Homemade Strains Thread

Hell yes! That looks great!!

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Thanks @hollyho . I’ve got cuts from 3-4 females I like that I’m gonna pollinate with 2 males and those will be the Biker Slush F2s. :v:


Well, you’re killing it. I love your pics!

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I was thinking the same thing just didn’t write it!:joy:

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ive taken in a bunch of dispensary clones over the last two years. i get pm every time. at this point ive given up completely. such a pain


if i am not mistaken i kinda remember reading it can also be passed on in seeds because once it is in the genetic make up its there.

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I Dub the name of that strain to be “Grudge Fuck”.In the end tell them it was my pleasure lol

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I have heard it can be passed in about 10 percent but not every seed. It’s pretty scary as I learn more about it

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Whoops! Who ate the salad?

You wonderful SAVAGE! :heart:

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This is my Maui Mango Haze that I plan on dusting with some Ice Cream Cake pollen to make
Mango Sundae?
Wowie Mango Sherbaze? :man_shrugging:t6:

…and it looks like she’s ready for in vitro, but wait :point_up:t6:

…I think I might’ve accidentally hit her with the Bubblegum Kush pollen I put on my Jacky-Oh So I’m gonna wait and see if any more pods develop. Didn’t plan for this but, it might be a blessing in disguise
So…it looks like I can add Mango Bubblegum or Bubbleyum to the list :man_shrugging:t6: idk.


My Jenny Babe Kush in the vegetable garden…


What’s she crossed with?

how about mango lassi? its the indian ice cream drink

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Mango Lassi :thinking:, I gotta marinate on that, cause right now it’s got me thinking of a fruity collie.


LOL iirc I warned GPaw about you 2 years ago :nerd_face:

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I stored a rooted clone in the fridge for a month or so and flowered it out…should be in some thread around here.


Incredible @Tappy ! Was it a bare rooted clone in a bag? How long ago was this? I love reading about this kinda stuff.


Rooted and stored in a wet cup of perlite with a sandwich bag over the cup. I think it was in there for 30 days…then vegged and flowered. I think it was last year…maybe 2 years ago…covid has time blended…lol

Found it…end result…I’m pretty sure I flowered it out in my fuster cluck thread…but sifting through that is a nightmare.


Thank you for this! I’m gonna read and already watching that thread now.