Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Any chance that nl5 male will hit some sowahh lady’s in the future :drooling_face::sweat_smile:

Wish you all the best with the girls and the boys :pray:


Ooh that’s a good idea I hadnt thought of! Good chance of it as long as the Sowahh’s are stable lol. Already had to toss that whole pack of headbanger f3s but ive heard the sowahh is pretty stable :crossed_fingers: will make f2s too.

As-is I’m planning on using the nl5 male on one or both of these kryptonite girls, and probably one of the two milky way girls just because. Was gonna hit the tk cut too but I lost her and waiting to get her back again. Hopefully 5th time is the charm :sweat_smile:


These are the 5 Sowahh’s

Again, damn near identical. 2nd one from the right is the declared Male. No one else has showed yet.

Leaves look a bit weird as i’m supplementing calcium-nitrate into the maxibloom and been a bit lazy with the PH management. Spots on the leaves are water-spots from flooding, not PM or anything. I’m planning on taking cuts of anything nice and then run the cuts instead of these seed plants.

The last StarShine looks to be a heavy Starlite leaner, not sure I’m gonna keep this one or not…

And the two Cherry Kiwis’s are lookin good


Been blowing up overnight
Kryptonite #3 and #1

Milky Way #2’s

Krypt3 is doing really good so far.

Stacking hard for not even at week 3 yet, and not a ball in sight. Last time happened right at day 21 so we’re not out of the woods yet, but she also wasn’t this far in back then either. See what happens, but if she stays stable I’m probably gonna be sad I tossed the clone. Clone wanted to autoflower in the pot though just like the male I had so I don’t feel too bad about it. The Krypt1 has no inclination to autoflower regardless of pot/roots.

And I love the structure of these Milky Way girls!
(Mother’s Milk F2 #9 x (SSDD F2 #1 x Starlite))

The structure is a nice mix of the MM#9 and the SSDD F2 mom. OG’ish but improved. She’s not the most potent(still wager ~20%), and a bit leafy, but she’s my favorite thing I’ve made so far. Taste is really good and every single bud comes out solid, no larf.


Awesome looking grow @HolyAngel plants look happy and healthy, pulling up a lawn chair to watch this action


@Swe-can Still comin along over here, don’t mind the two dead TK clones I was trying to root.

All 5 Sowahh’s blowing up

The far left on the bottom row and the middle in the first/upper row have some frosty fan leaves already. The other three don’t have much if any… that’s usually a tell on how potent these will be. That middle one is the for sure boy in this group so that’s good. Might be another one in here but he’s the first to show. They’d be my picks for making F2’s at this point but we’ll see. Gotta take cuts and flower those out before I make any decisions. Not really impressed with these in any way so far but gotta grow em to know.

The last StarShine, aka Starlite Daydream is looking to be a girl

It’s definitely not looking like any SSDD I’ve ran, I mean I can see the F2 mom in those leaves, but its mostly looking like a starlite leaner.

Who knows tho, the flower might be there… If she puts out the big fat bracht’s then she’ll likely be glorious. Working on cloning my male now in order to make StarShine F2’s.

I’m really most impressed with these Cherry Kiwi’s from Professor P. They have really frosty fan leaves already. Beautiful plants, great structures. Kinda hoping for a pair here instead of two girls but we’ll see.


My ssdd is almost cured and the sample are awesome thanks for this gem my friend


Awesome!! Really glad you’re enjoying her! If you ever need more beans of it or want the mom, I got you :+1:

I got too many things to do over here and not enough space or time, but eventually there will be bx2’s or f3’s lol.


plants are looking so healthy, love that cherry Kiwi, gonna be some fire


for sure a gem! @Papalag my harvest is just starting to get a bit of cure to it just grabbed a bud of my #2 pheno this morning when burping my jars been staying strong to not indulge yet but had to grab a sample with the smells they are putting off :sweat_smile: and have to say has some beautiful effects, quite tasty and has a wonderful what has to be sour butter and astringent rubber scent on this one cant wait to smoke the others :innocent: if the other phenos are anything like this going to have a real hard time choosing a keeper :rofl: thanks so much @HolyAngel :pray:


Looking beautiful :star_struck: @HolyAngel !

