Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Dude, that meme or whatever from “Narcos” is funny as shit, haven’t seen that one before I don’t think.

Weed looks good, too haha. And it’s not like you haven’t grown some long-ass flowering shit before. I remember something you grew a while back taking like 85 days or something. You can do it! Haha.


Ah I just made that meme for the post :sweat_smile:

Yeah I’m not actually worried about the time she’s taking. I take most things 9-10 weeks anyways and definitely flowered out plenty for longer. The NL5Haze/Sensi Star girl and a few others went 80+ days. She just looks and smells so good already that I wanna take her down anyways but definitely gotta wait. 11 weeks sounds right to me from the looks of her right now. Maybe 12 like nspecta was saying.


How long do you take her to? I’m at day 66 now with her and she just keeps pushing new bud growth. The buds are these massive fluffy nerf footballs that are toppling her gangly frame. The sour butter / blueberry smell is real. That’s a first for me, the sour butter smell specifically.

Main cola. Wish I could capture the true size of this thing. She’s thick.

Lower nugs, looking more like what I see on yours.


Oh man! Not seen her main cola come out quite like that before! :heart_eyes: Now you got me second guessing some of the structures I’m seeing in the bx1s lol Glad you’re getting the scents! She was unique for me too. Definitely needs support on every branch. She snapped in half the first time I ran her. The flowers are worth it though.

As for chopping, she’s got a pretty big window all the times ive ran her. I usually take her down here around day 60-63 for daytime meds but she won’t start really ambering up until day 77 or so. Her smells will change a bit here too. If I remember right the sour butter blends into a rubber scent, and more of the blueberry muffin comes out :thinking: Longest I’ve gone is 84 days and by then she’s not really something I wanna smoke and go to work on. I use her for the nerve relief so usually taking her down earlier than later.


This you?


Where did you find that? Who else knows? :rofl:



Was that Bodhi Tree from Doc D, LED seeds or Strayfox? I remember seeing it available last year. Maybe from headiegardens. Thanks!


Ah, that is from LED Seedz :+1:


Great thank you much.


Took down the Triangle Kush(75 days) and the SSDD F2 girl(55 days) this morning so I didn’t have to clean out the tray and reservoir after work this week. Got the bulk of it out of the way today, just need to sweep and bleach spray the tent.

The smell of both those girls drying is soo dank :heart_eyes: I’m gonna have to hit the TK with the StarShine or a SSDD F2 BX1 boy if and when I get her back.

@Swe-can 5 of the 6 Sowahh’s came up :wink:

@Shaggy450r I ended up with a single StarShine plant left outside of the male I used to make the SSDD F2 BX1’s. If it’s a girl I’ll make F2s and send ya some :yum: if it’s another boy though I’ll have to compare him against the original and see.

Other than that I’m just waiting on the clones to veg out a bit more. Next run will be:
1x Kryptonite #1
1x Kryptonite #3 - last chance to see if stable
2x Milky Way #1
1x NorthStar #4


Woohoo the TK finally finished :grimacing:!

Next lineup looks awesome…

Curious what kind of filter you use to keep coco from getting into the pump/tank? I realized I didn’t see anything in the previous pics.


My ssdd is at 65 days by the looks of her still needs some time
I can’t wait
I may clip a sample or too


Oh yeah! I would’ve grabbed more pics of the TK but she honestly doesn’t look any different sans 15-20% amber trichomes. She’s also pretty loaded with seeds, moreso than I originally thought. I’m actually sad I’m not gonna get as much bud from her as I’d hoped due to all the seeds but it is what it is.

Triangle Kryptonite beans are gonna get soaked as soon as they’re dry! :heart_eyes:

I actually don’t have to do anything in flower really as any loose coco/perlite would be knocked free while the plants are in the veg tray. There’s also so many roots coming out of the pots by then that there’s literally no room for any of that to rinse out :sweat_smile: I have screens inside the drain/fill strainers in the tray in order to prevent the majority of it from reaching the res. With the Calcium Hypochlorite mix keeping things sterile, I haven’t really had any issues. Just need to clean the res and take apart and clean the pump once a month or so. My plan for the next run though is to run 1 gallon fabric pots in the flower tray.

Oooh exciting! Hope you like her as much as I like her mom :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Will definitely be keeping an eye on your journal as she finishes up here ^^


@HolyAngel have you named the tk kryptonite cross yet? I think it’s gotta be the unabomber after that pic was posted. Bahaha


:100: :fire:

I have not named the cross yet. First thing that came to mind saying Triangle Kryptonite is TriForce lol but idk yet. Sometimes gotta smoke it first before the name really comes to ya :wink:


Tk X kryptonite??? Ooooo
That sounds amazing I have two kryptonite phenos I kept, one I’m still waiting for it to fully reveg and let me get some cuts, she’s getting there. Your TK looks beauitiful, looks like tk nugs that origins posts himself on IG.


Nah I let em be. The roots grow right through those bags. Makes em kinda useless after the first run through but keep things a bit cleaner and easier to deal with.


Wow :star_struck: if it’s good to knock down super man

I’d definitely want that lol


Algaeponics for the win

Kryp3 is just a bit ahead of the others :sweat_smile: She could be flowered right now but going to wait more. Still don’t have roots on the NorthStar #4 clones yet… They may just have to go in late. Kryp1 and the 2 Milky Way’s are a week from lookin like the Kryp3. Hopefully flower here before mid september.

All 3 cherry kiwi’s came up but 2 lookin questionable. 1 for sure looks like it’ll be just fine. 5 of the 6 sowahh’s are up and lookin good @Swe-can

'89 NL5 BX8 male will be getting flowered as well. Plan to use him on the kryptonite’s and maybe some other things too :wink:

Got my SSDD mom replaced with a new rooted clone to go with the new StarShine(Starlite Daydream) male I redid last week or so. Now to wait and see what the last StarShine(#2) turns out to be. Hoping for a girl so I can make F2’s but we’ll see ^^


About as good as it’s gonna get. Tossed the hydroton and will be going with 1 gallon fabrics for this next run while I debate other options… Rain Science or Radicle bags… or Mapito bins :thinking:
I’ve adjusted the flood timer to closer match the veg timing. I also realized a week or two ago I was using 3 times the recommended gypsum for awhile now, so I’ve been trialing using less and so far so good.

Kryptonite #3 is the first one in.

This girl hermed out on me the first time but she looked so good I had to keep the clones of her and try again. I normally toss anything that does that, but this is for science and I’m not trying to breed with her anyways. This second go around the clone has had plenty of time to mature and all the preflowers on this girl are female so with the other changes I’ve done :crossed_fingers::pray::crossed_fingers: Find out if it makes a difference or not. Everything else going in has already proven itself to be stable.

Speaking of everything else, back in Algaeponics veg land

Everything coming along nicely despite my laziness. The last StarShine (#2) is looking good. 2 out of 3 Cherry Kiwi’s made it, last one damped off. My fault being lazy but oh well. The 5 Karma Sowahh’s (Rez Sour D BX4) are rightfully looking almost identical. I’ve attempted to FIM the 2 MIlky Way’s, Kryp1, and the NL5 male but only partially succeeded in missing haha, at least one got topped for sure. Really just waiting on another 6-8 inches of height here and then up-pot and into the flower tray.