Homemade Strains Thread

My buddy stopped by to help me with my vegetable garden and Matanuska Thunder Head plant…


That’s a native mantis! I love them. The green ones are from Asia and are pests when they get huge. I’ve seen one take a hummingbird out of the air. But the native to north America ones are the brown ones and they rule!

I also love that you can see her looking at you in the bottom photo. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s summabitch bit me, first time in my life a mantis bit me…when I really think about it, I deserved it…All my life I would let a mantis crawl up to my hands and it was perfectly fine… this time my buddies said just pick it up they don’t bite…well, I picked it up mid body and it turned its head and bit me…all’s cool though I managed to put it in a brown paper bag and released it in my garden…I never kill mantis they so koool and beneficiary for your garden…

Ok I lied, it didn’t stop by…I kidnapped it and released in in my garden…:sweat_smile::rofl::joy:


Hahaha. Yes! I do that all the time.

Never had one bite me, but I’ve had plenty of them in hand. I’ll keep that in mind. :wink:


Confessions of an insect lover who tasted his own “Gosh, went a bit too far and got bitten!” It’ll fit right into my garden!! :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hugs: :joy:


Your top picture purple Kush? I didn’t read enough. Sorry. I’m doing it now. Blue dream?

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I give up. Really don’t know what to say. I have seen plants that high a few times. Not that many at once.

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I’m working on a bag of Magic dust. I have several good gens going. All regulars. I will be crossing just for seed. I know it will be a Apple core. Mixed. Im happy with that. @PhilCuisine good stuff.


These are my Purple Kush crosses…named them Summer Knights.


Really nice @PhilCuisine !! Are they in a huge plastic container!!? Did you make holes around it or at the bottom? The plants are grand!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:


2 in the back are lambs breath/Romulan made this strain almost 2 years ago when the first California lockdown happened lol 1st tike trying the seeds their all females 2 in the front are skunk can’t remember what the middle plant is there’s also an auto in a solo cup lol


Yes, a clear plastic tote container with holes on the bottom…I’m not trying to keep up with the Jones’s by buying fancy high price items just for a couple plants…I use what ever I have laying around the house folks…

I also have a new sperm donor for future homemade strains…this is my Strawberry Cough cross… The Strawberry Cough that I used was a clone only strain from back in the day, they didn’t come in seed form back then…


Had a visitor of my own today.


I love those
I had one on my Thai plants and the next day there was a clear and hollow exoskeleton of a grasshopper with the top of his head eaten off


That’s badass! I love them! :green_heart:


I had a wiring issue and my second grow room was unlighted last month for a few hours so I had to put some flowering Romulan grapefruit clones in the tent with a dancehall cbd pollenated plant. It looks like the clones closest to the dancehall plant may have made seeds!


I’m gonna be growing this winter and not sure which strain…I have a friend from high school who loves Indica and so I told her grow some for her…the only strain I have going now is Vietnam Thunder Fuck so I need at least 2 other strains…I will also have other farmer buddies who will be growing indoors too.


Twenty20 Mendo Cookies x BCC Mystery Woman (aka M2)

Day 46, Tester growing indoors in one gallon of soil.


So you got any cool new powers yet or what?


Good seeds. I’m growing some of their stuff. Hindsight the whip cross is nice. T-dub MMXX and one other going. I like the seeds. They need topping. I can tell you.