Homemade Strains Thread

Give it a shot, I done 30 days and still rooted…you can do the same by yourself…I’ve said this before, people should do their own experiments to see if it works for them because my environment is not the same as others…


Hey @sardinebags . I just did some cuts up this morning that were in the fridge for 6-7 wks. I have seen guys go up to 12-13wks in the fridge and still get rooted clones on another forum. I recently posted a little thing on how I do it over on my Buddertons Tomfoolery thread, if you wanna check it out. I’m sure there’s a bit of info on the interwebs, if you google up “keeping cuts in the fridge” also.:grin::peace_symbol:


thanks guys, this seems like a really cool technique. just prepped some cuts so i can mess around with it. gonna pull them out at 30d and see how many root. cant believe i hadnt thought of this before, the community should definitely explore this as something for the toolbox when were all pheno hunting. itll save a bunch of space


Right on @sardinebags , that’s awesome! Best of luck with your experiment.:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::peace_symbol:


She’s a beauty😍


I did urban legends gorilla auto X dr kripplings incredible bulk auto. Now I’m doing Mephisto Skywalker auto X flash seeds copacabana auto for an outdoor auto strain .

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Do u have any extra seeds please

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Someone else will say what this gif represents…


Wonderful! I’m tempted to try this myself. What are those tubes and where can one purchase them please @sardinebags ?


This is the first time CBEnate has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!


First welcome to the board.
Second, there are many many people here willing to give out seeds.
Third, asking for them on your very first post is slightly frowned upon.


New member, first post asking for seed…
Anyhow here’s a Biker Slush. It’s Biker Kush version 2 (Karma) X Lemon Slush (Dungeon Vault). Smells of tart lemon with a touch of gas.
Hunting moms to go to F2.:grin::peace_symbol:


Worse then seeing a first post asking total strangers for seeds is the fact that they made no other posts. :roll_eyes:


To me, I don’t care I have seeds for you…in the old Overgrow it wasn’t frowned upon and I have given out seeds and clone only strains to people on their 1st. post in the old Overgrow…we had a saying and it was Overgrow the world…I will send you some mystery seeds send me a PM with your addy…I dont know what strains they are and the only thing I can tell you is they are of great lineage…On my first post here on the new Overgrow I asked for seeds b/c I thought it would be like the old Overgrow but it didn’t go well with some members…hope this helps bromigo.


@HumblePie420 they’re called “culture tubes”, they come in a variety of sizes. i find 12 & 24ml are the perfect size. the cap seems very loose fitting at first but in practice its not going to accidentally come off. i got them off ebay. the labels are cheap avery address labels i printed in ms word then covered with tape to make them water resistant. I have also used glass tubes, I prefer plastic, they do better in the freezer

the 12ml hold about ~125 seeds


That’s really cool of you @PhilCuisine. I don’t think it’s really frowned upon as much as some feel it’s kind of bad manners. I mean they did say please so there is that. I guess I would just feel weird walking into a room full of strangers and without even saying hi asking for someone to give me something. Just a personal feeling I suppose.


That’s an understatement! lol

(agreement nods)

(agreement nodding intensifies)

This was due to “The Great Redit GIMME-GIMME-GIMME Migration of 2021” :rofl:

I was only a wee-pup of OG at the time but even I felt it strange to put your handout so fast in anything that wasn’t the FSFC thread. I was reading up info, posting and conversing and blown away that I was privledged to sign-up for the second tier of the Co-Op runs when that time came!

I’m just over a year here now and I (like many on here) started chucking good genes together so I had beans to give-away versus putting my hand out all the time. And for those gifted to me with no return available from me at the time… well those beans got split into 2 piles with 1/2 GIVEN AWAY to keep OVERGROWING THE WORLD! :smiley:


Well I’m old school Overgrow and dont mind helping people out, I have a lot of seeds that I’ll probably never grow out because I’m a small time grower nowadays. I love seeing/knowing that my genetics are being grown in Canada, South America and across the big pond…I also have 4 towns in central Illinois growing my genetics and I gave them away and didn’t charge anyone…I’ve always told folks on the old Overgrow that pot and seeds should be for free…


hellz yeah to that


I have some seeds and pollen I’m saving for a couple projects in the near future. I’m gonna make a gay skunk cultivar out of lbcog(lemon grape bubba temple x Las Vegas lemon skunk) and banana daddy
(Banana hammock x gdp) gonna call it gay banana daddy skunk and try to get it featured in both a lil nas x song and a tucker Carlson segment.


But clones stored in the fridge?

I see microclon in agar…