Hoodbilly Hydro(mostly)

Taking off and looking good. :beers:

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Diluted the totes by half, hopefully they start looking better, these are way shorter than my last fogdogs, either the superthrive or the root tangle image


Ended up adding back 2 gals full strength to each tote, buffered with silica, gypsum and borax. Overall I like how the big totes work for hydro think I might stick with this method but next time 1 plant per tote.


Fogdogs bounced back,


3 males on the ghost rose x mi5, 1 female bout to start feeding it maxibloom. Still debating on 12/12ing the whole tent haven’t quite got my watering dialed in in these small plastic pots yet either had some mites and gnats show up so I did a sulfur dust. It’s a bit ugly in there tbh but I’m at my worst this time of year so :man_shrugging:

think the more mature plants are getting root bound cause they droop when dry too.

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They’re perking up

Blueberry diesel

There’s 2 more in here too, I’m just a bit disorganized


Wish I could figure out this stupid watering kit
[Upgraded Pump] sPlant Big Power… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Z4T67V5?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Kind of a weird looking bud site on this here fogdog


if you’re thinking about hydro and can’t swing rdwc these big totes really are great, temps stay cool, ph stays stable, ain’t even been monitoring ppm really, just res change once a week and add back midweek with half strength(full strength add backs were to much)


I’m for sure sticking with hydro now though it’s just so much faster and there’s no guesswork like organics

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Still haven’t set up this stupid watering thing. Doesn’t help that they’re all drinking at different rates. Maybe if I ever run a bunch of the same cut I’ll get to use it, but a bunch of strains from seed… I don’t think it’s happening

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I dig this Tropicana punch plant, she’s given me no issues so far


I definitely overcrowded these poor ladies


Ended up putting the two potted auto ladies(ghost rose x mi5) in the 12/12 tent because I didn’t want to run an extra 300w to light two small autos in half an 8x4

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Grow hack: buy a co2 monitor to use for a couple days before investing in co2 equipment. Return once you’ve got the data to make an informed decision get $60 back from Amazon


Great point. :beers:

Measures at 650ppm, guess I’m sealing and adding co2, dr bugbee says at 1200ppm that’s a 50% photosynthesis increase and ~30% yield even without increased light. It’s a small room though I can probably get away with a little propane burner.