Homemade Strains Thread

that is the stuff movies are made out of mang! you’re going to have make your own thread on those.

question: what was it about “starter stock” that peaked your interest?


Holy crap!! Nice score my brother. Love them old mystery seeds. I have some from early mid 90’s brick weed that were gifted to me from a buddy . 50/50 shot on popping them, But so far what does pop had been good , had Mexi sativa super piney energetic , then had a haze another time . Hashy earthy lazy buzz. Always something different, I don’t blame ya for the choice you made. I would have leaned the same way. Adds to the mystery , he had also gifted me a vile of some blue cheese, they are old just not sure exactly , another good one. :+1::+1::v:


See awesomeness score!

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It’s not an easy thing to do, make a strain well. If you start with gold and gems then absolutely you have increased your chances and this is how I have gone about my chucking over the recent years… but this guy was old school and I’m thinking that based on the time frame these seeds come from that they may have been earmarked with this note to prioritize them among other options he was working on.

We all know growing takes time and effort but the scene in the 90’s was was different than now so the effort involved would be greater in many ways.

Made me think these beans need their moment to shine; just when is another story.


What an amazing score @Pigeonman :astonished:
You definitely gotta keep us updated about the likely gems you will find in here! :slightly_smiling_face:


I will but it’s gonna be a while as I have projects on the list so this is another added lol.

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old sativa skunk huh? allegedly Sam the Skunkman used to sell pre-Skunk #1 seeds in the late 70’s called Flying Skunk, which was supposed to be a sativa. That would check all three boxes for “old sativa skunk”


I’d suspect that “starter stock” meant F1 or F2 of the cross.

Go on… you know you want to …
do it

:grin: :+1:



I think we all know how that feels.
Im pretty sure that the list only just gets longer…


God’s Paintbrush x Chem1 x SSDD here at 31 days of 12/12. 6/7 seeds popped. 1 male was culled. 1 of the 5 females produced a ton of male parts and dropped a small amount of pollen. Several phenos identified. There’s at least 2 GP dom plants, with the smell. The GP had a very original fruity sharpie smell to it. Never got a chance to flower any of the Chem 1 x SSDD females so I don’t know what they can do. This one is stacking pretty good.


Carty’s STOMP 2. I accidentally hit the sides of my 2 Sour Stompers by Mephisto with my Gabagoo male while making more Gabagoo…
The few seeds I decided to play with and this one showed up and luckily was a female. The only pollen I had on hand was Jamaican Blue Hill so, I hit her with it.

Let’s see what happens… but she’s a beaute


I bet you have something special there…skunks are relatively new. If an old hippie labels them as old sativa x skunk it probably means that this is an early skunk cross…the hippie probably had some connections and you got some gems there…


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This is basically what I was thinking…Sam was all about the breeding program. What he gave out he wanted people to breed with…they aren’t your typical here grow this it’s great but here grow and work this for a few generations and you’ll get some stellar smoke.

Sign me up for the F2s!!!


Well that small bagseed that I sprouted is a female now I need it to be an exceptional female to be a keeper…


Arcata Trainwreck x Bodhi Old Soul…goal was to create a faster flowering, more resistant Trainwreck more suitable for Northeastern outdoor cultivation.

Picked an Old Soul pheno with strong structure, great resistance to PM and mold and super frosty buds.

Fast forward a bit, now I’ve got something that stacks like a Trainwreck, hits like one, finishes earlier and doesn’t need trellising. Did I mention zero problems flowering in a super humid greenhouse with ZERO ventilation and minimal airflow? No PM or mold at all, despite me trying to make climate perfect for it.


Nice work
sounds great :+1:t4:


We’ve all done that at one time or another. I know I’ve “helped” a few plants to death.


Fuji Apple Cookie x Blueberry Muffin. We call her “FAB MC”, short for “Fuji Apple Blueberry Muffin Cookie” :rofl::heart::fire:. An absolute GAS BOMB, has a really nice floral blueberry vibe to it, you can smell the blueberry better in the air as you break up a bud.

She’s a BEAUTY, I’m excited to dig thru the pack my buddy gave me & see what else is here. I just popped one bean, got one female & ran with it. I’d say the test run was an overwhelming success.


That just looks amazing

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That sounds awesome.

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