Homemade Strains Thread

STS is working!
This was the last spray application today on the 2x Kosher Kush slotted to make S1 seeds.

Now :crossed_fingers: that the pollen is both plentiful and more importantly VIABLE.

Thanks again @JohnnyPotseed for sending me this toxic shit to make magic beans! :laughing: :fist:


Youā€™re most welcome cuzā€¦ glad it did the job for you!


Whos got the sts round here, I might want to self a few things

Itā€™s sold on Amazon you gotta buy the 2 ingredients Silver Nitrate, and Anhydrous thiosulfate. Then you can get the Distilled water at any store.
Iā€™d would possibly sent you some, but Iā€™m all gave out now, sorry.


I found links on Amazon easier to access for :us: folks vs :canada: folks. With how well this is going, if the pollen is viable Iā€™m gonna be doing this all the time and will need to restock eventually.


The stuff I had was gifted to me by my brother-from-another-mother lol @Oldtimerunderground It didnā€™t do for me and no time to work it up again right now, so I shared with those on here that wanted to try it. It worked for several of the OG community so it wasnā€™t wasted at least!

It wasnā€™t a complete washout for me either, I got 1 bean of White rhino and I think it was like in the teens on another strain. so not a ā€˜bustā€™ but not a rousing 'YES" either lol

With everything I got going on here for me (and to me) Iā€™m just doing the spray-one-n-done stuff. Less to go wrong lol


Are you interested in white rhino?
Supposed to be a good med strain.

Iā€™ll get a hold of @Sebring, on the sts. Help brother.

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I have White Rhino '98-'99 that Iā€™ve been running from clones for over 20+ years now lol itā€™s into like the 3-4th gen of clones turned into mothers
I let the best clones become mothers then go for 4-7 yrs before retiring them and using the next clone thatā€™s the best as new mother

The WRā€™98-'99 ( I canā€™t remember the exact year lol) is one of the strains I used to make Frankenstein back then

And yes, it IS a good med strain!


Sebring posted a ā€˜how-toā€™ with the STS on YouTube the link is here on OG somewhere just hit search

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Iā€™m really glad I sent those ingredients your way, and that you generously shared them out. Nice to see members like @cannabliss and @Pigeonman making seeds with it. I also sent @DougDawson some that he shared out too.

I have a ton of Sodium Thiosulfate (Pentahydrate) still, if any Canadian members are interested. All you would need is the Silver Nitrate.


I still have a good bit of the thiosulfate also, Iā€™m all gave out on the Silver Nitrate though lol I plan on ordering some more when I can get time to really experiment with it again.


OMG @Oldtimerunderground thank you for helping me out by proxy!



May want to tr this yourself
Well im thinking i made happy accident
I had romulan grapefruit clones in the tent
I had one rimulan grapefruit mom i putin green house
I lost the green house plant due to heat wave
I thought i had hit her with Vietnamese black pollen
She nevee made any seed though
When i cut my from the tent i found one was seeded
Now a few weeks a go we had a powerline problem and i had to move a dancehall plant in the tent over night. It was the day after i pollenated it with danehall pollen
I pulled her bac out the next day after the elctricain came by and fixed my powerline
Its possible this plant got some dancehall pillen
Im thinking now my notes were wrong and this was the plant i hit with the year old vietnamese black pollenā€¦it appears its only this plant and only one branch
I dropped nine of the seeds in a shot glass
It should be easy to tell if they are dancehall or vietnmese black i think. What say you?

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Sounds like contact transfer. Lucky accident! :+1:

If you want to avoid this in the future you can mist the pollinated branch/plant down 2 hours after pollination with a fine mister. You donā€™t need to overdo it, itā€™s quite through.



Back in the day BOG gifted me some Bogglegums because he wanted me to grow it in my SWC/TRONā€¦I grew it and it turned out great, anyway I actually made my own cross with BOGā€™s geneticsā€¦well I sprouted 3 seeds of my Bogglegum cross and 2 seeds of my Jenny strainā€¦I have them in soil now and gonna let mother nature sex them for me since itā€™s 12/12 outsideā€¦


Here an old picture of my homemade purple strainā€¦back in the day I didnā€™t even keep notes/records hell I didnā€™t even name themā€¦I think this was Airbournes G13 cross ā€¦


Greetings to all you breeders and seed creators! I how all is well. I have been busy with life. I wanted to share my next project for this year. This is my second project of the year. And I put in much more work on this one than I did on my last one. I have smoked and grown more of the plants. Iā€™m just learning as I go. But this is the next plants to move forward a generation. Stay Airborne!!! Love above all!!!


Wow! Thatā€™s a beauty!! The leaves are pure frost! Can only imagine the bud!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :pray:

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Success!!! Though iā€™m leaving that electric toothbrush in the tent.


Its getting there folksā€¦Matanuska Thunder Head, this plant is not dusted, no seeds.