Hoodbilly Hydro(mostly)

Big tents getting 6-8 fogdogs sprouting in rockwool rn then into the dwc totes at 2 per. Maxigro + soluble gypsum + K Sil for the first few weeks then maxibloom + same.

Little tent is peat/perlite+ same ferts
In cups germinating, 4 blueberry diesel from @anonymous4289, 3 Tropicana punch bx1 fem, 3 grape ganandorf from @NugLifeFarms420. 1 gallon pots or solo cups.

18/6 for 1-2weeks then 12/12 on the little tent(all photos) 18/6 all the way through on the fogdogs. Probably dim the big tent to 70%


Pics please, particularity of your dwc gear. I am running rDWC and looking to improve my game.


Itā€™s nothing special, big 27 gallon totes with 2 holes in the lids for 4 in netpots a heavy duty air pump and a 12in long airstone in each tote. Last time I did hydro it was in 5gal dwc buckets stand-alone. Maintaining temps, ph was a pita. Iā€™m hoping with these big totes itā€™ll be easier.

Best advice I can give is keep your meters calibrated, and run sterile.

Iā€™m probably not gonna stick with hydro, just need a fast decent sized yield and then Iā€™m thinking sip(auto pot type thingy hopefully diy) is probably best for my circumstances. Little less yield, but I dig the lack of failure points. Hydro gives me a panic attack when the power goes out :sweat_smile:


Iā€™ll get some pics up later though, for now hereā€™s the fogdog seedlings.


I was looking at different setups and thought maybe maybe timed drip irrigation and sog, then I started looking at equipment and each 12-16 plant quadrant needs a 3/4hp pump and I just donā€™t have the electrical grid for that.


Hopefully this air fancy uvc hepa air purifier helps prevent the mold issues I had last run. Swtg i threw out close to a lb and man if that shit didnā€™t hurt.


It might be worth you while to check out the Octopot and microOctopot threads for some ideas. Lots of us getting great results.


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As per usual I couldnā€™t stop myself from popping more beans. Added to the auto lineup 5 reg Ghost Rose x Mi5 and for photos 3 reg monochrome rains from nuglifefarms and 3 fem Crescendo v3

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Itā€™s addictive. I have to hold myself back sometimes

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I figure with half of em being regs and theses 1 gallon nursery pots not being more than a quart I may as well just do 12/12 from seed in the 2x4.

The ghost rose x mi5 will be in the big tent with the fogdogs, but in in nursery pots like the photos.

Finally getting around to prepping the big tent too, been procrastinating like crazy bout to give it a wipe down with soapy bleach water.

Kinda digging my new hanging setup on the fans. Last run on the ground in the corner my tops had no airflow, now I can just keep them at canopy


Iā€™m half tempted to run the 600hps in the 4x4 and pop a few more beans, but thatā€™s getting into uncomfortable electric bill territory and the 4in exhaust fans not enough with hid.

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Tote 1 setup, letting the ph stabilize in the other tote before I check it and add my fertilizer.


About as basic as it gets, and this Kratom got me vibing.

Question for anyone who wants to answer. What size pump should I use for timed drip irrigation with 12-15 plants? Liter/quart pots so 50ml per watering. Iā€™m bad at math and kinda high.

I got silly with my bean popping is why I ask :sweat_smile:

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And 2 triangle poison fems, and 2 black apple Hitchcock femsšŸ˜…

Looks like I will be using the 4x4 as the ā€œsmallā€ tent. Iā€™ll have to hang my lights kinda funky though itā€™s 3 150w leds so Iā€™m thinking like a triangle should have the best footprint


You could probably use one of those baby ass pumps. Youā€™re still only talking about moving a 5th of a gallon per feeding.


Something like this you think?

I have the 660 for res transfers. Is it really as easy as just hooking a pump to a sprinkler bubbler and the bubbler to some 1/4in tubing? Gods this runs gonna be a breeze!


I might have a problem :sweat_smile:

also kinda think I shouldā€™ve put a water level indicator on my totesšŸ«¤ I can handle that on first res change though. I stay getting ahead of myself :man_shrugging: