Homemade Strains Thread

That sounds amazing, nice job!


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Nice work! Did you make any beans when you ran your cross?


Absolutely, plenty!


Want to trade?


Beans seem very worthy. Well done

Anyone ever have completely viable seeds be…like REALLY brittle? I made some Nepalese seeds and was going through a bunch yesterday, trying to sort them out and doing the pinch test and they all kept crumbling at the slightest pressure. So,out of frustration i threw about 100 in a cup of water,just to get idea if any are even good…less than12 hours later…95 percent have tails…what the fuck!


How long did you let them sit and dry out before the crush test @killabud ?

When i’m sorting I usually sort by colour, then let the seeds sit and air/dry out in a breathable container for a few weeks to firm up and then the crush test to make sure I don’t kill off viable seeds that were just soft from being fresh.


These got a two week dry and then sat in a mason jar for about 3 months,so they definitely should be hard by now.

top 2 darker green are sundae smash , lighter green lower 2 are purple mystery wreck. Going on 5th week of flower


Well it’s about time…this Vietnam Black is finally flowering and it’s a female…it took almost 1.5+ months in 12/12 mode for it to start showing it’s sex…


Wow she is just now showing. I remember seeing her just after flip is this a long flower strain?


Very exciting! I had a Burmese/Manipur male that took 6 weeks to show sex. I crossed him to a super fast flowering 8-9 wks Mexican brick seed plant and a mango smelling 12 week Oaxacan x Columbian to try and shorten the flowering time.It’s crazy how some plants can finish by 7-8 weeks and some are just getting started.


Here’s a Vietnam Black in revegg mode, I already have a rooted cutting…

Here’s the other one just starting to flower…

I was gonna toss it in the garbage about a week ago…


Do clones that came from early in flower take longer to flower than normal cycle.

I don’t think so, It depends on the strain…I usually take my cuttings from plants that are in vegg mode…it takes longer to root when you take them when they’re in flower mode imho.

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sundae smash purple mystery wreck. Mid 5th week. My brother in law is doing great on first indoor grow. My sister seems to take pretty good pics :+1::+1::v:


Sundae smash

purple mystery wreck Sis sent me couple more pics. So far turning out really nice… see what smoke report brings. I see an F2 in the near future…


Okay this happened today and was both totally random and wonderful!

I go into my near-work local hydroponics shop to pick up some supplies and the moment they see me I get a loud “DUDE! Here check this out!” from the friends that run the counter. And there was seeds, bags of seeds?!

“What gives?” I ask astounded at their bounty. “This old hippie customer just dropped by and gave us all these seeds. Most are really old, like from the 90’s old…” he paused and then looked up continuing with, “…hey wait? Didn’t you say you recently popped seeds from the 70’s?”

I go on to show him a few photos of the Jew Gold 1974 seed run and his eyes light up.

“Dude. Please, take some of these. If anyone’s got a chance of finding something special in here it’s you.”

I was floored as before me there were 10x bags so I got overwhelmed and couldn’t decide, and needed to run back to work so I closed in on the one thing that caught my eye…

The only bag marked with a :star: , albiet faded in marker… but it also had the note “Starter Stock” which is really what sparked the interest…

I’m guessing it’s a 90’s Skunk crossed with an unknown Sativa… but it does say OLD SATIVA which was the only sativa bag in the lot that was specifically labelled “old”.

If anyone has an idea of what they may be talking aboot please chime in!

:smiley: :+1:

An added bonus: the seeds look good!

(edit: I forgot to mention that I asked about if the gifting party was okay with seed-making with their work and the response: “That would probably make him very happy!”. :smiley: )


What a hook up!!! Kudos brother!