Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Alright, here’s the trichomes on the underside of some of the StarShine leaves, best I could do

Ton of cystolithic’s!

Here’s the whole tent

TriForce are only along the right wall, everything else is StarShine F2

C5SS/TF tent

The big one up front and center there is the first TriForce male but pretty sure he’s gonna get tossed. Again, acrid af stem rub, he’s pretty bushy, and just no TK traits really. Also seems to be full on flowering in veg which is a big no-no for male keeper status for me. Anyways, back half of the tent

And finally, Triangle Kush - Day 58


that starlite male leaf is spectacular !!! so colorful


That Starlite male was a beast! I didn’t even find him myself, I only received pollen that I made some good use of. I knew as soon as I saw him and was like, yes please! lol. I got seeds to maybe find another one at some point, or a girl. Seen some really nice girls of those too. @Rocket knocked that cross out of the park.

Other pics of that male:

And some of his sisters:


I notice you’re wearing gloves in that first picture. Do you put gloves on every time you deal with the plants? Haha. Just curious…

Man, she looks done right now. You let that go another 20-or-so days usually? That’s crazy, makes me wonder if I’m chopping stuff too early…


Since getting hlvd 3 times, yeah, always gloves when handling the plants. Switch gloves if the current gloves touched roots or open plant wounds. Flower tent always last. Fun times :joy:

And yeah, TK looks done and ready at 8 weeks but the trichomes still clear and cloudy. She needs to go to 11 to get any appreciable amount of amber in there and very few if any clears left.


Haha, yeah, that sounds like a pain in the ass, but I get it.

Hm. That’s interesting. I’m generally pretty patient, but now I’m thinking that I may let stuff go at least a week longer than when I think I should chop it, even if it isn’t TK-related haha.


Really just depends on the plant. The vast majority of plants I’ve grown, I’ve found ARE done when they look done. Some maybe a little too done by that time. But the TK and related seem to need that extra time :thinking: That Berger Bubba Kush was the same way. Looked done af at 8 weeks but needs 10 to get any amber. Tho her in particular tasted better at 8 weeks. The TK is better at 11 regardless.


Take a photo of an auxiliary calyx, that’s where the capitate trichomes live, even in veg mode.


:eyes: looks for update


Alright, big update!

StarShine F2 and TriForce are getting a bit big

I’ve culled out three males so far, two SS and one TF.

TriForce, again, are along the right wall, everything else is StarShine F2. Can’t really make out much of the TF beyond those two big one’s along the right wall. Still waiting on gender reveals. They’re coming in tho. Take a bunch of clones soon :crossed_fingers: Looks like most of these are females :see_no_evil:

C5SensiStar F4’s and the other couple TriForce in the other tent are still a bit shorter

TriForce are front center and front right corner, 3 plants.

This is the TriForce male that currently has my :eyes:

Pretty positive it’s an NL2 leaner :thinking: Still hoping for a TK leaner but few and far between it seems. The NL1/HP in the Kryptonite is fairly dominant in this line. The other male I tossed was full on NL1/HP from the Kryptonite which is what I used to make the TriForce. Want a different pheno this time for a BX1 and further work.

Anyways… The struggle is gonna be real with the C5SS. I’ve already found a few males.

@minitiger Here’s that weird looking C5SS

it’s 100% a girl :yum:

This is the male that has my :eyes:

His leaves, in person, remind me very much of my NorthStar #4 girl, the keeper I found in the first pack I ran of those. C5SensiStar F3 #5 x Starlite.

See what happens there, but there’s also these males

TriFoliate. Was totally normal for the few 2 or 3 nodes and then went tri all by itself for some reason :thinking:

And then the quadrafoliate is a male too

And finally, one that kinda reminds me of mom and is totally normal

Kinda wanna use all of them :sweat_smile: Gotta run them through testing first though. Might make my decision easier.

And to close out today’s update, some TK pics at day 63

Started lowering the feed a bit. 1.25g gypsum, 7g maxibloom, .75g jacks finish :thinking:
Got smacked in the face with the smell of the flowers as soon as I unzipped the tent :drooling_face:


Lookin good man! Cool to see you hunting through your crosses. After seeing minitigers grow of your cheese haze, will be looking forward to the c5sensistars.


Looking great bro! Got me lookin at hash hammers again. I REALLY like the new one!


Those buds are really big! Will you take a photo of the final result, like how much did it result into after curing and drying?

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That TK looking fire! Really cant wait to flower mine out. 11 weeks? I haven’t grown it before


Looks like they’re selling quick! But yes, it is absolutely glorious. Fuck my dab rig, fuck the puffco, the nectar collector, just need that hammer :yum:

Perspective is everything :sweat_smile: the biggest flower on the TK’s right now might be the length of a lighter, and three times as wide :thinking: Could’ve done a better job for damn sure, but the flowers smell on-point, super dank bouquet of scents :drooling_face:

Yeah 11 weeks for the real deal. I’ve heard 12 is even better if you can wait that long but I’ve not ever been able to :joy: Just definitely don’t pick it before 70 or you’re screwing yourself over :sweat_smile: Gotta be careful though, there are a couple TK S1’s and TK crosses going around now passed as the real deal, but they’re not. The real deal has wood type stem rub scent and only puts out 3 and 5 bladed leaves. If you see 6 or 7 bladed leaves, roots really easily, reverses easily, it’s an S1 or cross and not the real deal. The real deal TK is a bitch to root, like ~9+ days usually, and doesn’t reverse for shit.


Nice, I’ll be on the lookout. Got it from primo clones on here. Ill def be paying attention to the leaves, seeing lots of 3 blade leaves so far


Definitely the real deal bro


like this, breeders direct seed co:

That is not a picture of Triangle Kush. That is a picture of a Triangle Kush S1 from CSI

Clear as day

Speaking of S1’s though… I found this pic interesting

Chem 91-esque plant coming from a TK S1, but no they’re not related at all :roll_eyes:


Same source you got yours originally. I’ve even seen S1’s with that 91 leaf thing going on before, since you mentioned it the first time the more I see it tbh . I hate the pic/name stealing game . :man_facepalming:t2:


So you’re thinking the one I’m running is fake? I’m liking it regardless but found that comment interesting. I think I saw 1 or 2 fans on the plant with 7 total blades.

Right semi-purple fan leaf appears to have 7 leaflets.