Homemade Strains Thread

That’s pretty nifty @Pigeonman

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My farmer/rancher buddy saw my cloner and wanted to experience the fine art of cloning on the cheap side so I said he can have it, so now I have to fire up my cheapo aero cloner and root more cuttings bromigos…


That’s cool, So just to clarify, do the clones hang in the holes and is there a bubbler in the tub? Im all for diy cloners, the bought ones seem to me cost stupid money for not much you can’t get from the $2 shop. I made one with a similar opaque tub but used a hole saw for the lid to fit those neoprene collars, I use a clear storage tub for the top to keep the moisture in … yours looks like it has even less moving parts!

yep. that how i do it as well. aerocloners rock but this is somehow actually easier. currently my SOP is

  • take pure coir
  • stick clones in
  • put them on the tray
  • saturate tray with full strength nutes. as soon as i see standing water, i stop filling
  • cover and heat

in 10-12 days i get ~85% well rooted healthy cuts. if youre just doing a few, this is the way


Here’s the seeds from the Peanut Butter Breath F2 pollinated with Chocolate Chunk, and I’m happy to say that there were more than I expected, and a total of 5x white seeds out of the whole bunch! :grin: :ok_hand:


Sounds like a wonderful cross good stuff @Pigeonman


Can’t go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter :drooling_face:


Thanks @DesertHeartGardens & @killabud !

I’m very much looking forward to the other variation of this with the CC x PBB as that’s a smaller plant but looks like it’s ONLY seeded bud versus this PBB which turned out to be more flower than seed.


Sounds like a great cross

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Congrats on the seeds @Pigeonman, sounds very yummy

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Beautiful beans!

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Sounds like a dessert strain for sure. Very nice


Nice, those are some fat beans.


Excuse me, this is Officer Reeses and I’m sorry to say, but I have to confiscate all those seeds for copyright infringement. Don’t ever dip your Chocolate into my Peanut Butter thinking your gonna get away with it… HA HA HA… although I’d be honored to get a few… nice working, run my seeds 6wks also…

Good luck with the new works… always fun to sling a little pollen huh


Went and bought some more cloning boxes today at Aldi’s, one of my favorite garden store…:joy::rofl::joy:


I like the size of those tubs compared to my cloning dome.

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No need to spend tall cash for a cloning box, when you can practically get it for free, sort of…save your cash for genetics/nutrients…


Do you leave them clear or cover in some way?

I keep it very very simple and leave it clear…or you can just put in a shoe box, no need to paint or tape with black tape bromigo…


I Generally use an upside down Tupperware. This time on top of a heating pad insulated by a carbon filter pre filter.