Holy's Garden (Part 1)

There’s definitely a good chance I’d say. It was advertised in high times back then, among other places.


I’d say it’s probably just a result of selective breeding, back when breeders cared about, you know, actually breeding, but Holy knows more about colchicine than I do. I actually know nothing about it haha.


jesus that sounds fun. sign me up NOT! sorry you had to go thru that sounds very painful.


Colchicine is one of the oldest remedies still in use today. It is derived from the bulb-like corms of the Colchicum autumnale plant, also known as autumn crocus
I’m not a doctor, but I play one on tv. Don’t ingest that shit. It’ll grow male parts on your female cannabis plants, that’s what it was for. Nasty! A super nasty reversal spray.


Need to thin these out pretty soon here

We’re up to node 4-5 on most of them so hopefully gender reveals soon!
Think its day ~25 for these since sprout.


Looking great Holy!


Alright. Cleaned out the 3x3x7 and moved all the C5SS #5 F4’s over there. Sadly pic is at an angle :confused:

The 3 nice lookin one’s up front here definitely have my :eyes:
Unsure on the rest :sweat_smile:

Here’s the StarShine F2 and TriForce

Might move a couple of these over to that 3x3 just to give some better airflow :thinking:

Should get gender reveals over the next 10 days or so :pray:

In other news, Triangle Kush at 49 days

:drooling_face: :heart_eyes:


Maybe some better shots of the C5SS #5 F4s


Looks like I need to up the Gypsum a bit. 1.5g or so :thinking:

Also, that weird one may kinda be growing out of it? :thinking:


Very nice! Man those are some broadleaf bastards huh? Very interesting :thinking:


They’ll thin out as they get older, and definitely once they hit flower, but yeah. Joy of NL5 and SensiStar in the lineage. The parents were pretty similar:

Parents of these F4’s are the #1 and #5 there.


Edit: Fixed the pics :yum:


They are sexy for sure. Thats some great work bro :facepunch:t2:


They are very similar, almost identical, wow


Yeah! Both parent’s were great, both bred really really well. Sad they’re both gone but hoping for something same or better in these F4’s.

Lookin over the old #1 pics, I can see where these beans are getting the weird mottling from
Coming from the male. I just never saw that in any of his other offspring :thinking:


It definitely happens, my one very special cut will do that sporadically, just randomly throw out yellow spotted, burnt in spots leaves. I thought it was fuct, maybe infected etc. then I talked to the creator and he assured me that’s her special identification feature (not intentional but it worked out) he can go online scour pics and know exactly what’s up without even trying. Strange but true :thinking:


Yeah I have a few traits to look out for on all 3 of these seed lines. That mottling just wasn’t one of them before now :sweat_smile: now I know it’s a marker for the male. The girl never had anything like that. The c5ss beans were the first beans I made, along with the lemon cheese haze. Long before I ever took in any cuts. Everything has been soaked in separate 20+ % bleach and calhypo solutions, so I’m pretty damn positive they’re all 100% clean.


Kinda wanna look at the other line of F4s now :thinking: I took that #1 male to the #4 girl also, sister to my keeper. She was like the complete opposite of the keeper. Keeper is old school daytime haze. Saturated colors, euphoric, you’re HIGH not stoned or baked, no racy/anxiety, great stuff. The #4 was straight Knock-Out herb. Denser smaller flowers instead of long cola’s. Metallic Pine scent/flavor. Was really good but I wanted haze so I didn’t keep her. She was also pretty finicky. Even if I had kept her she’d likely be gone now anyways. But I made those seeds!


I just like the way that one looks, even though it does look weird. If I was growing it, I’d probably be like,”Dang, man! What’s the deal with this one?!?” but since you’re the one growing it, I’m like,”I really wanna see what happens…” haha.

Good to know :joy::joy::joy:. I’m gonna do a photo dump of those three Cheese Haze plants on your thread later today. I have to do an online traffic school thing here in a bit for a speeding ticket I got a while back, today’s the last day for me to do it before “the court” notifies my insurance company, so it has to be done. And that photo dump is gonna take a while, so… haha.


Looking forward to it! Good luck on your class ^^


Lookin great brother

Nice and clean


So, I realized last night that I’ve had the C5SS F4’s on a flower schedule since I moved them over to the other 3x3 :see_no_evil: Switched em over to 18/6 last night.

Looks like both plants in the front center tray there are girls :partying_face:
See if we get any males here soon :thinking:

Back in the 2.5 x 2.5, here’s the StarShine F2 and TriForce again. Need to thin these out.

Think down the center, the first two trays or half the column, and all of the right column, are TriForce.
Then, the left column, and back half of the center column, are all StarShine F2’s.
I’ve increased the feed for all of the veg plants to 1.5g gypsum, 6g maxibloom, 1g jacks 10-30-20 per gallon. Mainly to fix the issues on the c5ss, but I’m sure the SS/TF will appreciate the extra calcium too.

Onto the 4.5 x 4.5 tent, Day 52 for the three Triangle Kush

Looks a bit rough from a distance but up-close… Two pics per plant

Looks like my earlier math was wrong too. These should be comin down on April 22nd to hit 77 days, not april 10th :thinking: