Homemade Strains Thread

Agoo = Sour60 x Blue Streak F3

The Sour60 male was short and stout, but, the reason I still used him was because it was 1 of 3 seeds that wasn’t crushed. lol. and, he was so covered in frost it sparkled from across the room… The Blue Streak F3 had 2 pheno’s of her own, a medium one and a tall girl who flowered very late… getting ready to show you that pheno…

Same strain, shorter pheno that takes after sour60


No need to rename and I don’t expect you to…Mine is Philcuisine’s Black Ogre…Yours is Carty’s Black Oger of Manidoog…My Ogre is spelled differently from yours and bred/created differently…No harm done bromigo.

I also have Philcuisine’s Jenny Kush which I bred/created 20 years ago and I heard there’s a Jenny Kush out there that’s bred/created differently…


Something I was tinkering around with.My Texada Twist I chucked this year my first one to date.I crossed a Texada Timewarp Cut that has been passed since the 70s and kept by the same guy.I used a bagseed male my wife popped that threw tricomes when I left him out in the cold for a couple hours.The frost on the males side carried over to the Texada frame and fattened up the bud structure.Tricomes everywhere with a sticky greasy texture like My Unclefester skunk.Heavy Earthy Pine with a bit of Chowards Scented spice gum smell to the touch.Wish I knew what the hell that male was.I mad cuts of this one and I have a male saved going to breed these and take them back to thr Texada this year and see if I can keep this.


What’s the lineage?


From what I have been told it’s a cut that this guy has had since 77.He got it from some family that lived on the coast up in BC.Said it was a hoarded cutting that came from Texada Island.Don’t know where that is other than it’s in Canada.He took the cut with him got into some family dispute over the cutting when the cutting dried up where they were living in the early 90s he moved to the Carolina’s down south and has been growing the cut ever since and I can see why.He plants his old mothers back into the ground outside and takes cuttings back of them to recharge the cut he said.Piney Lemony champagne grape Really happy Up and go high.Can smoke this one all day no ceiling I have to have this one for my mood swings and motivation energy problem shit.I’ll be keeping this one in my vault for a long time like the old man.


Gabagoo Auto - W. C. OG x Cash Crop (aka 515 by Sugar Sweet) female… 515 was a tall girl that produced a huge main cola. I hit her with my Sour60 x Blue Streak F3 Auto and created something so sticky my wife gave it this funky name… Sopranos fans, she was attempting to load a bowl of this new cross and was laughing she couldn’t get the weed to come off her finger it was so sticky. Ladybug looks over at me and with that Italian finger swing goes, It’s a Gabagoo…the name stuck.

Argo has been growing her for years now and I just sent him a fresh batch of seeds in hopes he’d make some F4 stock. she has quite a following up in Colorado and 2 friends have won
Bud of the Month awards growing her and entering in contests… pretty cool.

Up beat high, daytime smoke if you don’t take it to far… hehe. over 50% amber, forget aboot it…
Male Used to make Gabagoo…
Male lemon Gabagoo

1 of 3 Females used.
Lemon Gabagoo #4
The Gabagoo F1 ladies hit with pollen from above male
Gabagoo S1

Gabagoo… Gabagoo F2


It just sounds sticky looks like nice buds .


I’m pollinating a purple Moby dick with unicorn poop f2 pollen. I’m going to call it horse cockle. Stay tuned people


It really is bro… and it’s making a big comeback. I had donated a bunch of seeds to a seed vault on a site that folded, so all got returned to me. It was great timing as the strain wasn’t backed up yet so to speak… so just passed out a bunch of seeds and a few are supposed to make the next round, but one friend in particular. believe he’s on here… Argo.

She can also get a blue tinge to her buds from the Blue Streak F3 in her… just tasty buds.

I’m currently running her sister… Agoo created at the same time.

you can see the Sour60 shortness in her… just like the dad was


A collage of strains I’ve grown…


Staying tuned in.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Just popped a few of these
95 Black Domina x M10 (aka Afghani #1)


This is my strain Sirius (aka Dawg Star). It’s sort of a Star Dawg BX, and is Star Dawg #6 x Gorilla Biscuit = (Star Dawg) x (Star Dawg x Sensi Star).

This one was grown by @imiubu.


impressive indeed


Didn’t you used to be on Ic?

And sour o wreck sounds intriguing :nerd_face:.

Those two in the middle row(left and middle) of your collage look amazing. Some SD in the mix there?

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Looks like you found some special man. Congrats :man_cook:!

Stardawg and sensi Star. How could you go wrong?

Almost like a Death Star 2.0


I still am, I was in both the old Overgrow & ICMAG at the same tine…I trade all my cuttings/clones & genetics at ICMAG…


Wow🤤 @Hapi now that’s a FU**ING score

I really hope that you have great success happy growing now I’m extremely jealous!..and of course there outta stock, DOH! :man_facepalming:t2:I am excited for you upcoming grow a


That’s awesome man :sunglasses:. I’ve recognized a few faces around here. Not as many as I expected though.


The one on the left is IB Wreck my homemade strain…elite Indiana Bubblegum strain x Arcata Trainwreck (clone only)…

Middle one in the middle was cutting from UK across the big pond Blockhead (mango pheno).