes: she looks pretty happy. I hope she stays stable :crossed_fingers:


Yeah, I know! When I’ll reverse her you are the first letter going out. Hehe, she’s a bit neglected 🫣 Didn’t even think about the serration, I’m going to flower her next round. I’ll update you when I got some flowering pics.

Hope you have an awesome weekend.

Pz :v:t2:


If you have a chance to grow ssdd do it. I grew @50State version of it several times and it’s well worth it . Got a pack of Holly’s stashed away looking forward to running it once I run low .



did you see the YouTube video they released yesterday with Caleb and the mouthpiece???

if not skip through the first 10 minutes it’s just Kevin flapping his gums introducing Caleb

just the fact that he was able to sit with that man for an hour and a half and listen to him ramble without wanting to crack him over the head with a big bucket tells me I’m not buying any of his seeds💥


I did not, got link? :pray:

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no I don’t know how I found it it was on YouTube do you know I look at so much weed related stuff that’s what it shows me all the time I imagine you should be able to to search and find it it was Kevin jodrey and Caleb it was two hours long


For sure, I know how that is lol. that should be enough for me to find it, thanks!


When I saw it last night I think they said it would have been released for six hours so it’s brand new

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Chopped and tossed the matt herm’er cut of bubba kush. Nanners at 16 days after adjusting shit for it. Done with it. I up-potted and stuck the AJ Sour Diesel cut in its place. See how that one does. Bubba definitely hit the SSDD again and the TK. Everything else looks unaffected so far. See in a few more days. No nanners on anything else in the tent.

Chopped the Chem4 in the 3x3 at 84 days. She hasn’t really changed any from the last pic a few days ago. Swiss Thai Nevil 2 has the tent to herself now. Hopefully pics in the morning ^^


Swiss Thai Nevil 2 x NH21 x MM - Day 67

She’s sooo hungry! :cry:
Think she might need the extra 10-30-20 the whole way :thinking:
I’ve been feeding at 7g maxibloom per gallon and she’s still nomin all the leaves.

I’d bet she’d yield 2-3x as much as she is now if she got the proper feed the whole way. This last pic tho, really reminded me of something :thinking:
Oh I remember! C5 SensiStar F3 #5 top from my 3rd run of her:

In case there was any doubt on the Haze nature of these plants :wink:

Speaking of Swiss Thai Nevil 2

Day 17

She’s at least 5 inches taller than at day 14 and still trying to stretch like crazy. I crushed all these stems to breaking last night and she fixed them and put on ~one inch in 11hrs. Had to do it again this morning. I want a nice ~3ft bush at most. not a 5ft sprawling mess.

Moving on:
AJ Sour Diesel - Day 1

Looks a lot like the 91 or TK :thinking:

Triangle Kush - Day 36

Chem 91 - Day 36

Chem #4 - Day 30

C5 SensiStar F3 #5 - Day 30

SSDD F2 #1 - Day 50

And full tent shot


If you ever want to trade Tk or 91 I have gmo that’s great for sleep she’s the best I have found to me. I make feco and she’s been working for few months.
Plants look great


Morning @HolyAngel.

Your Chem#4 look bloody amazing !
Are they still in 1-gallon bags? Is that what we’re seeing in the day 78 shot of the tent?