Homemade Strains Thread

Honestly, I would be skeptical even though I’ve read it’s common practice for European seedbanks to do this. I don’t like the practice though, especially when requesting original breeder packaging. These are expensive seeds and feeling confident in ones purchase is important. If I asked specifically for the seeds to remain in the original breeder packaging and the request wasn’t fulfilled and there wasn’t even any correspondence to try and find a resolution before shipping I would naturally be skeptical of the rest of their business practices.

I have been wanting to take advantage of some of the annual Sensi seeds 2 for 1 deals but unfortunately they don’t ship to me. That said, I’ve researched seedbanks selling Sensi seeds and even exchanged correspondence asking about the breeder packaging. If they don’t come in the breeder packaging I will take my business elsewhere. Many have said that it’s common practice but it’s not something I want in the back of my mind that maybe the seeds got mixed up or worse that they’re not even what they say that they are. I’ve had other banks ship to me in the original breeder packaging from the same breeders so it doesn’t seem necessary to disassemble the original packaging. Furthermore, most banks say that they can’t guarantee delivery if requesting to keep them in the original breeder packs. That’s not an enjoyable business transaction to me.

With so much to choose from these days I won’t jump through the unnecessary hoops, although I’d like to eventually stock up on some Sensi seeds packs. There are a handful of Sensi seed varieties that I’d like to add to the collection!

I hope you received authentic seeds and I hope my skeptical reply doesn’t sour your experience. I want to vocalize my opinion on this hoping others will see it and agree and demand from the seedbanks the original packaging or no deal. I work hard for money and time is sacred. It’s not something I want to wonder about in the back of my mind if I got taken for some of that hard work and sacred moments of my life. If a seed company offers seeds in breeders packs, that’s how I expect them when ordering through an authorized third party. Much love


Sensi Seeds has been a ripoff for over twenty years. They lost everything in raids years back. They have an incredible history, but in modern times they are doing nothing but living off of a famous name. They are completely irrelevant in my opinion. Spend your money however you want, but I wouldn’t spend a penny on Sensi Seeds. If they gave me their entire stock for free I would use them as bean sprouts in my ramen.


I completely agree. I’ve had other companies send them to me exactly as I asked them to so I don’t see how they can use that as an excuse.

Very interesting, I did not know that. I will proceed with caution. Thank you.



My first cross I ever made probably 4-5 years ago platinum Girl Scout cookies x starkiller = platinum killer


Did the winner of the 2016 cannabis cup inspire this cross !?
Looks good bro


No I had the starkiller and a buddy gifted the pgsc. That’s interesting where can I find info on that? And ty bud


Maybe bye accident lol

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The winner was star killer !

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Oh I had no idea lol but maybe I did it subconsciously? Lol jk

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Bagseed was a male & culled…I can tell which 2 are Vietnam Blacks…


Looks like 1 Dominator is a male…


Why do you let the tails grow so long? Is it a look for vigor or is that what you have to do for coco or hydro? I’ve seen it a couple of times just curious about the light gic behind it. Thanks

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Not intending to butt in,…can you not take tissue samples from seedling tails and “clone” them?


Those seeds were in the towel for less than 36hrs. didn’t know they were gonna grow that quick for old ass seeds bromigo…

Never did that before, way too much overthinking…I have plenty of seeds of these strains.


Oh ok.lol I have seen it a couple times didn’t know if makes difference for different mediums. Awesome though 20 years old and they popped. How do you store them?

Small Tupperware like container and that’s kept in the fridge…


Love the simplicity. No rice, no desiccant, just seeds and cold.


I store my seeds in mason jar in the bottom of the fridge. Figure everyone has jars laying around like me.

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Nothing fancy folks…I’m pushing 60 and I’m done overthinking when it comes to growing pot/seeds.


Hey can’t anyone fault you for that my friend. I live in high plains desert so that is definitely the route I should take thanks.


Two different phenos of a Thai crossed over a Indica leaning pheno of GG. 2.5 lb yield and seemingly mould proof. This one still has a month or so before flowering…