The way they’re growing right now, :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: :maple_leaf:!!

Keeping my fingers crossed for something really good :crossed_fingers::raised_hands::fire::fire:


Oh yeah! To be fair, the TK didn’t impress me either until I got to try the flowers :yum:


Small update

Pinched the tops on all but the Cherry Kiwi’s to encourage some lower growth. Its also just about time for lights off when I took these pics so hence the sagging…

I found two boys in the Sowahh’s last night. Took clones of them and chopped them.

Waiting on these last 3 to show and then I’ll take clones and likely chop these too. Plan on flowering the clones instead of the seed plants.

I chopped the Kryptonite #3 this morning due to nanners all in her flowers(2nd time in a row) despite fixed light leaks, new fabric pot (no root algae), lower nute amounts, less light. She also had some stem growth I’ve only ever seen on males too, so I’m 100% sure it’s just genetic and not something I’m doing, I have nothing left to change. Was ready for it anyways so we’re down to the 3 stable-ish ones.

The kryptonite #1 has a propensity to throw late nanners on occasion, but I’m hoping it’ll be fine this time or that they’re sterile, not sure they are or not… Still have a pack left from my other Male that I think may be better. I never had any of these issues with the 89NL’s I grew so I’m thinking it has to come from Nevil’s NL2 genetics…

The Milky Way’s are 100% stable regardless of how I treat them so I know those’ll be fine. No nanner’s, nothing, ever.

Now that I have room to throw something else in here, I have a feeling those Sowahh’s are gonna herm spectacularly like the headbangers did but we’ll see. I may throw one in here just to see how she takes it while the clones root. Or leave the room for the last StarShine so I can make those F2’s, idk. We’ll see! Depends if the NorthStar #4 ever roots. Really want some more of that stuff.


I always love seeing your grow, I’ve got one kryptonite I have not been able to reveg it’s been under a light in my veg tent for so long I never tried to flip this one idk why she did, I’m not giving up though. I have another good size kryptonite mother next to her that hasn’t had a problem at all. I moved it to a big pot in case there was a root bound issue or somethin idk not much reveg experience everytime I’ve tried it’s worked fairly quick. I’m gonna keep pushing her until she’s revegged or I have some branches to throw in for the next bucket of hash cuz she’s stinky and crystaly now lol more than halfway through flower just not super happy cuz it’s been veg nutes.


Ah, yeah I’ve had a few of these, the #2 male and the #3 clone both auto-flowered in their small pots. Guessing rootbound but unsure. The krypt #1 that I’ve kept doesn’t do that. I also don’t remember the 89NL’s doing that either so again, I’m thinking its from the NL2 side of the family :thinking:

All of these are from the NL2 #1 mom and the 89NL #7 male. The last pack I have left is from the NL2 #8 mom and the 89NL #5 male, which is the male I personally preferred, so I’m hoping those will be better. Hoping to get into them soon, I have too much stuff to run. First things first will be the 5 OGAH’s and the 6 Salmon River OG’s. Then TriForce and that last kryptonite pack. Hopefully by the summer, ugh lol.


Those do sound like some wonderful flavors
. salmon river OG if it’s the one I’ve seen with dynasty, is one I’ve definitely been interested in. I’m not sure what specific parents these kryptonites are I got em last September if that would maybe help specify. I have to run the other one soon because I need some more kryptonite to smoke I love em and run through it compared to some others.


You will love the Ogah


The tray looks beautiful :smiley:


Yeah nice and clean still on day 14 here :grin:

Kryptonite #1 on the left. Right two are both the same Milky Way #2 cut. Pre-applied yoyo’s just so the plants don’t tip over later.


Looks great