Homemade Strains Thread

real pretty. she started that color or just turned as aged? ive been thinking of lowering my room temp so I get some color change maybe.


No doubt about it. A stunning plant.

It triggers late in flowering. I used the black afghani from USC. That is the one that had hermie traits in the line. Also the black color seems to be recessed, so I figured it would probably be heterozygous. I crossed it to the black lebanon, which does turn jet black (except only on the leaves, with more lemon-lime colored stems)… but in my experience, Lebanese can also be prone to intersex traits. Though mine didn’t show any, it certainly didn’t make finding plants without hermie in the offspring any easier.

However, an afghan and a lebanese together is some kind of magic. They’re like a perfect pair for a hashplant to grow indoors. If you take the more sativa traits and branching structure of the Lebanese with the strength and density of a good afghan, they complement very well. The terps on this one were really unique and loud. I loved smoking it.


How often are you seeing the jet black expression Lefty?

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I only finished 2 females after weeding out hermies, but they were both jet black. I’d expect 50% though, but it could be higher.


Very interesting. Thank youfor sharingthe information. If seeds ever become available I would love to grow them.

I’m going to open up the ac vent in my room and see about dropping the temp off a bit. I already see reds in my cookie Devil. Hopefully I can get them to deepen. Previous @Mr.Sparkle strain was a dark spark purple phenom that was just beautiful.


:slight_smile: Looks like you have more of the afghan looking traits showing up. Looks great! I wonder if there might not be a fair spectrum of unexplored terp profiles in that cross. Unique and tantalizing smells in the ones I grew.


Yep, you’re spot on. That one is definitely leaning toward the Afghan side. I think the black afghani leaf shape is very distinctive. The male I had that was good was fortunately leaning toward the Lebanese, so I think the F2s I have to hunt through should still have good variety. I’d like to grow it again soon. It’s such a cool hybrid.


An old grow, this picture was taken before it was chopped down…


I know someone who would love this! @DainIronFoot

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Flowering a couple of my Falcore (Congo x Red Dragon x Crimea Blue)

This is my Cherry Blossom (Congo x Maui Waui (not “Wowie”) x Vietnamese IBL)


Great looking crosses! I like the genetics you’re growing. How was that Congo?


Thanks! Got a bunch of others I’m going to be running soon, with mostly landraces.

The Congo is from ACE, so technically it’s not a pure Congo line but it grew really well. High resistance to everything with a grapey flavor that I can’t quite shake in many of the crosses I’ve done with it, as well as the tendency for them to go full purple in flower. So strong genetics I’d say. I just copped some Congo Pointe Noir, which is pure.

You interested in growing out some Congo?


Nice! Very cool. I’ve wanted to try that Ace Congo too. Even though it isn’t pure, I’m sure they’ve made it much easier to run indoors than that CPN you’re about to try. :joy:

I’ve been interested in Congolese since I found a cross from Bodhi that I really liked. I’ve been collecting a few that I want to try out pretty soon, Congo Pointe Noire is one, and also a few Congo from RSC and Congo Black IX reproduced from SnowHigh. So hopefully I’ll be joining you pretty soon and picking one of those to try.


Ohhh indeed it was, I got so many sativa landraces that I’m NOT looking forward to growing in my tent lol. Wish I could grow outside but can’t trust anyone not to steal my shit if I did.

Well I got about 20 or more of the Pointe Noir so if you ever see me post about growing them or see me on IG (I follow you I believe), just ask and I can send you some too! I’d likely only have room to grow 5 at a time, maybe 10 if I only grew that strain out and nothing else.


Ok, I cheated folks…I cut down a small branch from my flowering Matanuska Thunder Head grow…I will be camping at Illinois Beach State Park on 6/20/21 and I wanted to bring this MTH strain with me to smoke…It’s hang drying right now then I’m gonna give it a quick cure before the camping trip. Can’t wait to smoke/taste my creation.


That’s not cheating!!

That’s just… preemptive Quality Control… yeah, lets go with that!
:rofl: :crossed_fingers: :crazy_face:



OK, here’s the story this bud has these trichs…I used a crappy camera

This is the early chopped bud…

A nice mix of clear, cloudy and amber…


This Matanuska Thunder Head will be chopped down tomorrow at 69 days…pix were taken with a better camera bromigos.


Matanuska Thunder Head grow was a success folks…My guesstimation probably 2.5+ onces when its dried.

Had a couple small budz that got too close to the lights.