Homemade teas to spray

Hello friends! I was asking to my self what kind of tea should I prepare to spray over my plants, I have both Hydro and Soil, what I want is to improve the health of my baby’s and make them look and feel better!
Thanks to everyone and good vibes!!!


Homemade tea idk so much about but there’s a lot of products you can buy. B vitamin and growmore fugo come to mind.


It would depend on what you want to accomplish with the tea.

If you’re looking to push your plants that little bit extra make one using water soluble products like kelp extract and hydrosolate’s, but be careful because you can burn up your plants quick like.

If you’re doing it for immune boosting and disease resistance brew some compost tea for 36-48 hours and spray them. It’s hard to burn a plant with compost tea, however you’ll need to use it immediately for best results. After 36-48 hours of brewing you’ll see a decrease in biology multiplying and once it’s out of its highly aerated environment you have about an hour or so before they use up all the oxygen in the water.


Thanks for the advice but that’s what I’m trying to avoid, I want to do it as organic as possible😅

Thank you very much!! :raised_hands:t3: I’m looking for the second option, with the compost sounds great!!

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Cool in that case put a cup or two of compost in a mesh bag with a couple tbsp of amendment mix or at minimum kelp, malted barley, and alfalfa and brew it. The point with that is not so much to feed the plant but to cover the entire leaf surface in good aerobic bacteria so they outcompete the bad microbes. In my books, PDF’s, and other nerdy stuff thread I have a PDF of the best compost tea brewers on there. One a 5 gallon brewer and the other a 55 gallon one. Both from thanks to the folks at OSU

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Fulvic acid, thrive alive green, vegetable glycerin, yucca extract. Fulivc acid works as a trasporter of nutrients thrive alive is n awesome natural b vitamin glycerin and yucca break surface tension and keep mix on leaves.