Honey oil/QWET Super Cooled

Super-Cooled QWET Wash for Cannabis
(Great article & great CLEAN OIL)

Key is about minus -50f, & then extract cannabinol oils. (getting your herb, & FDA approved ! Everclear or other 190 proof al alcohol to -50 before mixed)…
Nice yellow extract wash that is extremely potent, about as pure as can be for home extraction!!! My experiments results were approximately ~31% less net oil Wgt when performed at -50 VS room temperature & even freezer temp for that matter Why???
Greatly reduced pickup of non desirables like Fats, Waxes, no no Chlorophyll, & others Lipids.
Works great in Vape Ccell Cartridge,
honey straw, joints, edible gelatin capsules, etc…

So something like dry ice + everclear to get it super cold, then mix with herb and then filter out the solids? How long does the extraction need to go for decent yield?

I usually soak for about 25 minutes to get the Yld below, in a cooler @ -50/-55f & yes using Dry ice
I’ll average 4.3 net grams per OZ of GSC (Girl Scout Cookies)

& as article says 15 min soak yields a little less…
Every strain I’ve done in about 25 minutes with four quick gentle stirs and done has worked just fine.
The little Penzi used glass spice jars are great for evaporating off the last of the alcohol sitting on the coffee warmer plate…

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I use a 25 µm filter or bubble bag 25 µm to quickly drain the liquid away from the herb… One light squeeze and done…discard used herb.
Cold cold cold name of game !!!