Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Maybe the C5SS could use some extra mag while I’m at it :thinking:

I’ve still been adding the 1ml Diamond Nectar (humic acids) to the TK feeds. Think I’m seeing a bit of a difference. Can definitely smell them when opening the tent. Last night decided to also try adding in 2ml of FloraNectar (molasses/sugar/acids/esters) just to see if I can notice anything. Been sitting on the bottles for a long time now. I didn’t go out and buy them for this :joy: I do also plan on flushing the girls with gypsum water for the last few days before chop. See what happens :upside_down_face:


Alright, one day late, Holy haha.

Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5 Haze/Sensi Star plant #2, veg day 35:

Veg day 60 (flipped the next day):

Flower day 9:

Flower day 19:

Flower day 29:

Flower day 39:

Etc etc etc, here she is on the day she was chopped, flower day 75:

I shoulda staked her haha.

Just so everybody on this thread knows, I’m posting these pics for the benefit of anybody who may have gotten these seeds but hasn’t planted them yet. Holy’s been following my log, so he’s aware of all of this already haha.

Anyway, here’s the #3 Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5Haze/Sensi Star, veg day 35:

Veg day 60 (flipped the next day):

Flower day 9:

Flower day 19:

Flower day 29:

Flower day 39:

You can see that she stretched pretty good, unlike the #2 plant. The #3 got relatively tall (I’ve grown taller, though), which is what I was hoping for.

Anyway, here she is on flower day 85, chop day, pre- and post-stake removal:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I really, really took my time trimming this one, super-lazy about it, took me like four or five days, so she’s only been in jars for about a week. Plus, there was just a ton to trim, almost filled up an entire brown paper grocery bag with her flowers. Calyx-to-leaf ratio-wise, though, she was great, very easy, not leafy at all (can’t say the same for that #2 plant haha).

Here’s some pics of the dried #3 plant’s nugs:

This is the only one of the three I’ve tried so far, smoked some for the first time on Sunday even though she’d only been in jars for like four days at that point. In any event, it’s fucking AWESOME smoke, seems very giggly, but also a weird sort of “focused,” too. I’m not gonna write the full-on smoke report until she’s been in jars for at least a month, but yeah, so far I fucking love it, definitely some of the better weed I’ve smoked. Like, maybe ever haha!

And here’s the #4 Cheese Haze, veg day 35:

Veg day 60 (flipped the next day):

Flower day 9:

Flower day 19:

Here’s a group shot of the three plants on flower day 19 that I just came across that really illustrates the differences between the plants. From left to right #2, #3 and #4:

The #4 stretched pretty decently, too, which, again, was what I was hoping for.

Here’s the #4 plant on flower day 29:

Flower day 39:

Etc etc, here she is on day 85, which is when I chopped her:

The flowers on her look remarkably similar to a Colombian Gold hybrid I grew a couple years ago and that I really, really loved (although that plant actually was the biggest thing I’ve ever grown haha, got huge; the two tall Cheese Haze plants from this round really were totally manageable). And like the #3 Cheese Haze plant, there was just a shitload of flowers, almost filled up a brown paper grocery bag with those, too. Same good calyx-to-leaf ratio, though, not leafy at all, super-easy trim.


Gawddamn, that took a while to post all that shit haha…

Anyway, yeah, thanks again for these seeds, Holy. I really cannot reiterate enough that anybody who has these seeds should plant them ASAP.


Shout out @HolyAngel for mentioning 3R Biotech…….cant remember if it was in this thread or another but I am digging their prices :muscle:
I’ve taking in some clones and gonna have them tested to ease my mind.


Yeah! Best pricing I’ve seen really :thinking: gotta buy 5 tests minimum so $75 for 5 hlvd tests up front. Plus you really need to pay for overnight shipping to send the root snips back, which is another 30ish dollars. But they seem to have a ~24hr turn around time on the results. If I remember right, I think @potpotpot said he got emailed results back on a Sunday!


I called them was curious about if I needed to ship overnight as their instructions indicated putting the sample into the fridge ASAP.
Answer I got back was UPS ground was OK, that the samples are preserved unless in extreme heat for days.
Guy seemed like he was knowledgeable but I almost want call again now. Would hate for my samples to ruin.


It took a few days to get the results back, but yeah, he works Sundays! He also answered a couple emails at like 3 in the morning his time, definitely a hard working guy.

Beyond that, he is a serious wealth of information. I asked a question I thought would get a yes or no, and got a terrific answer with references to different studies he had worked on. I actually got super busy and stopped corresponding with him, this is the nudge I need to finish my next response to him haha.


Ah gotcha! Yeah I suppose they didn’t say to do overnight. They did definitely recommend using UPS over the postal service though. For sure the quicker they can get the samples the more accurate the results will be but good to know Ground is an option if it’s not summer time or something ^^


First TriForce male Identified

Unsure if I’ll use him or not yet :thinking:

Here’s the other 3 I had moved over. No genders yet but they seem to be the most like TK out of this batch.

Rest are squatter with even fatter blades :sweat_smile:


Looks like the extra gypsum definitely helped. Probably still need to add some Epsom tho :thinking:

That middle c5ss there with the 3 pointy forward facing leaf blades looks like momma. I think she’s gonna be the ticket. Tho, the top left one looks extremely like my NorthStar #4 plant that was the keeper from those. Not like the mom exactly, that was the NS #3, but definitely worth keeping regardless. Still waiting on gender reveals. Then make some decisions, top for clones, and hopefully get to flowering them out here soon.


