Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Ah, okay. It’s been years since I’ve even read about this shit, so I’ve pretty much forgotten everything. I bought my Apaches, they kick ass and I haven’t thought about it since then haha! I really have noticed, though, that when the temps are in the 70’s, the plants seem “better.”

I dunno. I’m not real worried about it haha. I do think, though, that pretty much anything, whether it be a plant or an animal or a human or whatever, is gonna like it more when it’s 77 than when it’s 83 haha. I know I do.


This is kind of my attitude towards my tent. I have very little control so if I look at my readouts and can go “that’s a decent summer day” then I figure it’s all good.


Exactly! I try not to put too much thought into growing weed haha. I do put too much thought into it sometimes, but I try not to… Especially when I’ve done everything I can (or at least everything I’m willing to do) to make sure everything’s ideal. I’ve got five humidifiers running and the AC’s on constantly right now, but temps are still in the mid-80’s and humidity levels are fucking 33%. I’m not gonna stress about it, that’s just the way it is this time of year. The fall and winter grows will be better.


Agreed. All the AC and dehumidifiers in the world aren’t going to help me so I’m forced to take a laisser faire attitude.

I don’t mind, it suits me even.

But if I’m being honest I’d prefer a little more stability I’ve just accepted I can’t have it.


Whoa! WTF! Is that my long lost brother @Baltimore? Man I’ve been thinking about you and asking around where the hell is @Baltimore? First please catch me up on how you’re doin’ whatcha Growin? I’m so glad to see you’re here. Tag me bro! It’s all love…






True Dat! I I fought the heat and the heat won.



I had a lot of personal stuff happen. My brother came home and we used together. Over the period of a year. I don’t have the time to tell you how bad everything got for me. Me and my ol man fell out of er my brother getting a woman who has 7 kids pregnant. Oh and I had my house raided because my cousin stopped going to Parole and used this address. They didn’t fuck with my pot so…yeah fuck the police still. :laughing:

I’m getting clean now and just had to stop the madness. Fentanyl has killed almost everyone I know. Ahhh man. It’s frustrating to have a really sharp mind but to be plagued with mental health problems that are hand in hand with substance abuse. You lose your mind chasing dope. I know life is precious and I think that’s why I love growing. Caring for something that rewards you for patience. Great Guns and Roses Song. :wink:

With that aside in my main tent I have In House OGKB 2.1, IH - BananaCane, a Bruce Banner that’s in a little 1 gal., Gelato x Race Fuel OG, and a Mac1 clone. The WF did a number on them besides the Gelato cross. I could only save the Mac. Even though it’s battered it’s absolutely covered in trichromes like snow. It’s baffling how frosted even though it’s been ravaged. If any bug tried to eat the buds they’d probably die or be stuck.

Sorry to thread jack but it’s great to see everyone holding the site down still. I’ve been a shitty Growmie but the plus side is I put all the genetics up. I have some important strains and I’ll never be able to grow them all out. I need to get some stuff to some dudes who can and want to preserve some stuff. Alot of important people passed and their work means something to me and probably most of us. So I hope to pass some stuff to the younger guys to carry the flame.

I’ll make sure I post and stop being anti social. I’ve been enjoying 3d printing. That had me captivated and I play a game called Enlisted while I heal. Again. Ive got a couple plants outside that are small and some autos. After this photo run finishes I’m starting fresh. Clean soil pots tents, caulk, paint and bulbs. Its hard to choose what to grow because I’m a seed junky. Everything says run some Bodhi gear and some NL’s but I don’t know. I wanna run Sam’s stuff. I just know everyone gonna be cleaned so I can let the genetics shine.

Anyways I’ll be back at my normal thread. I was thinking about all of you guys so I popped in Holy’s spot. I still think about MOTR and just hope she’s ok. I know some of us have issues. Without droning on. It fucking sucks that guys who started this have to take a back seat from convictions a lifetime ago who brought this here to dudes who are soy boys who are riding coat tails. I guess it was inevitable. Im beginning to give less of a fuck as I get older. Lol

Alrighty. Y’all have a good one and be safe. Always fight the good fight. Don’t let anyone stop you from loving who you are and what you do. Grow what you like as well. :v::grin:


You probably just described most of us here brother. Congratulations and I am so encouraged hearing you’re clean and fighting the good fight. Chin up and try to stay in the moment as much as possible. I still think a geographical change is what you need the most. Find somewhere that you can thrive and live your life. Put about 1000 miles between you and family. Love you man and I’m here.



I find the temperature can have an effect on the plant for sure. The meat breath get all strange looking and spindly if it’s over 22C.


That’s only 71f :thinking: Isn’t that kinda chilly for ambient temps or meat breath likes it cold?


The meat breath in particular was really touchy, and would foxtail and make fluff nuggets if the leaf temp was too high. The lower nugs would look normal, but the top ones would be all stretched.


Day 69 and still no amber trichomes

Seeds are about done though.

@schmarmpit These flowers smell REALLY freaking good! Dank, lemon, acitone, kush, fuel… lot more going on in there :thinking: I can tell that rubber smell is still there but it has morphed into that fuel… and something else smell, so I’m fine with it.

If taking these to 77-ish days solves the anxiety problem… I actually AM going to be sad not having this girl in the garden lol. Rocket should be sending me some more cuts of her so we’ll see. So far from what I can tell and have sampled though, the flowers very much DO make up for her crappy structure and cloning issues. Now to just keep hurrying up and waiting :sweat_smile:

And then we’re at day 50 on the SSDD F2 #1 girl, mom to the BX1’s


I wish I was your neighbor lol. They look amazing


:rofl: She’s a fickle gal, but after running her a bunch of times I can say she really is some good smoke. It was a love/hate relationship for me. I lost her recently to the russet mites in my veg tent. I could have saved her but decided I had enough and was done. I’ve got a bunch of TK S1’s from CSI should I ever want to get back into it.

Glad to know Rocket can hook you up. I sent her around to a bunch of others as well. But I’d take the rooted cut if anyone’s offering :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What’s kind of odd to me is how I’ve not seen this cut offered up anymore by FarmerJoe. I’m not sure if he lost it himself, or he got flack for selling it. Hard to say, but I’m glad I was in the right spot at the right time.


He’s offering it again soon apparently.


That’s good to know. Though his prices have been going up and up recently. I’m guessing it won’t go for $100 like I paid. He was charging $500 for the Bubba cut, and most everything else was up around $200 last I checked.


I love that foxtail action! I have no words.
Extraordinary! RESPECT!



What is the TK other than my initials?



The Triangle Kush clone-only. Apparently the same cut NSpecta(CSI Humboldt) has and reverses, and then gave to Bodhi to use in all Bodhi’s TK crosses… At this point I am convinced it’s the real-deal.