Homemade Strains Thread

Hellfire OG x Old Thai. Still 3 months to go!!


That’s one gorgeous shrubbery! I love how smoothly rounded it looks. :green_heart:


Thanks brother, somehow I have to manage to control it! Hard to be stealthy when they are like this lol.


Hey @slain . That plant is a f…ing MONSTER !:flushed:


They might be from @LoveDaAutos.
I think that’s his handwriting.

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Never delt with him, won it on my non monetary wager thread last year I think…doesn’t really matter…first auto/fem to be grown in my Phototron.

Wait. What? @PhilCuisine , you have a “Phototron” ? :flushed: How old is that puppy ? When I was a young man, I used to dream about having one of those. Does it work?

Had 7-9 of them…


I brushed some Useful Chocolate Diesel pollen (from AzSeaindooin420’s preservation project) onto a beat-up but still kicking Purple Corinto Budder x Dragon Energy female (Doc D) earlier this evening. I was planning to pollinate a Project 25 female from Copa with something different, but moving the PCB x DE seemed like a pain so I’m going to go ahead an pollinate the P25 with Chocolate Diesel pollen when that girl is ready to be pollinated. Will do the other P25 project with a cut I held onto.


Update on the Chernobyl x Slurricane project; it’s just now getting chopped. I took a sample bud off it a few days ago, like the smallest lowest bud I could find. … just that tiny bud had 9-10 good looking seeds in it! :metal:


Those are indeed notably good looking beans


Took this picture about a week ago, all are females and will be taking cuttings to root them…been kinda neglected cause I’ve been working a lot these days but I assure you they are still alive and new shoots are forming after I bent them down because I have height restrictions in this small Phototron…I will be putting the cuttings in my aero cloner in 2 weeks when they get longer…

Just took this pictures about 2 mins. ago to show you the new growth…been doing it this way for a long time and of course I don’t over think what I’m doing.


Shit definitely getting a bit serious now…

Old Thai x GG

With Hellfire OG added:


hello everyone👋
1st post on O.G
Cross from Dplop with the reversed Amnesia Core cut

Dplop was a fruity weed from a grower named Saddhu :pray:.

2 phenos: The 1st with very good production, fast and very sativa buds smell of sweet Amnesia:

The 2nd fast also 70 days flo less production, more colorful but more crystallized and harder buds . Stronger pungent smell🔥:

Currently drying…can’t wait to taste😊 Good vibes O.B.


You grown it outdoors ? I’ve got garlic breath X peanut butter breathe X zamadelica. I love how the zamadelica dominates the cross


Damn it man! That plant is huge! Nice pictures with the lighting. Very artistic. :rainbow:

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Looking great. Big big girl. Looks like you would get a nice breeze through there so hopefully no mould problems with her

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That Old Thai has a couple of magic tricks where it makes everything you cross it with super rot resistant and gigantic sized. We call it the replicator lol.


That’s a great breed! You should probably let it product seeds and preseve it’s genetics!

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What strains you crossing it over this year ?

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