Holysmoke seeds peshawar wanted for coop seed run

Well that is encouraging! I hope the third comes up too. With the three, while not a lot to choose from, there is a decent chance you will at least get a male and female to make a few seeds to explore further!


HempDepot has Peshawar for cheap right now


With one male and one female i can do the seed run no problem and there will be plenty of seed for everyone that wants some i think. Not much wiggle room though. The plants will have to make it outdoors til pollination time…that’s the unknown part.
@Zanzibar thats great info. I’m glad you liked the smoke. Was the high a sativa high? Energetic, electric?


Hey there people, unfortunately till now i am unable to get that peshawar strain, but i promise in coming months i have plans to visit every farm of the balochistan region, they may have had contacts with farmers over there and probably the will arrange something


DashtDasht hierloom landrace, one strain several phenos​:grapes::dash:


That first picture looks like an extremely arid environment. Is there an unseen irrigation system or are the farmers relying on rainfall?


Its their natural habitat and yes drought for most part of the year, these plants withstand drought and also they donot need any special soil, they just need normal soil to grow


Some multimeters of rain in summers, in winters snow sometimes alot of


You guys see these?


They’ve been looking for a strain thats native to a district in north eastern afghanistan also named as peshawar



My mistake

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Thanks for the link… That one is probably very closely related. The one I was seeking is from the same valley, but from Afghanistan, so far as I know. I’m growing an older highly worked version from Holy Smoke seeds selected for a Sativa high. I think I found more seeds…


Found you, and following!
Haven’t gotten to watch an active landrace grow journal yet…
I bless this grow with the headiest of Heady Bear vibes!


My understanding is that Peshawar is a region that has belonged to both Afghanistan and Pakistan at different times. I can’t help but wonder if the strains are similar.
Here’s updated pics of the three. They look unhappy to me. They’re crying for more leg space. lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Soon, babies, soon. They’re space in the cloner has been usurped, so they’ll have to wait a little longer to get up-potted.


Just to add to the confusion - there is a town in Pakistan on the Afghani boarder called… Peshawar :slight_smile:

Peshawar is the capital of the Pakistani province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and its largest city. It is the sixth-largest city in Pakistan, and the largest Pashtun-majority city in the country.Wikipedia


Peshawar valley has the Kabul River running through it, West to East, starting in the Hindu Kush Mts of Afghanistan and traversing the border with Pakistan. Likely the genetics of the valley, regardless of borders, were/ are related. Cultivation on the Paki side has moved North to Tirah Valley…
@zanzibar kindly donated a pack of Malberry (Holy Smoke) Peshawar seeds to me for this attempted coop run and I will begin germination with these after the new moon. @zephyr will this one qualify for a coop run or am I flying solo?
@pinetarbastard you’ve worked some magic with those plants, rootbound or not. When I saw them originally, I passed on getting them through the same vendor and figured I would try my luck here. They looked very rough at first…obviously not from anything you did but from old or poorly kept seeds… Goes to show what a little loving can do to a plant that comes from tired seed… Nice job… they are ready for take off after a transplant… :+1:
My tall Peshawar looks like your tall one and there are two smaller plants still in cups… We will make this an official.seedrun when I get either more sprouts or find I have a male and female already.
These have Narrow leaves for an Afghan. Exciting!


I spent time in Peshawar .Pakistan years ago


This definitely qualifies for a co-op run, all pure landraces are eligible. Sounds like an amazing line and a great candidate for preservation. It would be good to have an heirloom like this distributed and kept alive by the community.


How was the weed? :laughing:


Only smoked hash - great soaring experiences for me ; somewhere far from home both figuratively and literally - interestedly didn’t get the munchies