Homemade Strains Thread

Thank you!

I can always ‘try’ and ship to USA, I just can’t guarantee their arrival with customs. I just had some stuff snagged recently even though I packed pretty stealthy. Not sure what to think of that.

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Wow nice looking forest . How you watering that beast a fire hose and 500 gallons of water?


Just a bloomspec light 100 watts I picked up from Amazon so far its working great

Lol, thanks :pray: Mostly just rain this year, with the occasional leaving the hose running for a few hours, but lots of well prepped dirt.

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I’m pretty sure is was just bad luck. They do random searches I’ve noticed when I had stuff seized but no problem when the company just re-sent it. It was a seed company that explained that to me.

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I definitely would be but unfortunately I have too much on my plate ATM.

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This small bag seed is actually starting to look good, I hope it’s a female…


Sundae smash and purple mystery wreck. 2 of my creations grown by my brother, little stretchy due to his excitement and raising his light for the taller plants and not adjusting height of shorter plants. He’s learning and doing pretty good for first timer


Your Sour Diesel f6 IBL dad is beautiful !!


Thank you. I threw him on my Swazi/Mulanje and well… the one offspring I grew so far turned into a male also, but you can see the Sour Diesel dad in it.


purple mystery wreck 3 1/2 weeks into bud


Has anyone packaged a nice sativa into a quick auto-flowering plant yet? Looking for something without racyness/crushing anxiety :laughing:

If not what’s a good “get stuff done/exercise” hybrid photoperiod.


Did you get the fall co-op box @Gonzo
Super lemon haze, night terror og are possible good for get stuff done without a crazy flowering time


Nope! I hope to get all the future boxes though, I’m going to have to figure out how to send in cash for shipping fees to get a box, I’m oldskool & don’t use online payment things like paypal/venmo etc.


Pretty sure when the time comes someone will help you get paid .


Dinafem has Auto XXL versions of a few Dutch sativas. I haven’t tried them yet, still sitting in the fridge. If you are interested, right now hemp depot has a 2 for 1 sale on them. In case you can’t find what you’re looking for here on OG of course!
I only suggest them as I was quite impressed with a blue cheese Auto of theirs, enough that I decided to order a few of their autos…and im not really an auto fan lol
One more edit! Next Generation also has Grapefruit Haze auto, though I didn’t find it to be very sativa or hazey when I grew it.
Haha can I throw in one more edit? Fast Buds (another one im not really a fan of from my experience) has Mexican Airlines, and I have to say it was very much a sativa and had crazy deep serrations in the thin leaflets. I dont remember how it smoked.

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Are the leaves really that purple or is it a light? It looks as if they are throwing purple reflections…


It’s a light reflection, My brother in law has a small purple light off to the side on some small fruit trees my sister has :+1::+1::v:

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Blue Dream Santa Cruz Cut x Bodhi’s Magenta Hash Plant, just finishing up 4 months of cure. The terps are amazing, like a fine wine :rofl:


Looks super great, man I bet that taste good, great job my friend