Homemade Strains Thread

My male Strawberry Cough cross grown this summer…this should be enough pollen for a new strain…


That was the one part I hated the most was getting all those flower chunks out of the pollen.I missed one little speck of one and I molded a quarter of a test vial of pollen ruining it in the process.I’ve never seen anything mold as fast as pollen.


F2 Generation from the Green pheno I posted earlier! Day35…this one might take a while to flower out but it’s starting to get going!


leafs at attention, noice


I popped 5 beans had all come up and a runt that was lagging behind that died off.They are cranking now and looks like the one one the lower left might have picked up it’s father’s mutation let’s hope the leaves do that closed fan thing I was trying to help lock in.


Ugh… sorry to hear.

I’m actually doing a sneaky PPP pollination run as well to give away to the community. Plants are about 23 days from flip so getting into prime pollination zone… will report back about what happens. Going to hit my Sherbert x Irene Kush and Peach Purée clones.


Here’s a weird, asymmetric runt I got out of a batch of seeds made from Sherb Breath x Crunk Boat. Scrawny but the smell! Lemon pledge cleaner all day long!

Big fans shucked for a better view.:peace_symbol:


i’ve used pollen from the freezer and i didn’t let it warm up at all. took out the envelopes i was using and straight away went to use it. ever pistil took pollen and made seeds.
whatever comes out of the the freezer shouldn’t go back in. if all of your pollen is one container, then all of it should be used.


Hi @antheis! Thanks for the tips…

But you can just take out a bit and immediately put it back in, right!? Another doubt, where I live temps are from 70s to mid 80F. Should I keep it in the freezer, knowing I won’t be using it any time soon!? Thanks!!!

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viability of the pollen in freezer would be fucked.


Thanks for the love @NorthNorthNugs!

All in all after crunching through all 8 plants I ended up with a success.

My hopes were a pile of F1’s to share with OG; but my reality is 8x open pollination runs TO THEN have enough F2’s to share! :laughing:

I think the Kosher Kush S1 project is working… but I have pollinated then 4 times so far with a solid amount of magic dust from the STS’s KK’s.

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


I think the problem with taking it out of the freezer is the condensation that forms on anything when you take it out of the freezer. Then there is the thaw and re-freeze cycle. I am thinking if the pollen is really dry it might take to be put back in. I have a descant pack in with my pollen. Mind you I only have it in my fridge at the moment.


Love this thread, been reading through it all day.

Hoping to start making seeds here soon. Cant decide what strains to start with though! Wish I could find some afghani lines to work with.


Out of the four of the Texada Twist I had one really nice broad leaf pheno pop out. The rest definitely have the Twisted sister profile vibe the dad had but that one is not like the dad and definitely not like the Texada.I would have figured I would have seen more something like this if I F2’d my beans not on the F1 run.I was expecting more of a mix of mom and dad in them.Where the fuck did this one come from?


I’m just going to put all this in a diary.I know I probably shouldn’t be playing with mutants but I have a gut feeling this one is going to be a long strange trip.


It just got caught out of the gate, it will be a winner.


This is for sure the best protocol.

I have taken pollen out of the freezer, and re-froze with good success. The key is letting the pollen warm fully to room temp in it’s air tight container with desicant (dried rice) before opening, and using. I’ve used a bit this way, repackaged, and re-froze with good results.

Absolutely would be best to keep smaller single use packages so refreezing isn’t necessary.


Here is one of the strains from my Mayhem Series. It’s a Classic Mayhem starting to get nice and purple. The Purple Mayhem male brought a lot of color to all the crosses in this Series. Classic Mayhem is Classic’s (G13 x NL#2) F2 x Purple Mayhem.

Classic Mayhem TJ


holy! Just discovering this thread and out of likes for the day, but @Comacus the Purple Mayhem really purped out the cross! Love purple buds, and also love that there is a cross of g13 x NL#2 being used!


I.put pineapple thai pollen on.my Romulan grapefruit moms…that i flowered…