Homemade Strains Thread

Wow that’s amazing actually. I bet it took awhile to bounce back.


@laquiqa found it and liked…here’s after 30 days out of the fridge.


Really neat

Well I guess the Vietnam Thunder Fuck is making a comeback and doing well…


This is a cross of Skeet Skeet X Afghan male

Afghan is from The real seed company


Vietnam Thunder Fuck clone doing well outside

courtesy of @PhilCuisine thanks again Dude and I know that you can get that big girl back Happy Growing The Doc


No problems…hey this goes for you too…its about west of the Mississippi…


Nice I’m just frustrated I didn’t get to take any clones I had to go outta town and I decided to put the one u just saw outside and let mother nature sort it out it was on it’s last leg and I came back to a beautiful 2½foot tall beauty and it’s just starting to flower and I can’t take clone’s from it now that it’s showing pistils? But I’m putting in a bigger pot to finish up we’ve been getting a week of 80s90s and then it was 41 degrees 2 night’s ago and rained for 2 days so damp and cold and I brought her into the garage under fluros for the one day and night so it smells really good and strong and is it better to let it grow guerilla style or do some trimming never had one outside and I have one in the ground that’s 3 weeks old and been topped and doing good and it’s a mystery seed I’ll get pictures of the VTF closer to see if you think I can still take a cutting TTY soon The Doc

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All the farmers that grow them just let mother nature grow them…the only thing they do is water them when it hasn’t rain in awhile and fertilize them…


Always wanted to try that strain you’ve been growing it for a while now . Must be worthy of keeping it going .
Heard good things about it though.


I’m gonna be working my Gabagoo strain to make F3 stock finally… it’s just too good to not have it available.

When I put them down I plan on adding a secondary strain to be hit too… so many choices… Skywalker OG?


Dirty taxi x stardawg
Great germination rate 7-7
Strong growth, can tell theses are special already


Thank you for the tag! They are off to a great start!


sundae smash = Mendocino purps wreck x icc#5


@PhilCuisine your experience as a grower/breeder fascinates me. I’ve learned so much reading your posts and replies. I’ve only got 3 years growing under my belt so I’m soaking all of this information in as fast as I can. I remember growing up on the Texas / Mexican boarder and smoking whatever was brought in from Mexico. We just called it weed since most of this didn’t come with names attached. EXCEPT when Oaxacan came through town. I never dared research or attempted to grow weed in Texas because of the experience we had when pulled over by the police, got the drug dog let into our car and they found a single seed. Turned into 8 hour interrogation by the DEA with a strip search. They even weighed the seed and impounded my friends car. But now that I live in California I feel free at last. I get so fascinated that this awesome plant that I’ve been in love with since back then comes in so many different varieties, can be grown all sorts of different ways for different effects and can be stored much longer than I ever thought possible. Which brings me to my question. How do you go about storing weed for so many years?


I keep them in mason jars and I put them back in the box so they can avoid lights/sun light…I see people buying colored mason jars and stuff but you can just use clear mason jars and use the box they came in so lights don’t get to them…

I also keep them in the basement during summer time and in the garage during the winter months. All of those old weed in my mason jars are from clone only strains that I don’t have anymore and just smoke them on special occasions…Currently I’ve been smoking Vietnam Thunder Fuck, Matanuska Thunder Head and Kush crosses which I’ve been growing the past couple years.

I try not to overthink things when it comes to growing pot…When I grow hydro I dont do ph, dont do res. changes nor do I flush… this is a weed folks, an almighty weed at that, that almost grows everywhere. my way of growing might not work for others because we all don’t grow in the same environment…

Wanna rehydrate your 5+year old weed just put a pot leaf in a jar, I dont do Boveda etc.

Check it out…


I ran outta likes so I unliked someone else’s post and put it here where it rightfully belongs.
I like the, “don’t overthink it” style, it fits me. Sometimes I let it get away from me and the plants revolt but I’m learning every day on this website. Thank you.


Where tf is the lol key?. I’ve been asking for 2 years now.
Indian giving likes now, creative!


I like your grow style in hydro. I do mine similar, only ph for first 2 weeks , soon as the water stabilizes it’s good , only flush reservoir or the bubble buckets when I switch to flower and the last couple weeks for flush. Other than that just let them grow , they tell me when the need any assistance. Lol.

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I have other things to do and places to go, I can’t/refuse to be a slave this weed folks…I keep it simple because I do have a life…I dont really even have to grow any weed because I have 15+ farmers/ranchers who give me big zip lock baggies of weed whenever I need any…I do like supplying my farmers/ranchers with my strains/clones though…btw, these farmers/ranchers have not bought any weed for the past 2 yrs. from dispensaries/dealers.