So I messed up this picture. The TriForce are ONLY the far right column and everything else is StarShine F2’s. I like the SS’s in the upper left corner. I think the one’s up front are leaning to the Starlite :thinking: Still no gender reveals really. Switched the lights in here to 18/6 today from 24/0. Tent with the C5SS/TF has been on 18/6 and definitely starting to get reveals over there. Likely start culling things in the next couple weeks and then start more beans :yum:


MAN u sure some of those aint big ass cabbage leaves lol such fat leaves i never get to see much


Heh yeah, the SSDD line can put out some big leaves by itself but throwing in the Starlite on top and yeah, cabbage :joy:

That was a leaf from the starlite male, Grandfather of this line.
And then the mom here which is a decent mix of the two:

Maybe a little more Starlite leaning than the SS male was. I’m trying to find one’s that look like the Grandma, SSDD F2 #1 but bit difficult so far :thinking:


Oh, pics for today.

I posted these elsewhere but, I just got the new hash hammer in from @Kop_Glass on IG

Was $125 shipped. Can buy direct from him or go through takoglass for some other one’s he has available too. He’s a bit slow on the responses, took about a day between them for me, but he comes through for sure! Just gotta be patient. Can’t wait to use it tonight. Got it packaged back up for now.

In the meantime, what I’m smokin on today…
SSDD F2 #1

:yum: :drooling_face: :heart_eyes:
Bout 2.5 months cured. Can’t get any of it without trichomes flying everywhere.

and then…
Chem Scout from High Supply :joy:

Supposed to be Chem 91 x GSC :thinking: Looks like cookies to me. Doesn’t taste like chem. idk. it’s okay. I needed some other daytime herb while I wait for these TK’s to finish and this was the closest I could get to possibly something decent. Sadness. Gotta try the competition tho right? :rofl:

In case it wasn’t clear, my SSDD crushes that Chem Scout.


That is a beautiful color and pattern on your new hash hammer Holy, sweet purchase!


Only use in a carpeted area!! :flushed:


:100:% not messing around this time. Already told the wife too :sweat_smile:


Man Idk what happened but I must have entirely missed this post! I had been thinking the last couple days about you saying you were gonna post a bunch of pics and I never saw them :man_facepalming: :sweat_smile: Thank you very much for posting all these and the early review! :muscle: Definitely giving me some thoughts on what I have going currently, and what needs to be planted next.

I found these pics pretty interesting!

Indeed the same kind of things I’m seeing over here with the C5SS F4’s that used the same male.
Looks like your #3 had the least of it :thinking:

Some fat buds on that #2! :eyes:

Really LOVE the way the #3 came out! Pretty much exactly what i’d be looking for in those beans. Glad to hear she smokes the part too ^^

And I bet that #4 comes out kinda similar, while the #2 might be more foggy cheese leaning :thinking:
Regardless, Very Nice Job on those! Thanks for giving them a grow :slight_smile:


That was at day 35 and I DEFINITELY noticed that (which even I was surprised about, since I don’t pay too much attention in veg haha). One of them, can’t remember which plant now (probably that #2) got pretty alarming. But yeah, I saw that going on, too, and was like,”Hmmm… I wonder what the deal with that is…” It disappeared pretty much immediately after I got them into a little bit more soil, though.

I don’t worry (too much) about weird discolorations or “spots” or anything while they’re in the little veg pots or even when they’re in the half-gallons leading up to flower; it’s only after they’ve been transplanted into their seven-gallons that I start worrying about weird growth and splotchiness and whatever all else.

That never happens, though haha. Seriously, once they get thrown into the big flower pots (and really after they’ve been transplanted into the half-gallons for the two-or-so weeks leading up to that) they grow right out of whatever might’ve been going on in the little starter pots. Those brown splotchy things on the Cheese Haze plants disappeared after I planted them into the half-gallons around day 30. Or whenever it was that I transplanted them haha.

The #2 Cheese Haze plant was (I think, just judging from the pics haha) the one that had that shit going on the worst early on in veg. And that plant was the one that stretched the least and for sure didn’t exhibit any kind of “Haziness,” as far as plant morphology was concerned, so… I dunno. Could be a “marker,” though, maybe? For those people who like to trash plants early on in veg, you may wanna look out for that… :wink::joy: haha.

I was like,”WTF? Why hasn’t Holy ‘liked’ that post yet? Fuck that guy…” haha.


fat ass cabbage indeed.

you might wanna make a safety rope for that little glass hammer lol.


Took some of the fan leaves off the SS and TF’s this morning. No genders there really but least got to check the smells. Some of the StarShine are seriously gassy/sour, sour/spicy stem rubs. Some are a bit muted. The louder one’s have trichomes all down the vein’s on the underside of the leaves :eyes: Sadly no pics yet as I just didn’t have time this morning. Makes me wanna select just on those two traits alone.

The one male TriForce in the other tent smells 100% like the Kryptonite male I used to make the TriForce to begin with. Very acrid, and just like the NL1/HP side of the Kryptonite. He’s beefy too, super thick stem. Don’t think I’ll be using him though. I want a TK leaner. There’s some vaguely woody scents in some of them that should be towards it. Found a couple tennis ball smelling one’s too.