Homemade Strains Thread

Well I’m sorry for my behavior, I didn’t mean to be that way…I’m trying to be a good member and not to upset anyone, I even apologized to Lemon J. For my mistakes…thats all I can do.


This was one of my Arcata Trainwreck cross 17 years ago… this guy had some beans and he grew it out, he got 2 phenos. This was his grow & smoke report.

Fruity at times but almost always with a smell of acetone to it; sounds strange but it smells really good. The very top of this plants main cola also turned an amazing shade of pinkish purple. This coloring doesn’t show up on any other part of the plant, but it’s super pretty. That portion also smells oddly like strawberries… on to the pics… but my camera took mostly BLURRY shots so I only have two good pics to show of this plant… I’ll post dry shots when they’re ready. We’ll see it that bud can maintain it’s pink color or not… I cut down the super tall one (“Si” I think) last weekend and took some new pics. this was one of the taller ones. I’m excited to try this one. I just smoked some of the plant that had the pink top and the acetone smell: it’s not even fully dry yet, let alone cured, and this one is by far the best one yet. It already has a nice taste and strong high…This plant is a lot more fragrant and seems to be way more flavorful than the shorter bushy plant.

The high is solid; can’t complain about that.

I must’ve had these seeds at an auction or for donations …the guy who did a grow & smoke report had this to say…

Good luck with your schrecks. The last two plants I cut down were a very similar phenotype, and that’s the pheno to look for. They were both starting to turn purple and they both smelled of acetone/fruit; it’s an unmistakable smell. It’s still curing, but it’s already a home run. It’s so unique; I really like it a lot.


Couple of nice looking plants yield looks like it should be on the high end also . Worth a second run ?


I also made some Hawaiian Purple Kush crosses for an auction back in the day…



Well so far 3 males were taken out of the Phototron… Hope I at least get a female Thunder Head and Purple X…all is doing well, just took this picture today.

Thunder Head is Matanuska Thunder Fuck x Block Head.
Purple X is Purple Kush x ?.. I forgot what male pollen I used. Oh well, doesn’t matter b/c I know it will be good.


(Lush x Ghash)x Kashmir 6 weeks or so.


Very nice looking !

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A few of my homemade strains…


Trying out my new toy…

Matanuska Thunder Head



@Stickyjones that looks sticky!

accidental cross , gonna try next round. White runtz open pollenated accidentally when some regular Mac and dosi 33 seeds popped males and were not caught in time. Should be interesting


Very nice! Where’d you get that Kashmir daddy? Also they just released that Lush cross, calling it Passionfruit Hashplant now.


Puff puff pass , some tasty looking flower here, look at those trichs . I can just imagine the terpenes

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It’s awesome that he released it. The Kashmir is from generic seeds. I haven’t seen any intersex issues but was kinda worried with their whole fiasco of selling intersex seeds.


Outa 9 seeds 3 are males and the rest are females… 2 Purple Kush cross, 3 unkown and 1 MTF cross…
2 of the tallest unknown I’m gonna flower outright. So that leaves me with 2 Purple Kush cross, 1 Unknown and 1 MTF cross to reveg…I’m more excited on my MTF cross, which I’m calling Matanuska Thunder Head.:exploding_head:

Real deal MTF x Blockhead…


Here’s my sour gorilla auto strain as of today
Gave these 2 plants to a friend of
Mine so he would have something to smoke

It’s a good looking plants


Brought out my 1 gal. cheopo aero cloner…gonna make some clones for the growers & farmers in my area…

Building a Cheapo-Aero cloning tub


Few seeds, but enough to test the ssh8 female as a pollen donor.
super silverhaze8 *amnesia1, *super silver hashplant5 and *destroyer2 aka super silver destroyer haze (apologies for the furry bottom)


1 week later, folks…it never fails me…

btw, I think back in the old OG days someone had a thread that said let’s see your smallest cuttings that’s rooted, so I ended up rooting a cutting that was smaller than an exacto knife blade, it was about 1/2 inch…ever since then I’m hooked on just rooting small ass cuttings…


I use a cloner similar to yours . I always cut my clones 3.5 ". I use a playing card as my guide for length when I finish cut the stem. :smiley: