Holy's Garden (Part 1)

That tray, though! Hoowee! All sparkling clean and shit! I love it… haha. How long did it take you to get it looking like that?


Gotta love a fresh start!

Were you seeing problems with the overload of gypsum? I’m a big fan of it. I use it for every transplant, and on every veggie and flower bed outside.

I haven’t found a soluble kind to use in feeds yet. I’ve been using this for that.

I’d like to try a soluble gypsum, what are you using?

I’ve had a few of Bodhi’s Appy crosses throw some balls from seed, nothing I would call a hermie, but none as clones, so good luck with that Kryptonite, she is a looker!


Like an hour and a half lol… Lot of scrubbing. Tore up a couple sponges while I was at it but should be good for now at least a few days lol.

No, nothing I can pinpoint actually. I was running like 600ppm of gypsum alone. If anything my plants have been looking done sooner. Idk if its locking something out to do that but going to see if the lower amount makes any difference.

I’ve been using DiamondK solution-grade gypsum from buildasoil. DownToEarth makes a solution-grade gypsum too that’s cleaner and mixes easier but it’s like 3 times the price.


Riiiiight?! Looks great! I’m seriously considering something similar, well, more just a flood table using 3gal fabric pots and organics.


I’m sort of on the same spot. I couldn’t get small fabric pots nearby so I had to order some online.

I got some fabrics called “Root Pouch” and there is a thick and thin version. I got the thin version without really knowing that and I am pretty sure I’m going to have to use them as pot liners inside plastic nursery pots…

I was digging through one of @Howard.Crane 's old threads, and he used fabric pots with coco in flood and drain. Not sure if he is using a specific brand or what, but the ones I saw Howard using are definitely thicker than mine and seemed to work well.


I bought a 4x4 tray back when I thought I was gonna switch to no till, along with four thirty-gallon airpots, but it never occurred to me that the tray might get dirty haha. So I’m glad I didn’t switch to no till. It’d drive me nuts having any sorta dirty anything in my tent…


You could just throw some lava rock or pumice on the bottom, have my raised bed sitting in a 4x4 tray with a solid layer of lava rock on the bottom to help soak up any extra runoff that may occur and whatnot.


I’ve used more than one brand, usually the cheapest one available on Amazon at any given time :wink:

I do tend to prefer the thicker ones, btw.


Any specific reason you prefer the thicker fabric to the thinner or more breathable kind in flood and drain? I was actually looking at Rain Science or Radicle bags for use in here but haven’t decided yet. I’m currently using some vivosun one’s.


You should check out Air Pots. The holes air prune the roots really well so it creates a dense rootball mass. Plus the great aeration. Fabrics tend to get soggy at the bottom. I started using them because Dr. Coco and the folks at cocoforcannabis.com all recommend them, he’s a horticulture university professor and has coco down to a science.


That TK looks amazing! Hope it smokes well for you


Ah yeah I’ve looked at airpots, I have few of them. Used them with soil but had issues with watering after a few months. Haven’t ever tried them with coco but I know a few do, like Corgitron.

My issue with the airpots and the flood table is the holes are much too big. flooding would pull out all the coco or perlite. I need some type of bag.


SO… Triangle Kush


Don’t buy an S22+/Ultra if you wanna take flower pics :see_no_evil:
Did manage to get a cat hair in there @minitiger :wink:

Anyways, color me impressed @schmarmpit !!

If anyone hasn’t read Higher Thought’s review of this plant, here you go:

I don’t really have much to add to this review. Mine is only dried and not cured yet.

As-is: The flowers are extremely greasy to the touch and her smells and flavors are unbelievably complex. Since I grew her in hydro with gypsum/maxibloom I get a little less of the lemon cleaner smell and a little more of the gas/rubber, but otherwise HT’s review scents are spot on :ok_hand:

All 5+ smells in here seem dominant in their respective range. The next one smells just as strong as the one before it. None of them smell like “background” scents really. Maybe just Kush in the background but you’re smelling that lemon, skunk, cleaner, acetone, gas, rubber all up front one after the other. They’re prominent. And you can taste each individual flavor as the smoke coats your mouth. Not even dried the smoke is incredibly smooth, no coughing. Even better once she’s dried.

Now that I’ve been smoking on her for a few days consistently, I no longer get the rush or anxiety, but the review’s not lying that she can definitely cause paranoia if overindulging. Unsure if going to 12 weeks would calm that down or not :thinking:

She is extremely potent. First time and you will most likely get forehead sweats immediately. Really feel it in the forehead and behind the eyes, pretty much immediately, and she last’s too. She makes everything else I’ve grown, save for the NorthStar’s, look like mids comparatively. Makes me wanna toss like half my seed collection as nothing else has come close to these features :sweat_smile:

My only complaints are on the plant itself. 100% crap structure, pretty much every branch needs support. You can make her into a bush but you probably won’t like dealing with it. And she is EXTREMELY difficult to clone. I’ve lost 15+ cuts of her in an aerocloner that literally everything else I’ve ever put in there has rooted no problem. Now I’m breaking out the aloe, the clonex, root riots, heat mats, etc to hopefully keep her around from here on out.


I feel this lol I have the Note 20 Ultra


I used to use fabric bags. The vendor had several types. One was for a season and very thin, another was for multiple runs and much thicker, they seemed just as breathable. They were made from recycled water bottles.

I do DTW, and need to stake the plants… fabric bags suck for that. I finally went with airpots. But they’d definitely be a problem in F&D.


Gawddamn cat hairs… haha.

Sounds like good weed! I still haven’t started any seeds, it’s just too hot to be turning on a third light, but I’m gonna soak some in a few days. Supposed to cool down by Saturday. Maybe I’ll soak some of the Triangle crosses I have, either Bodhi’s or Doc D’s.

Are you “layering” the hits, like dude suggests in that review? Or are you blazing the way you would any other strain? Just curious. I really, really do not like that rushy come up. At all haha. It’s the only reason I’m apprehensive to plant those TK crosses. I mean, I’m gonna do it at some point, but maybe not this round. I dunno.


Both? I tend to layer more at work than I do at home. That rushy, borderline anxiety-land, come up seemed to really only be the first couple days though. Mixing her with other herb like the SSDD seemed to help quite a bit with that but after a few days she seems mostly fine for me now, don’t have any issues there. She’ll still make you put the bowl down though from the strength alone. And still paranoia later if you don’t. I can still feel her effects waking up the next day if I blazed her before going to sleep. That pressure behind the eyes/forehead is still there.

Other than that she does actually make me kind of social and creative despite the weighty head pressure. Not stoned out of your mind but high as fuck for sure, but still functional as long as you’re not at the freaking out stage from paranoia lol

The TK x Kryptonite beans I’m shucking out of her are getting popped asap. And I definitely wanna look at some other Triangle crosses too. May try and reverse this girl when I get her back(for science), and maybe hit the SSDD girl with her too when I do.


What Bud are you talking about here?


The Triangle Kush clone I just grew out.


Is she Good? I liked the TK i smoked about 6 years ago, friend grew her not me.

You must know that SEVERAL of the “Elite” strains today are just Pheno’s of her???