New place(again) new grow

Had to stop growing for a few months after last harvest to find a new place. Now that that’s taken care of and I got my name on a lease and a hopefully more hygienic roommate it’s time to pop some beans. First up and man I know I been taking forever to get to em is 13 blueberry diesels from @anonymous4289, 9 Grimm mintz, and 3 gary poppins.

Gonna be 12/12 from seed because I’m almost out of last harvest.

Peat(lime 1tbsp/gal)/perlite/biochar 40/40/20
Giving the stash blend stuff a shot since it’s microbes and MSA

First time auto watering too so I’m gonna need to figure that out just glad I finally found the right adapter for my pump to drip system.

Tiny ass bedroom but at least my balcony got a cool view.

Probably gonna need to size down to two 2x4s next run


CONGRATS on your new transition, Peace of Mind is very important, especially where you live. I know you’ll continue to be successful. I’ll hang out in that space between the Tent and that Wall. I wanna observe your work. As always, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Best of luck in your new area, with your endeavor!!



Looks like Baltimore

Philly, ima have a med card in a week though. Just moved outta MD but also not Baltimore lol. I can’t wait for next payday I’m fixing to make a lasagna pomodoro with buffalo mozzarella since I got easy access to specialty food shops now.


Babies par 300 only one watering so far, just used the stash blend since my it’s 2-1-5 and my taps 370ppm

getting a filter on payday new roomies cool, but super fucking annoying, think maybe I just don’t like people all that much.


off to a start, but a slow one. Noticing I get faster growth starting seedlings in solo cups. Glad I rethought 12/12 from start though gonna let them get a bit more established probably flip at week 3 or 4 internet weed prices gone down enough for me to afford some veg time. Kinda dig that my suppliers don’t pump the numbers on their testing most of their stuff 17-24% frostier than the dispo shit and for sure better than trash my roommate got me,(Literally kiefed mids, I meet dude again I’m telling him he should be embarrassed to sell that trash it would’ve been acceptable quality like 10 years ago probably wouldn’t have called it mids but it is)


I can’t do the roommate thing anymore because of stuff like this. Just left California to buy property out on the east coast after having to rely on roommates. I hope your roommate comes correct and you have a wonderful time in your new apartment. That tent is tight, but tight is good.

Cheers, my ketchup anarchy symbol on a slice of sharp cheddar amigo. Best of luck on this grow, and future endeavors as well.


She already driving me insane, at least she’s not messy, but she won’t shut the fuck up and stop trying to act like my girlfriend or something, like bitch we’re internet friends who needed an apartment at the same time enough of this “babe” shit, call your actual boyfriend and leave me alone, I’m not interested and never will be. I really need to stop moving in with weirdos from the internet :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:


Then the weed I got from her guy, straight fucking trash. Looks like it’s been through a sifter. Dude should be ashamed to sell it tbh

$40 a 1/4 for some fucking mids gtfoh with this bullshit(yeah I know that’s not a 1/4 I smoked most of it lol)


ouch! If I was closer to Philly, I’d be glad to help you out.
My Philly folks, call here, the Frontier, for fucks sake, LOL! They consider me OUT in the sticks.
You’ll be cropping that tent soon man.

excellent! keep us updated. :+1: :fire:

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picking up the pace since I unpacked the humidifier. Got a fogger hose attachment coming, between that and the Bluetooth/wifi thermohygromater/stat should be dialed in ok


Well this is very much not working out with the new roommate, who is a super decent person we just don’t vibe like at all. Tbf to her I don’t vibe with anyone really but this may be the fastest it’s taken for someone to stop liking me. May not even make it through till harvest, soon as I can swing move in costs somewhere I’ll make it happen, which might take till harvest so idk, I’m just venting I fucking hate the holidays it’s the time of year that almost every bad thing that’s happened to me happened so I’m kind of miserable to be around.

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Hope everything works out for the best. Good luck!

Welcome to Philly, where the women are bat shit crazy. :wink:

Fastest way to lose a friend, or make an enemy is to live with them. Maybe look outside the city for a new place…

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I mean I like that it’s pedestrian friendly, ima just look for a spot in my price range I’m seeing plenty of alright spots in the city under 800, of course I don’t know how the neighborhoods are but I’ve never been bothered by anyone even in the rougher spots I’ve lived. Ima stick it out through harvest, probably give her kids(adults they just live in the neighborhood) like half of it since she can’t fw cannabinoids but they smoke, and I don’t want to feel bad about the electric being high for the 3 months after I leave(weird billing thing where they take the avg 3 months usage idk I didn’t set it up, I’ve never used that option because it didn’t seem practical with my grows)


We’re cool now though, had a good chat but it’s still best I keep this temporary.